Shadow and Sonic (Villians AU)

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A/N: I don't have much to say except finally a new oneshot is out. Plus it's probably my longest one with over 1000 words so yea Enjoy!

(Shadow P.O.V.)

I'm trying to think up an evil plan and I have to make sure that Dr.Eggman and his robots can't stop me from successfully executing it. I'm Shadow the strongest villain you'd ever meet and I have an assistant named Sonic. Sometimes I kinda regret taking Sonic in but villains have hearts too yknow but they just don't like to use them often. Sonic was abandoned and neglected and left in the dust just like I was. He went through so much mental pain and abuse. I've been through things similar to that. Me and Sonic are both different. Sonic is a very cheerful person and despite what he's been through he likes to live life to the fullest but I'm a very serious person who keeps things to themself and buries them in. But sometimes Sonic helps comfort me and helps me get it out. People like Dr.Eggman try to stop powerful people like me and him but I won't let that happen.

I then thought of a good plan that I'm sure would work. I'll destroy the town and our digital assistant Tails will make a rocket so- wait a second I can't spoil the surprise for the reader ;)

"Tails make a rocket and Sonic take it to the town square immediately after he's done!'' I command

"Yes, Sir Ill work on it right away" Tails responds.

Then I start to strategize my plan. Tails was a handy little thing who had a knack for technology since he well was sort of an AI so he finished the rocket in a flash. Then as soon as you know it Sonic was walking off to the town square with a rocket following behind him.

(Sonic P.O.V.)

I make my way down to the town square carrying the rocket Tails built. I had no clue what it was for but it was Shadow's plan and you don't question a plan that belongs to Shadow or you'll be in serious trouble.

People notice me and I can hear them whispering they're scared of me I know it. It humors me to see the weak citizens be scared of me of all people. After all no one's scarier than Shadow so they must be scared of me because I work for him. It's still so fun to be feared. I hide the rocket in a safe spot then I begin to taunt the townsfolk

"You're scared of me huh well I'm not gonna hurt you for now because Shadows gonna-" Then s wonderful smell interrupts my speech

I follow the smell and see a chili dog stand I have to get one. All of a sudden I feel something hard hit me and everything goes black.

(Shadow P.O.V.)

It's been a few hours since my plan was finished and Sonic went off with the rocket but I haven't heard from him at all

"Tails what's the status on Sonics location?" I ask him

"My readings say he's still at the town square sit" He responds to me

That doofus has probably found a chili dog stand again. Sonic loves chili dogs and I always get him one after a victorious battle but he's so impatient and can't wait so he always runs to one and lollygags there for a while. I should probably go get him and remind him of the plan. I then head to the town square. After I arrive at the town square I see people who look panicked and scared. That's what I like to see. I then chuckle a bit to myself until all of a sudden I hear someone yelling.


They made it sound as if Dr.Eggman and his robots or as he calls them, badniks were waiting for me. I hate when that happens. Something tells me they did something to Sonic but what?

I then hear Sonic groan

"Oh hi Shads," I hear Sonic say in the distance.

Seeing him tied up in a tree like that makes me worry for him. WHAT DID THEY DO TO HIM! I must know.

"Sonic what happened?!?!?" I ask

"I was taunting the local townsfolk until I smelt a wonderful smell that came from that chili dog stand over there," He said as he pointed his head to the direction of a nearby chili dog stand. "So I went to got get one but all of a sudden I got hit with something hard and everything went black and now im here tied up to this tree." He finishes explaining

"How could they do this to you?" I asked with visible concern in my eyes. " Don't worry Sonic ill make sure that fucker won't touch you again"

"I didn't think villains had hearts, let alone for their minions" I hear Dr.Eggman laugh

"He's an assistant, not a minion!" I shout

"Ha! Same difference," He says as he drives his egg mobile close to me.

"Now let's try to compromise ok Shadow?'' He asks

"Fine what is it?" I reply annoyed

"I will give you Sonic back if you tell us your plan and stop it or ill just have to command my robots to crush you." He tries to compromise

This dumb compromise isn't gonna get me to stop my plan. I'll find a way to destroy Eggman and get Sonic back at the same time

"Hmm, I'll take this into consideration," I respond " Eh, how bout I show you my plan instead,"

"CHAOS SPEAR" I then hit him with a bolt

"Look, I'm sorry to ruin your fun but you cant play so unfair," Eggman says sounding hurt

I knew he wasn't sorry but whatever but I don't care because all I'm focusing on is saving Sonic and defeating the Dr for good.

"ROBOTS ATTACK!!!!!!!!" I hear him yell

The fight has begun. I see Eggman and his robots charging twoard me I pull out my fire rifle and make sure those robots are burnt to a crisp making sure parts of the town are set ablaze with them I then charge at Eggman and form my chaos blade of fire and I'm ready to slash at him until I notice an unattended Sonic who looks a bit panicked and worried for me. I need Sonic. I need him in my life and I don't know what I would do without him. I also look and see the rocket as well. A package deal.

I'll go to Sonic first

With my blade up against the Dr, I stare into the distance. I try to think of a distraction. I then see his egg mobile that he cares oh so much about unattended.

"Hey Dr," I say.

"What?" he responds.

"You better get your egg mobile before it burst aflame~" I say deviously.

"MY EGG MOBILE!!!!!!" I hear him yell. He runs towards the stranded egg mobile while leaving me unattended.

I run towards Sonic and I untie him from the tree. I hug Sonic tightly. "

"Sonic, I'm so glad to see you. Can you get me the rocket?" I say happily.

"Sure thing Shads" Sonic responds.

Sonic pulls the rocket out of the hiding spot to the center of Town Square. Eggman then sees me by it.

"YOU WON'T ESCAPE WITH THAT SHADOW!!!!" he yells. Eggman then hops out of his egg mobile and runs to the rocket to destroy it

SONIC, TAILS NOW!" I command. Then Sonic pushes Eggman into the rocket and Tails locks the rocket doors. Tails then activates the rocket and it shoots up to the sky.

"Bye Bitch" we both say and laugh. All of a sudden I hear Sonic laugh "Hah Look, a shooting star!"

"Yeah, a shooting star....." I respond.

I take Sonic by the hands.

"I love you Sonic," I say

"I love you too Shadow" He responds with twinkles in his eyes

I pull him in and we share a passionate kiss. Then we walk together back to the base holding hands with the flames shining behind us and the sounds of terrified screams in the background.

Now before I go I wanna tell you guys to check out my friend Candiequeen0256 new Miray (Mighty x Ray) story! It's called trust betrayal trust so if that sounds interesting I'd advise checking it out! That's all bye~

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