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When I (Espi) first started this book I did not expect people to read it but 10k of you did and I'm so happy about that (ノ^_^)ノ. Maybe if we hit 15 or 20k ill tell you about the origin/history of this account but for now, you get the origin of the story. Anyways one day I was bored so I decided to write a oneshot. I was fairly new to the Sonic fandom at the time but I already knew after looking at hours of Sonic content that Sonadow was gonna become my main ship. I originally wrote a oneshot about 2 boys named Cherry and Sam and they met in this dream world (I'll put that at the end of this chapter) so I rewrote it (so it'd be better and fit each character's personality more) and posted it up here. I remember waking up the next day and being ecstatic about having 20 views because the fact that 20 people saw it excited me and as time went on the numbers grew and grew and here I am today with 10K views. Believe it or not but this has hit me with a surge of motivation so expect maybe 3 oneshots (we'll see but maybe 2 new ones and one featured in the previews?), MAYBE JUST MAYBE a new chapter of Spending My Summer With You (If you haven't seen it yet check it out but it only has 2 chapters), and less shitposting from Xenon cause he kinda took a break but this man is my motivation because we went to the mall the other day and MAN IT WAS FUNNN. Anyways enough about my personal life. 

 I Espi SonicInsomniac hereby solemnly swear that I will post about 3 oneshots (2 new, 1 one unfinished one that was in the previews) and MAYBE a new chapter of Spending My Summer With You before the end of May.

I can't thank you guys enough for your votes and comments (I love reading your comments and if I don't respond I'm kinda shy but I still love them). And I also thank you so much for your support because I can't thank you guys enough. 

It may not be Sonadow related but it's the oneshot that started it all so now without further ado enjoy Dream Boy (The Original Oneshot).

TW: Zero indenting, absolutely no quotations, bad spelling, punctuation, and a cringy writing style (But Im not changing nothin)

(Sam P.O.V.)

Recently, I've been having these weird dreams, but they're not at all weird. If I like them a lot, why does it feel wrong to say so? I walk to my bed, so I can go to sleep. I sometimes take melatonin to help me if I feel like I can't fall asleep quickly enough. I guess that's how desperate I am. How can I be such a fool? He's not even real. How can I feel the way I do over a person that lives in my dreams. I long to fall asleep so I can be in a fantasy world whereas the real world is right here. How am I so delusional. I close my eyes and then drift off to sleep. The melatonin must have kicked in already. Now asleep, I am awaiting my dream world. A world that I wish I could live in for real.

(3rd person P.O.V.)

Sam finds himself in a white world of white grass and white trees. He knows where he is. He then runs through the white forest hoping to find him. There you are, redhead Sam says. Hmph, I told you not to call me that. The mysterious figure responds. Oh Cherry, don't be like that. Sam laughs. I'll be whatever way I want to be. He responds. Sam climbs up a snowy white tree and sits on a branch. That looks fun. Cherry says. Well then come join me. Sam responds as he taps the spot right next to him. Cherry then climbs up the tree and sits down. Sam then moves a little to make room. I wouldn't do that if I were you, Cherry says. Sam doesn't listen and says it's not like I'm gonna fall or anything and continues to wiggle around smirking. Not realizing it, Sam finds himself at the end of the branch and ends up falling. Sam doesn't scream though, and Cherry just sits there and laughs. Why? Because they're still in a dream world. After softly falling to the ground, Sam gets back up again.

(Cherry P.O.V.)
I continue to laugh and then say I told you so as I watch Sam get back up again from his light fall. Well, it's not my fault the tree branch isn't long enough. Sam responds. I then hop off the tree and walk next to him. Don't do that again. I say. But it's a dream world. I can do anything without getting hurt. Sam responds. But I still care about you, I say, trying not to blush. Well, don't worry about me. Sam responds. It gets silent for a second. It's nice that you care though Sam says, trying to break the silence. I worry because I don't wanna lose another. I respond. Sam looks a bit confused. I understand why. He thinks I'm just a figment of his imagination, but I'm not; this isn't just in his head but in a different dimension, but I can't tell him that yet.

(3rd person P.O.V.)

The awkward walk continues as it's silent. Glances are exchanged, but nobody can think of anything to say. Umm, Cherry Sam says, finally breaking the silence. What's up? Cherry responds. There's something I want to tell you... Well, what is it? Cherry asked, dying to know what Sam wanted to tell him. Sam felt very hesitant, he wasn't sure if this was the time to confess, but to get it out of the way Sam then shouted I LIKE YOU A LOT, BUT I KNOW YOU'RE NOT REAL I JUST WANNA GET IT OFF MY CHEST. Cherry smiled, teeth glimmering, and he pulled Sam in for a kiss. Sam was very unsure but soon melted into the kiss. They both shared a passionate kiss.

(Sam P.O.V)

I felt amazing, but then I felt..... Ashamed. Ashamed of myself. That I loved a man that wasn't real. I cried. Hey Sam... What's wrong? Cherry asked worriedly. I'm fine. I lied. You're not, I can clearly see you crying, he responded. Fine, I'll tell you what's wrong. I responded but then. I just lost it. YOU'RE NOT REAL. I shouted. THIS IS IN MY DREAMS. YOU'RE FAKE. I yelled in anger, but he just gave a little chuckle and he smiled. Why are you- Look, Sam. He interrupted. What if I told you I was real. Would you believe me? He asked. Wait, what- Shh, he interrupted again as he put a finger to my mouth. You're about to wake up. I'll see you again, my dream boy. I promise he said as he booped my nose. As soon as I blinked, I was out of that white forest and in my room. Is what he said true? Well, until then, ill keep waiting for him...

My Dream boy.....

Thanks for 10K views <33333

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