Chapter Four - Powers

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Jennifer Dwayne

25th May 2015 - Santa Monica, Los Angeles

Loose strands, that once were in the plait Bellamy laced into my hair, fell on my face as I remained half-asleep with my eyes firmly shut. A chill weaved it's way into the hospital room causing shivers to cascade down my spine and making me tug at the woolen blanket over my bare arms and legs. I couldn't focus my mind on anything good. The scene that haunted Santa Monica was drilled into my memory sucking all of the life out me since I could only think of horrible things.

Nausea crept upon me, making me cling onto my stomach with my right arm and hand, my black painted nails dug their way into my flimsy hospital gown as the scenes started to rack my brain. Women, men, children slaughtered - for what? Revenge? Popularity? A messed-up reputation? Families would be distraught, their trust in conduits would be broken and their hatred would grow. The word 'bio-terrorist' is going to become real popular soon. This 'freak-attack' would be the start of the rise of the D.U.P again. I don't think people will think the same about conduits after this- -Even if someone stopped them or not.

Yesterday, Bellamy, Eugene and Delsin didn't even get a chance to fight the three monsters that stormed the streets of Santa Monica. No, as soon as they stepped outside onto the obliterated road the conduits disappeared into the air. But those three did get a stunning view of what Miles' and his 'friends' did to the inhabitants of our city. They couldn't believe what they saw. Up close, it must have been ten times worse than from Logan and I's point of view.

"Shi- -" I hissed as my eyes shot open. Pain jabbed at my body, every inch of it coming from a section in my brain. It's just like the other day. I wanted to rip each of my cells out just to stop the burning sensation colliding through me. It felt like my insides were being replaced.

Then, the weirdest thing began to happen. Images of myself using a bright green power flowed into my mind. This doesn't feel like a dream. It was like my brain was predicting the future. The abilities that came with the power, Kinetic Manipulation, rolled on in my head.

After the images came to a halt, I shot up straight and blinked rapidly. My eyes darted around the room. I gazed upon my sleeping friends before peering through the window. The sun was being to rise, tinting the city a pale orange color.

I didn't know what had gotten into me, I felt like something was rushing through me causing my breathing to quicken and my heart to race. I could hear better, see more clearly and for some strange reason - I felt incredibly stronger. Bursting with an energy I never knew I had inside me, I looked down at my hands. At the same time, I locked onto my hands I watched as an vibrant emerald green wrapped itself around my arms after seeping out of my fingertips. Wide-eyed, I grinned at the sight in front of me.

The loud snoring coming from one of the three guys currently in my hospital room snapped me out of my adrenaline-powered daze. Something deep within me wanted to unleash this power I now controlled. Without waking up any of the people trapped in a sleeping coma, I dragged myself away from the uncomfortable hospital bed and hissed in shock as my bare feet plodded against the cold plastic floor.

I darted across my hospital room and slipped a little but was lucky enough to keep myself up since I clung to the metal door handle that had been badly attached to the glazed wood. I dashed out into the hallway and ran down, weaving my way through the doctors, nurses and patients. Most people stared at me strangely as I ran down the corridor full of life. This place wasn't weighing me down anymore.

Before I made my way down towards the elevators, I came across a cupboard labelled 'CLOTHES'. Right now, I needed something other than the revealing, open-backed hospital gown I was forced to wear- -Well, what I woke up in yesterday. After peering at my left then my right, I entered the small room.

I scanned the wooden lockers for the one graced with my name. Smiling, I came upon it and pulled out my clothes to find that everything was there - the over-sized, sleeveless, black shirt, gray ripped jeans with a chain hanging from one pocket, the brown combat boots with broken laces that I have owned for years and a pair of black socks. After pulling on every item of clothing I had, I looked in each square filled with clothing from other patients.

While checking if nobody was coming into the room, I filed through someone's belongings and fished out a phone, with earphones attached, alongside a couple of hundred dollars. Surely no-one will miss these if their just lying about in your pockets. I shoved the stolen goods into the pockets of my jeans and skipped out of the room leaving a crumpled gown on the floor. But before I completely left, I spotted a dark green bandanna which, of course since it was my favorite color, I took and tightened around my plait - hiding the luminous orange bobble that belonged to Bellamy.

"Let's go have some fun," I muttered smirking placing in the earphones and playing a tune from the owner's Spotify.

As I began to run through the hallway, I ran completely past the elevators which was one of three ways down. The second was at the other end of the corridor, so that only left one. The window. You're insane if this works, Jennifer. And it did. Igniting my powers, I shattered the thin glass and jumped out into the street. Heads turned, phones were whipped out so they could record the whole thing and screams erupted from quite a few people as I hurtled towards the ground.

I slammed against the ground, with a clean landing, and stood up - unharmed. This felt amazing. Once I began to run again, my powers started to make me go faster. I dashed through the street, the bright emerald green surging around me making me stand out. That was until, someone grabbed my arm.

"What?!" I hissed turning to find Logan with his hand wrapped around my upper-arm. "H-How?!"

"I forgot to tell you years ago," He muttered. "I'm a conduit,"


A/N: I just wanted to thank everyone who read my story and helped me get to 100 reads! For some well-known wattpaders, a 100 reads isn't much since they get thousands on most of their stories (Because they're pretty amazing) but for me getting 100 reads is a million times better than I expected. (I thought my followers would only read this :3 ) It kinda means loads that people will take minutes of their time to read my story. Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoy the rest of this fanficition!

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