When You Have Writers Block and No Idea What to Write About

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A/N: Bro, I have a major case of writers' block so there's gonna be another story just like this but I promise the next few and the ones in between are gonna be genuine ideas that came out of my big but smooth brain. It's not like I don't have any good ideas but those turn out to be just story plots. So I'm just gonna post one story at a time 4 times this week so that's suitable for me. Anyways enjoy this mess.

Site used - fanficmaker.com (I added/edited some parts but the majority of it was just the site)

Lemons? (I'll let you know when those come up so you can skip)

Once they were alone and away from the others, Sonic met with Shadow in a nearby farmhouse
They had been meeting like this a while now, often in the evenings or at night. A deep friendship had struck up after their previous adventures, but they kept it hidden as they didn't know what the others would think. They often did some talking, some eating of chili dogs, and maybe a few board games. They were quite close friends by now. This particular night they were sharing secrets. Telling each other things neither had told anyone else before. Things that not a single soul knew.

"Then there was that time I...Destroyed Robotniks swimsuit!" Sonic said

"oh, Sonic! That's positively evil! and I should know!" Shadow jokingly responded

They both laughed. The night had been full of stories like this. The time Shadow blackmailed a Miner. Or the time Sonic fooled a Bricklayer into thinking it was the end of the world.. Endless stories shared just between them and no one else. It was making them closer. Closer than Sonic had ever thought possible. As Sonic was telling another story, He thought He saw Shadow examining Him. Looking with..was that longing? Nah...couldn't be. The moment was over and they departed each other's company. Sonic felt something had changed that night but wasn't sure what.

Sonic at that moment felt in his pocket. That's strange there was a note. It said He should rendezvous at the demolished beach at sunset. Sonic kept this secret as it was just for Him.

Weird Lemon Warning (If you can even call it that)

"Why are you looking at me like that Shadow? It's almost like you want me badly. Ha Ha!" Sonic chuckled.

"You're my one true friend, Sonic, probably the best one I've had in a long time. I like talking to you, hanging out with you, and I even love listening to you sing. ...And now that you've pointed it out, I think I might like trying sex with you." Shadow then approached Sonic as he grazed his hands up and down Sonics back.

"You're touching me. That's not considered appropriate behavior," Sonic whispered, His bottom lip trembling while His limbs felt frozen.

"Maybe not. But I don't think you're going to stop me." Shadow stroked

His hand up Sonic's hip, and pulled His shirt from his trousers. Sonic's eyes fluttered shut when He felt Shadow's fingers touch the skin of His lower back. But He forced them open again and stared into Shadow's pretty eyes.

"I should stop you." Sonic knew He should. This was Shadow. Shadow! Could He dare wreck their close friendship? And what about their destiny? But that didn't bother Sonic nearly as much.

"Stop me," Shadow said, and made it sound like a dare.

Sonic was all set to glare at Shadow, but it faded away when He got his first real look at Shadow. I mean sure, Sonic had seen Shadow before, but not REALLY seen them. Not with these new eyes that Sonic now had. His eyes had been opened.

Shadow's manly chest.
His pretty neck.

His uncontrollable eyebrows. 

In point of fact, Sonics mouth went a little slack and there may have been some drool. It dripped on Shadow. Shadow didn't seem to mind Sonics fluids though. Any kind of fluid dropping on Him was fine it seemed. "ewww" He said but halfway it turned to an "owwwwwww".

"owwwwwww"! It was an "owwwwwww" of pleasure. It was the first of many sounds to come.

They kissed each other softly. Sonic whispered sweet nothings into Shadow's ear.

After they had finished - exhausted and embarrassed, they decided to go home and tell all their friends (Alright pop off I guess..)

Alright so that was kinda weird and I have one more but I can't dare post it after this one so I'll post it tomorrow. Well bye, Luvs and see you next Oneshot.

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