Chapter 33 Searching

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Chapter 33 Searching

Karim's POV

As soon as I entered the house through the balcony door, I was met with so many emotions. Anger being the most prominent. The place reminded me of far too many office parties where Emi and I were stuck in the corner, waiting for people to talk to us about money and future plans. We were clueless of course, we didn't get to learn anything about the business.

I tiptoed through the hallway, hoping nobody else was in the house. I could hear the wolves outside and I knew that Travis would be able to get one of his minions to smell if there had been any intruders on his property. The cream wallpaper was very familiar and boring as I walked along the red carpeted hall. There was one room that I was determined to enter.

The room was at the very end of the hall on the third floor. The door was different to the rest of them, there were many more locks on it then any other. The door was a richer brown shade than the rest of them. An intruder alarm hung above the door. I reached up and turned it off. Its existence on the outside of the door didn't make much sense to me, but I shrugged it off and entered.

This room had tempted me for years. Ever since I attended my first party, Emi and I wondered what was behind the door and we swore we would find out. After being in the cellar in our old house, it made me even more curious. The door creaked open as I roughly pushed it. Dust covered the floor, as though it hadn't been cleaned in years. There was hardly any light, save for the light which came from the hallway.

Filing cabinets obscured one wall, something which interested me but could be looked through momentarily. A few computers sat upon a desk with images of the forest. The wolves who had accompanied us here were prominent on the screen. I shook my head and scoffed at the fact he had a home security system. I shouldn't be too surprised,given the size of the mansion.

Along the back wall there were cabinets, these are what caught my attention the most. There were drawers and then display cases. With a quick look in the drawers, I found a key. I shook my head at the silliness of keeping them right next to each other and then put the key into the lock. The glass was clear and dust free, but I couldn't see too well due to the darkness. I reached in and my fingers felt around.

I could feel a lot of papers, I didn't pay much mind to those as I didn't think that they would be of much use. The texture of cardboard hit my fingers next as I pulled out a few boxes. My head turned towards the screen as harsh movements started to appear in my line of vision. There were more wolves. They were starting to fight. I looked back to the boxes and started to hurry.

I pocketed a few things before going towards the filing cabinet. I knew exactly what I was looking for and luckily for me, it was in alphabetical order. I tapped the cabinets as I went, to make sure I got the right letter the first time. Around twenty letters later, I came to the 't's. I pulled the drawer open and flicked through them. I didn't pay attention to what I picked out once I realised what letter I had reached. I took a pile of peppers out and put them into my hoodie pocket.

I arrived in the office and took my hoodie off, I made sure that it was secure around me so that nothing would fall out when I shifted to my wolf form. I took a run and leaped off the balcony and landed on top of a wolf. Luckily,I was right in assuming that it wasn't an ally. It didn't take much effort to dispose of the enemies once I had arrived, due to me being rather late.

The wolves seemed to walk in their packs, I didn't mind it but it meant I was mainly on my own. I trailed behind the groups, save for Alroa's pack. Alora's pack were rather strict when it came to strategy and formation, they didn't trust me either. We ran for quite a while, the same as the way we came.

We stopped when we reached a stream. It was when we would be able to eat and grab a drink. I didn't bother turning back into my human form as I drank from the stream. I only turned back when the weight of my hoodie became too much. I took my hoodie off and then went into the stream so that I was mainly covered. Nobody paid attention to me as I looked through what I had gathered.

Some from Dillion's and Kian's packs had retrieved some money from Travis' mansion. They were discussing them rather excitedly. I sat on some rocks and moved the hoodie closer to me, looking over the contents of the pockets.


Finlay and Heather Thompson,

Passed 2011 after being found guilty of betrayal and treason.

Cause of death; execution.

Notes; Finlay and Heather were enthusiastic and encouraging towards those who wished to leave the pack, this shows that they do not see this pack as family and are willing to betray their alpha for alternatives. These wolves are examples of what happens to those who are willing to go against their family. '

The rest of the papers described what they did when they were younger. They were records and diary entries of what they had gotten up to when they were younger, something I didn't read. I wanted to savour reading those for when I was alone and safe.

The boxes were my next focus. The boxes were black and looked well worn. I owned them gingerly. Within the boxes, a simple piece of cardboard held something which made my heart explode in pain and sadness. They were badges, something that looked identical to the one that I always wore around my neck. It was our pack tradition, from what I could remember. Their parents would design it and most often make it themselves. It would stick with them all through their lives, until their deaths where they'd be buried with them.

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