Chapter Three - A Faulty Partnership

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Jennifer Dwayne (21)

18th June 2011 - Wilmington, Delaware

To be completely honest with you, I never imagined myself to be classed by the public as a 'delinquent'. My younger-self believed I would travel the world, become famous or rich, have a massive family and great friends. No- -My young ignorant self needs a slap in the face by reality. Here I was, Jennifer Dwayne, sitting on the edge of a skyscraper, watching the world go by in a slow pace while I smoked my life away.

Over the past few days, I feel like I'm being swallowed whole by every problem in my life. Thank to my best-friend Miles Ranger, my criminal record was through the roof and was continuing to shame my family's reputation. At this point in my life, I didn't give a damn if it made people think twice about my siblings or parents. Also, on the topic of family, I had to witness my cousin, Eugene, being ripped away from me and everyone else then being placed in the arms of the D.U.P. Yes, that was a few years ago but I recently got to visit him on the anniversary of his departure. It crushed me seeing him like that, in an orange suit with the words 'D.U.P Detainee' on the back in bold black letters. He looked tired, sick and angry. He couldn't even focus on talking to me properly since he was so worried about his training that had been scheduled next. Eugene explained to me, what they did to him - tests, tests and more tests. He was forced to be strapped to a machine and unleash his powers. Then he went on to explain about the upsides of staying there - no bullies and more game time. That bit made me laugh. He asked me how was his parents were, how mine were and his cousins. I would always says they were fine. Except from his Dad. It was especially hard for him. His one and only son was taken from his arms. I had to give him the bad news that Eugene's parents had split up due to the drama with the D.U.P. At first the poor guy couldn't believe it, but then he grew to find out that he more on his Dad's side in the argument due to the fact that it was his Mom who turned him in. And I couldn't blame him - every member of the Sims/Dwayne family stopped talking to Congresswoman Sims.

"My beautiful girl," A familiar voice said behind me. With the cigarette hanging between my lips, I turned to face Miles Ranger. "You know smoking is bad for you,"

"Says the man who got me into the sport," I joked as he sat down beside me. I rested my head against his shoulder and began watching the sunset. "Get our names cleared up for the mess we left at the supermarket?"

He shook his head while lighting a cigarette. "Diego is planning something to get our names cleared for everything- -apparently we'll be untouchable."

I rolled my eyes at the sound of the name of 'Diego'. Diego Mendez was Miles' dealer plus we did some jobs for him in return for wads of cash- -And that's not just a couple thousand. No, I'm talking big money here- -into the hundred thousands. But we never spend the money on anything useful, just tobacco or some sort of alcohol. I never liked the guy, always seemed dodgy somehow. We were on civil terms in my books, while in his we were classed as trusted customers and allies. We were the guy's best-friends.

"He's pulling you leg, man," I muttered sighing and watching the cloud of gray smoke disintegrate into thin air. "He is and you know it..."

Miles hummed and dangled his legs over the edge of the skyscraper. "That's why I'm gonna kill him Jen,"

Within a matter of milliseconds, I shot up straight, grabbed his arm causing him to look my in the eye while a shocked expression was plastered on my, as Miles would say it, 'pretty little' face. "Your planning to kill the guy just because he didn't wipe us off some messy job we did?! He belongs to the Mafia, Miles. Heck- -He's the leader of the Delaware cell! If you kill him, we'll be dead too!"

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