Chapter 10 Post Office

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Chapter 10 post office

Harlow's POV

i think that Ralph was seriously overreacting. I headed to the post office most days. It was a short walk from our house and sometimes they'd have small jobs for me to do there. Ralph was looking at everyone curiously, even turning around sometimes to follow people's footsteps. It was like seeing a child go to an office for the first time. It was amusing but a little bit annoying as Aiden tried to keep him seeming at least a little decent.

"Stop it." He laughed as he pulled Ralph's attention back to him. "You'll make us stand out." That didn't seem to be much of an issue. We were already standing out as it was. It was nearing winter, which meant that it was getting colder. Aiden and I wore coats and jackets whilst the others wore t-shirts and shorts. "We're here."

We were standing in front of a rather bland building, there were other shops here which Ralph looked at but was dragged away from. Rhodes and Moss trailed behind us slightly. Their sniggers were audible as they watched Ralph be intrigued by every little thing. "Come along child." I said to Ralph as I walked through the door and headed straight to the desk. I looked behind me to see the man with a pouty face and wandering eyes. "Ralph."

He quickly walked over to me as the others entered the door and looked around. I led him to the desk and explained to the lady that we'd like to buy some stamps. She gave us some very odd looks but didn't really have any need to question us. Aiden was the one who paid for the stamps and we decided to use recorded delivery, just in case. Once we were finished the five of us went outside and just sat in the square. It wasn't really a square so to say, it was just a place where there were benches in the shape of a square.

"I don't like the fact that anyone here could be working for them." I said as I glared in front of me at the crack on the pavement. Ralph and Moss nodded in understanding.

"Nor do I." Rhodes replied and looked around. "It just sends shivers down my spine, thinking anyone could be watching us."

Aiden huffed "You sure that's not the cold?" I chuckled along with his words. "So, training today?" He raised an eyebrow with a small frown.

"Not for you. I'm sure you'd be pleased to hear it." Moss answered, he had his arms spread on the top of the bench. "Having a slight break whilst me and Tem figure out what we're going to do next." That probably meant that we would be training tonight as well. Another reason why I was wearing a big coat was to hide the bruises that appeared from me hitting the floor and hitting things.

"It's nearly Christmas." Aiden muttered under his breath as he looked towards a tree. "You've got to go to school." He pointed to me with a stressed look.

"I can do the exams." I nodded firmly. "Other than that I don't know if I can. I'm running out of excuses though." He shook his head again and turned towards me completely.

"School won't hurt. I don't think. We can walk you there and back." The other members of the pack nodded in agreement. I looked at them and sighed.

"I really don't want to cut into your routine anymore than I already have." Moss snorted and Rhodes shook her head.

"What routine? That's out the window." Moss replied with salt dripping from his words.

"We need a new routine anyway. It'll probably be good, we'll be able to get out more." Ralph continued. "We could see Dean more, Emi might be there. Get a little bit more normal." His words didn't seem like they were coming from him.

"That's not your normal though." I muttered and then turned back to the crack in the pavement. The christmas tree then caught my eyes again. "Do you guys celebrate christmas?" I asked them quietly.

"Christmas?" Rhodes asked in confusion. "I've heard of it." I looked at them with my mouth agape.

"Aiden you dare tell me you haven't introduced the pack to our holidays?" The attempt at changing the subject seemed to be going well. "It's one of the best holidays of the year." Aiden nudged me lightly.

"E can have a human history lesson at some point." He rolled his eyes lightly. "We can do all the traditions and stuff. I'm sure the kids will like it." Moss and Rhodes seemed a little bit more interested at the mention of the children. I hesitated slightly, I wanted to be able to be with my family at christmas, it hadn't been the same celebrating the holidays that we missed whilst mam was ill and dad was focused on work. "Build gingerbread houses, see if it snows." He trailed off slightly.

"Hot cocoa and bonfires." I grinned happily. The atmosphere was a lot lighter than it was a few moments ago. "Are we heading back?" I looked up towards the sky as rain started to hit the ground.

"We'll get soaked through if we don't." Rhodes stood up and stretched slightly. "Not looking forward to training in the rain." Moss shook his head and got up too.

"You never do. Nor does anyone that I have met." We then started to head back towards the forest. It was quite a far walk, having to pass my school and quite a few streets before trees started to become a lot more frequent. The forest had a little bit of a false start, trees surrounded a field before it got to the actual forest. It was nice to walk through the field when there were no children around.

When we got to the packhouse we were greeted with many muddy kiddos. Abilene was almost unrecognisable as she was also covered in mud, "Moss, a little help with these two?" she pointed towards two wolves who were fighting on the ground.Their fur was identical to each other so I assumed it was the twins. Moss nodded and rushed over, picking them both up, getting his clothes extremely mucky.

"Where's your mother?" He asked the two of them before another wolf came out of nowhere and slid on the ground, causing mud to cover Moss. "There she is." He shook his head at the three of them with a disapproving look. "Good sneak attack honey." She looked at him happily . I then headed straight into the house to get changed and warmed up, before the rest of the day gave us something more to stress about.

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