Chapter 7 Brotherly Talks

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Chapter 7 Brotherly talks

Randall's POV

"Do you think they've backed off?" I asked my father as the group came back from the hospital visit. He shook his head and sighed, massaging his temples.

"I don't think so, no." He was hesitant, as though he didn't want to admit it. "He's changed his trajectory." He then straightened his back, he was almost fully recovered now. "We don't know where it is, though we can assume that Karim and Emi have a great deal to do with it." I frowned and started to fidget with my fingers.

"It's a shame, I liked them." My father placed a hand on my back as a comfort to me.

"Hey, we don't have to lose them. It'll be their decision, not Travis'. It's up to them whose side they're on." The sound of small and excited feet was audible seconds before the door was pushed open. Melina stood there with something in her hands.

"Look what I got!" She held it up so the two of us could see. It was a bar of chocolate, Aiden enjoyed keeping one in his bags and gave it to the children when he thought nobody was looking. This particular wrapper had a yellow ribbon on the front of it. "Camel!"

My father and I laughed lightly, though attempting to hold back the bursts of laughter. "It's caramel, yes, wanna have some?" She nodded excitedly at ym question and handed it to me. I opened it up carefully, so that not a lot of it was showing. "This is really sweet, okay? About as sweet as you." I booped her nose which caused her to giggle before handing her the chocolate.

As soon as her tongue hit the dark chocolate her eyes lit up and she hummed with a big smile. The look made my heart melt quicker than the chocolate in her mouth. "That yummy?" My father asked, warmth filling his features. She just nodded happily and broke a few pieces off, giving a piece to each of us. "Awe thank you." We each took a piece and she ran off to share the joy of chocolate.

The conversation drifted from there, the children came in to talk to us about the chocolate and eventually the living room was full with all the members of the pack. I politely excused myself to my room. I looked around with sadness. I haven't changed a piece of it since I got it.

It wasn't very fancy, it was just one of the biggest rooms in the house. It would usually have been the alpha's room and it will be once again when everything's sorted. That wasn't why I haven't changed anything. It was just too sad to move anything around or permanently destroy something which we saw so often. Lathen liked to be able to talk to the members of the pack at any time and made people feel comfortable there. It hasn't changed in the past ten years.

"Thought you'd be here, staring at nothing." I jumped as Ralph's voice came from the doorway. I blinked in surprise and shock before clearing my throat. "What's wrong?" He entered the room slowly and looked around.

"Nothing." I answered quickly. "What's wrong with you?" He raised an eyebrow at me and walked over to the bed, shifting uncomfortably. "It didn't get any easier." He nodded and gestured for me to come closer towards the bed, I did so with slouched shoulders.

"It's still difficult." He muttered. "I don't think it'll stop being difficult." He did something which was between a chuckle and a sob. "This isn't going to get easier." I shook my head and nudged him lightly.

"That is not the spirit." I didn't really put much effort into scolding him. We both just sat there in silence for a few moments in contemplation. "It won't get easier, we'll just get used to dealing with it." I sighed lightly. "You'll get used to being alpha, Ralph."

"How can I get used to it?" He separated his hands from where they were fidgeting with each other. "I haven't even taken up the role yet. Everythings already stressful enough without getting used to a new role and a new alpha." I nodded along with his words.

"We will have enough time in the future." I did fancy gestures with my hands to try and spark a laugh from him but it was unsuccessful. "Honestly, we'll have plenty of time in the future to work on the roles and everything. We're not in any hurry right now. We can all pitch in and help." He managed to crack a smile.

"That's true. The pack has been very patient." He lent on me slightly. "We'll have to figure something out when it comes to Aiden as well. What's going to happen once everything calms down." I nodded along with his words. "His parents are thinking of moving." I furrowed my eyebrows and looked at him oddly.

"Like, move away?" I started to get a little bit more panicked, it wouldn't do anyone good if Aiden moved away. He was now someone that Ralph depended on. I didn't want anything to stand in their way and take him from us.

"No, I don't think so." He sighed lightly and moved so that his head was in his hands. "They're just a little apprehensive since the break in. They might be moving to a different house?" He moved his head side to side and showed his palms once again. "I don't blame them, I would too if my home was broken into and I was sent to hospital for months."

"I'm sorry about the uncertainty." I said honestly. "It must be so frustrating to have a ...mate like that." My words were slow. I didn't understand any of it, I didn't really understand what it was like to be in a relationship, nevermind having a mate.

"Y-no ti's not." He shook his head and smiled. "Aiden is amazing, honestly I don't know what I would've done without him the past few months. "There was a certain sparkle in his eyes. "He has introduced us to so much potential. We would have been in trouble either way, I feel bad that he got involved, and his mother became ill. Though..." He stopped talking before standing up and rushing out of the room.

I chased after him after I got out of shock. He was standing in the middle of the living room with all eyes on him. Aiden had his mouth open and Harlow was staring at him. "I don't know, I didn't think about that. That makes no sense." Aiden muttered.

"Just another question for us to get answers to." Harlow sighed.

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