Chapter 6 Hospital Again

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Chapter 6 Hospital again

Harlow's POV

Moss and I trained for two hours that evening. It left me having the most uncomfortable sleep that I ever had, yet the longest sleep that I'd had it a long time. It didn't take him long to notice that I had issues with my stamina and breathing. If Moss had to go into the human world, I'ms rue he would have no issues at all becoming a personal trainer. I've had many trainee personal trainers talk to me at the physio therapist's office. Those who couldn't find work experience in an actual gym. They gave me the same kind of feelings and confidence that Moss gave me that night.

When morning came, I was startled awake by my brother who shook my shoulder repeatedly. "Training must have worn you out yesterday." It woke me up extremely quickly as I thought he was talking about the private lesson. I had forgotten that he was talking about the session which we had together with the children. "We're leaving in about two hours alright?" I nodded and sat up, rubbing my eyes.

"Good morning." He smiled and replied to me before heading into the kitchen. It was a tradition to say good morning when we first saw each other. It was something which happened in our house since we could remember. I rolled off the settee with a thud before going to get ready.

Fifteen minutes later I joined them in the kitchen, I sat in my usual spot on the floor. It was rather comfortable and it didn't get too cold. Sometimes I felt a little bit like an annoying cat, who just settled wherever I could. It annoyed me slightly but I went along with it, knowing this isn't going to be like this forever.

The next few hours went by in a very slow mannar. I thought they would go by in a flash but they didn't. It was annoying me significantly since I had felt rather good about myself last night. Now I felt like each bone and muscle in my body protested against each movement and anxiety was slowly clawing at my heart, wearing down the outer walls.

We had to walk through the woods, we brought about half the pack for protection. It was a difficult decision to do this but they had all agreed that staying in touch with the human world was important for us. Our mother was in a grave situation, that was our main argument when it came to wanting to go there. This situation has something to do with Travis, that made everything much more dangerous.

We brought Hollis and Elowen, one of the reasons being because they only had one child, it would be a little bit easier moving Melina with a pair of children instead of moving the twins or brothers around. Melina wanted to come with us but we all agreed that wouldn't be the best thing. We promised to bring her something back though.

"The human world is a mess." Hollis sang happily as he picked up a can and put it in the bin. I snorted and shook my head. We had been watching a few movies each friday night to pass the time. The little mermaid was one of his favourites. He made references wherever he went to the point of annoyance.

"He's not wrong." Ralph muttered as we entered the hospital. Elowen moved closer to Hollis as it was a rather busy morning. Aiden and I headed straight to the department our mother was in. We quickly talked to the woman at the reception desk who was probably sick of seeing our faces and we were told to go in.

Holis, Ralph and Elowen stayed outside the door. We weren't allowed to have people here who weren't family. It would have also been a little bit crowded for all of us in the single small room. "Hello." My mother smiled widely at us, surprising me significantly. She looked far better than she had been the previous weeks. "Good morning!"

"Morning mam." Aiden and I almost said in unison as we went over to give her a hug. She squeezed us tightly, causing a smile to rise to my face.

"How are you feeling?" Aiden asked as he sat down next to the head of the hospital bed. Our father was sleeping in the chair next to the window, I didn't understand how he could sleep like that but given what I've been sleeping on, I can't judge.

"It feels like a very heavy blanket has been lifted off me." She chuckled, a sparkle in her eyes. "I was here and could remember everything but it's all fuzzy, it was like that when I was first brought here." She explained to us with a rusty voice. "I'm seeing the world in a clear way again."

"That's great." I lent my chin on the hospital bed and held her hand. "It's good to see you looking more alive." She chuckled and moved her hand so it was stroking my hair. I made a rather annoyed face but I didn't really move away from her.

"It's good to see you boys as well. I've missed you." She smiled softly, even though we had been there quite a bit, it wasn't at all as often as we'd like. "How have you been? We haven't been able to talk at all."

I shook my head as Aiden replied. "We've been busy. We were staying with a friend of mine, they have a big family home so we've been pitching in." I nodded along with his words. "They've been keeping us very busy. It's been really fun living there."

Mam nodded. "Yes, I'm not sure what's happening after this." She looked around lightly and chuckled. "After what happened, I'm not too sure about staying there. " My eyes got a little bit harder as she talked about what happened.

"We'll work something out." Dad grumbled as he rubbed his eyes. "I've been looking into places." I tilted my head slightly. He still hadn't shaved or looked after himself much, but he looked much happier than the last time we had spoken. "The results are coming in about a half hour." We nodded and waited.

Aiden and I left the room each ten minutes before the doctor came. It wasn't Victoria which was a little bit strange. We all straightened our backs as they entered the room. The white coat matched with the walls which surrounded us. "Good evening." He nodded to us before looking at the clipboard, lifting a piece of paper up and reading what was under it. "I have some good news. The poison has almost fully left your system. You should be alright to leave by the beginning of next week."

The room filled with relief, the air was easier to breathe and our shoulders stopped being as tense. She was going to be better. It worked . We were going to get through this and be a full family again. 

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