Chapter Two (Part Two) - The Enemy

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Jennifer Dwayne

24th May 2015 - Santa Monica, Los Angeles

Still frozen with shock, I watched as the girl disappeared in a blur of red light. Why did she save me? Who even was she? My brain was crammed with unanswerable questions. Sharp gusts of wind howled around me as I remained with both of my feet on the roof of a skyscraper. In the distance I could see the Santa Monica Pier standing tall, arching over the beach Bellamy, Logan and I visit on a regular basis.

Even if that girl healed me, a searing pain drilled into my head causing me to place my hands on my temples and wince. This surely wasn't a headache. Sound was blocked out as the pain carried on ripping up my insides. I stumbled to my knees and placed one hand on the ground, keeping myself up. Tears cascaded down my cheeks - this was awful. Was it the conduit's fault? I felt hands wrap around my arms or be placed on my back as I was hauled up. I knew I was hissing in pain. But I just couldn't hear it. My body couldn't keep up with the stress my brain was putting it through. A continuous ring sounded in my eardrums attacking them as it got louder. I suddenly felt heavy, like every inch of my figure was being crushed by weights. And just like that, I was out like a light.

25th May 2015 - Santa Monica, Los Angeles

"God- -I'm gonna kill the conduit that did this to her!" A familiar female voice exclaimed as footsteps tapped around the room I was in. Bellamy. My senses were coming back alive, one by one but my eyelids remained sealed with tiredness. What the hell happened to me? It feels like I'm underwater...

"Didn't you see? I think the conduit that did this is already dead," Someone replied in a nonchalant tone. Delsin?

Bellamy sighed. "Not that one!" Where am I? What's going on? "The one with the red power- -Miles had black, y'know since he controlled shadows- -I thought I explained this to you!"

How long was I out? I thought Bellamy had trouble speaking to strangers like Delsin...Where's all this confidence come from? "Calm down, Bella. We'll just wait until Jen wakes up and we'll ask her what happened," My body-builder roommate, Logan, said, probably preventing her from pacing - it's what she did when she was angry like this.

"We can't just suddenly question her as soon as she wakes up! She needs to sort herself out- -come to terms with what happened!" Bellamy argued. Is she okay? I haven't heard her be like this is over a year now.

"And we can do that! But seriously, what if she wakes up and sees you like this? Jen hasn't seen you this angry since you found you powers and wanted to beat everyone up because of it!" Logan exclaimed, battling against the sound of the TV in the background. Oh God...I remember that day. Her powers freaked the living daylights out of me. Air Manipulation...

"Eugene," The air conduit mumbled, steering away from the conversation. "The doctor spoke to you only did he? What did he say?"

I heard someone walk to my side. "She's fine..." He muttered, unsure how to phrase his sentence. Something's up. He's using that voice. The I'm-lying-and-trying-to-hide-it voice. I know my cousin to well.

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