When You Have Writers Block and No Idea What to Write About 2

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A/N: Hey, this is I guess part 2 of writer's block I know I dropped this one a bit early but it's because when I thought I had this idea but it wasn't enough to make a decent length of a story. I'll try to come up with more ideas for now but when I tell you I'm in need of requests. I am it'll help a bunch and help me put out more content. I started it off with an incorrect quotes generator and then used this ai to make a story. It's pretty weird. Anyways enjoy this mess.

Sites used - perchance.org/incorrect-quote-generator and inferkit.com/demo

Swear Warning (People may care or not idk but ill still put it here)

Also, this story is legit weird so read at your own risk

Shadow: Know why I called you in here?

Sonic: Because I accidentally sent you a dick pic.

Shadow: *Stops pouring two glasses of wine.* Accidentally? *Hits on someone's butt with a glass of wine.*

Sonic: Jesus, you're a horny bastard.

Shadow: I think it's best that I go home, Sonic.

Sonic: We haven't even been dating for a week, you absolute ass.

Shadow: I mean, it's not like I'm trying to keep you. You know this was for Carcassonne. It's only fair. *Blinks*

Sonic: Fuck you, asshole.

Shadow: I know, I know.

They kiss before Shadow shoves Sonic through the air, leaving him to hit a chandelier before he then falls to the ground. (How do you just kiss someone and throw them like that?! The hell-)

Eggman: I was waiting all week for you two to get back together, Sonic & Shadow.

Shadow: I feel horrible for hurting you.

Sonic: You're right.

Eggman: Now let's just take it from the top. What the hell was going on with Shadow at the dance?

Sonic: *Heavy sighs* You know how our love of biking came up in the past, right? (Bikes? Seriously... BIKES?)

Shadow: I-I know we talk about bikes all the time.

Sonic: Well I can't talk about bikes anymore after I got suspended for being a dick on the road.

Shadow: Don't worry about that, I didn't even know you got suspended. *Jumps on top of Sonic, wearing only a jockstrap. (Uhm ok then pop off I guess...)

Sonic: *Pauses before laughing* So? What the hell were you doing with your speed bike in the street? 

Shadow: I wasn't on my bike. I was just walking home with my bike.

Sonic: But, it's clear that you weren't even going fast enough to be dangerous.

Shadow: Really? Did you get that by simply looking at me? I'll show you what dangerous is!

Shadow starts running and leaves Sonic hanging from the noose by his neck. (WHERE'D SHADOW GET A NOOSE FROM. IS HE GONNA HANG SONIC?! Or has he already been hung? I can't tell anymore with this story)

Eggman: I thought you two were in love, Sonic.

Sonic: Well, we were for a while, but that was in my wild daydreams.

Shadow: Is that so? Well in your wild night dreams?

Sonic: You're just looking for an excuse to break up with me.

Shadow: Well I wouldn't say 'excuse,' but I mean, since when do you dream about bike rides?

Sonic: I never thought I'd say this, but thanks for not sucking it up and doing it properly. I still love you, but it was getting kind of old having my love sucked up like that every time I fell into a relationship.

Shadow: So we're breaking up now?

Sonic: Yeah, because I'm still going to have my wild days.

Shadow: Then you'll need a replacement bike. (What is it with the bikes?)

Sonic: Like a nicer bike than yours?

Shadow: I don't need a replacement bike, I need a break from having my heart torn out every two minutes.

Sonic: A break from the broken hearts of the women who like you as much as I do?

Shadow: That's it, I'm out. (So nobodys gonna talk about the jockstrap I'm pretty sure he's still wearing it? OR THE FACT SONIC STILL HAS A NOOSE AROUND HIS NECK! Uhm no ok then ill just  ignore it too.)

They hug and kiss before going separate ways. (What an odd way to say goodbye to the person you just broke up with. I understand the hug but A KISS?)

Well yeah, it was a bit short but it was longer than the originally planned one shot which was the length of a 30-second youtube short script. I'll try to ask a few friends for better ideas to help me make more quality oneshots. This was less weird than the generation I got before this one. the only reason I didn't post that one was because it seemed like I was the one talking after a while and that'd be pretty weird If people thought I said all that stuff so I just didn't post it. Lemme know if you like it when I use these types of sites and maybe ill make a Writers Block 3. Well, have a nice day/night, and goodbye!

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