Chapter Seven (Part Four) - Greetings From The Dead

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Bellamy Ross

25th May 2015 - Santa Monica, Los Angeles

Right now, I could easily say we were all confused about Jennifer's surprised expression. Jennifer wasn't one to get startled by the sound of the roof door clattering open and a blonde woman, who looked more like a hooker than anything else, stumbling out while getting ready to smoke her life away. This woman could have been a friend of Jennifer's in the past, back in Delaware, but she's never mentioned someone matching this description.

I looked over at Logan, who shot me the some confused look. Neither of us had any idea why she was acting like this. Delsin was completely awestruck by the woman, just sat there staring at her obviously picking up a thing for the unknown woman. Fetch, on the other hand, was showing no emotion. She was acting as if this woman was just another citizen you find on the streets, I guess we were acting the same way until we saw Jen's expression.

"My God..." Jen muttered, scowling with confusion. "That- -What? Katrina Olin...Katrina is that you?" I glanced back at the woman who Jen was now claiming to be called Katrina, she just stood shell-shocked at the group with a lit cigarette hanging out of her mouth.

The woman's eye widened as she realized something. Jennifer stood up and walked over. "At first I didn't think it was you but...It's really you Jen!" She exclaimed reeling her into a hug. "It's been what? 3 years? 4?"

"Too long," She answered, laughing at her rolling off numbers. I shot Eugene a look, my very famous who-the-hell-is-she look to be exact and he just shrugged his shoulders. "What happened to you? Y-Your hurt...and take that damn thing out of your mouth. It'll kill you,"

Katrina laughed and followed Jennifer's instructions by crushing the cigarette with her heel. "To put it simply, my boyfriend's a jerk and hated the fact that I dumped him," Why do I not believe her? If someone was to get punched, they would have more bruising than that... 

"Oh I want you to meet everyone!" Jennifer exclaimed. I quietly groaned and turned to my food as the sound of heels became louder and louder. Eugene punched my arm, telling me to shut-up. I punched him back and he just smirked as he started to eat. "Okay. So you might have met my cousin Eugene Sims before," She started prodding his head.

Eugene just did a small salute more than a wave as he continued to eat. "This is Bellamy Ross, the second-biggest nerd of the group," Katrina let out a small laugh as I looked up and did a blunt smile before eating. "Logan Wallace, the body-builder of the group. Abigail 'Fetch' Walker, the Neon conduit, the youngest and most British conduit Eden Fitzgerald and last but not least, Delsin Rowe,"

Everyone smiled in her direction as she took a seat in between Delsin and Jennifer, taking some of the food we ordered for Jen. Almost instantly, Katrina hit it off with the Power Absorption conduit - Mr Delsin Rowe. We were sat up on the roof for a good couple of hours, skipping through topics of conversations and starting to plan out what we were going to do to bring down the monstrosity that is Nine. Eden was perking up and happily having a talk with Eugene, Jennifer, Logan, Fetch and myself while Katrina and Delsin blabbered on to one another. I couldn't help but notice the strange eye-contact that was being passed between Katrina and Fetch. Confusedly, I peered from one to another and so did Eugene.

"Is it just me or are they up to something?" I muttered to Eugene while Eden and Jennifer starting talking about the Brit's powers. "I've never seen two people look at one another so much..."

"Maybe they know one another..." The Video conduit mumbled, looking in the direction I was. He was hidden by the hood of his stripped hoodie while the sides of my face was being covered by my dirty blonde hair. Eugene and I had some similarities and that freaked me out a little, why? I didn't know.

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