Chapter One - Visitors

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Jennifer Dwayne

24th May 2015 - Santa Monica, Los Angeles

For me, the perfect time on a morning is when you're on the verge of waking up and having to enter reality but you're also not that far off from going back to sleep and, in my case, properly waking up a few hours later. Of course, I didn't get to fall back to sleep and escape my friends, my job and schoolwork since one of my two roommates decided to slam my bedroom open.

Groaning at the sudden burst of sunlight in my room from the windows in the hall, I rolled over and tugged a pillow over my, surely matted, brown hair in hope they would go away. But no, I was wrong. Like always. I knew exactly which roommate it was as soon as they jumped on top of me. The heavier one, the more muscly one, and they smelt like sweat. It was most definitely, unless Bellamy changed dramatically through the night, Logan Wallace.

"Whadda' want?" I half mumbled-half complained while keeping my head firmly underneath the pillow.

Logan shifted his weight so he was completely lying on top of me. Luckily, I had my bed covers to protect me from the layer of sweat that was radiating off him. "You have visitors," He tried and failed to do it in the automated voice what said 'You have email' but failed terribly.

With all of my strength, which was very little since I was waking up, I shoved the brute off my bed and pulled myself up. Sighing, I rubbed my eyes and shooed my roommate away, to go tell the people demanding my presence: I'll be there in a second. Who the hell wants me anyway? It's a bloody weekend.

My bare-feet collided with the cold gray carpet that covered the floor of my bedroom. Before plodding into the living room where Bellamy, Logan and my unidentified visitors were waiting, I tugged my light-brown hair into a, fairly messy, bun.

Bellamy, as per usual, was attacking her keyboard while she played her favorite video game. Her dirty blonde hair flowed down her back and over the dark red hoodie she wore, the black rimmed glasses, that were resting on her nose, reflected the screen onto her dark blue eyes. She peered up from her screen for a few seconds, gave me a smile meaning 'Good Morning' before locking eye-contact with her lit screen and disappearing into her fantasy world once again.

Logan was in the kitchen, which looked out at the living room/dining room, and after seeing my sleepy expression, creased pajamas, what was really some sportswear I never used, and bedhead hair, he pointed at the three people slouched on the crummy sofa we bought a couple of months ago. One wore a red beanie, one, who was the only girl out of the three, had bright purple hair and another had a hood over his head. I knew the hooded figure was a guy since he kept complaining at the other guy who was battling him on our PlayStation.

I cleared my throat. The game was paused and all heads turned to me. "So I've been told you're here for me?" I questioned while walking towards the couch.

"Jennifer?" A familiar voice asked from underneath the striped hood once he had stood up. I smiled as realized who it was. Eugene Sims. My cousin that was taken away from our family, but the one who saved hundreds of them after bringing down Augustine.

"Eugene!" I gasped as I reeled him into a hug. I could tell why Logan looked so shocked back in the kitchen, the three that forced peace between conduits and humans were sitting, and standing, in our living room. "God it's been ages..."

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