Chapter Two (Part One) - The Saviour

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Eden Fitzgerald

24th May 2015 - Santa Monica, Los Angeles

Quickly, I pushed civilians out of the way as I dashed through the street. My bare-feet bounced against the stone pavement. Deep inside my head, the raspy voice of my P.E teacher back in England drilled on about strides and sharp arm movements when I ran. This most definitely helped my powers charge up. Ahead of me, I still saw the unknown face battle against the conduit as they hurtled towards the ground. His hands was clinging to her neck, black laces of shadows bruising the muscles that surround the windpipe. Specs of blood, probably from the human, were splatted on the concrete as I found myself underneath the scene.

Within seconds, I ignited my power. Telekinesis. Red seeped from my fingers as adrenaline shot through my body. Using the brain waves from the panicked citizens around me, I glided through the air and wrapped my arms around the human. Above us, four figures jumped out of a broken window. I didn't know who they were, whether they were allies of the human or enemies - I had to get her out of this situation before she dies. This was my good nature kicking in - always gotta' do the right thing.

As my powers remained swirling around my hands, I was able to rip the innocent woman from the hands of a familiar face. His face did ring a bell but I couldn't place my finger on where I had seen him before. Narrowing my eyes, I pulled the human over my shoulder and placed my palm on his forehead. Scowling, I dug my nails into his head as the speed we were falling at sped up. Crying out in pain, he struggled against my grip. But with my powers ignited and flowing into his head, I was the stronger one here. Over my shoulder, the defenseless brunette hacked up blood in-between heavy breaths. She was in serious pain. How could a guy do this to her? And why?

Instead of letting the shadow conduit go so he could slump onto the ground and be able to get back up, I threw his muscular body towards the pavement. Due to the red glow curled around him, his collision with the street was more brutal than expected. Chunks of concrete were flung everywhere as his heavy body created a crater in the thing Americans call a 'sidewalk'.

Now, I had to dodge the four conduits travelling my way as I hovered in midair. They plummeted towards me but thanks to all the brain waves floating throughout Santa Monica, I was able to dash through the air without a care in the world. Gently, my bare-feet landed on the graveled roof as the four what came to aid the unidentified woman were more distracted by the crippled mush of a conduit than myself, which gave me some time to get away from them.

Bouncing from roof to roof, I finally came to a halt when I was sure no-one was following me. Sighing with relief, I slowly placed the injured woman against a discontinued chimney on the top of one of the many skyscrapers in our city. I was startled to find her still conscious. But there was one I thing I was certain of, the woman was in terrible shape. A nasty pink and purple bruise remained on the front of her neck, at both corners of her mouth you would find a thin trail of blood dripping onto her neck and shoulders and planted in her back were multiple shards of glass, probably from the window she was flung out of.

I didn't know what came over me at the time, but I felt like she needed to be saved. I was most definitely faster than the four who jumped out of the window after her. This woman didn't know me nor was she going to find out who I was. At least in her mind she had the thought of a complete stranger saving her from a deadly threat.

Her breathing was slow, but at least she was alive. In front of her injured body, I was crouching down. One of my knees dug into the concrete roof as I propped one of my arms on the other. I held out one of my hands. My arms were covered in dirt, scars were scattered across my skin. Trembling, she took one of my hands and I began to ignite my powers.

"N-No..." She muttered quickly retracting her hand, which made her wince. I gave her a sympathetic smile.

I didn't really know how to talk to people. I used to, back in England. I was a social butterfly back there, when I had a life. But then came the powers and I was shipped to Curdun Cay - the place where they locked up people like me. After the years of torture and solitude, I became a different person. All of my family didn't know I was out, I never had any money to fend for myself or to get back to England. I was stuck here in America relying on my powers.

"You can trust me..." I whispered even if no-one was around. "I'll can heal you. Remember, I did save you from that guy,"

She looked me up and down before her stunning green eyes locked onto my dull grey orbs. Still with my hand out and shaking slightly, the woman reluctantly took it. Gasping, she watched the red glow travel down arm and swirl around hers. I smirked at her shocked expression. She was fascinated with the scene as it healed her.

Everyday, I found out I could do more and more with my powers. Once I accidentally ran into a human, just like the woman I was healing, and activated the conduit gene. Most scientists believed that conduits couldn't mess with the gene. Boy, they were wrong. This special gene was located in the brain, which was my forte, and I could activate it - I could even see what power they would be able to manipulate. Civilians strive on the fact that not everyone had this gene, which was a load of bull. In the end, conduits will over-power human beings. I could just see it now. We all contained the gene, even if we didn't want to admit it.

Something inside my brain clicked. To protect this woman from harm, or from that man if he ever wakes up, I could turn her into a conduit. But would she like the fact I would be forcing this lifestyle on her? Mentally, I continued to fight with myself as tiny shards of glass clattered onto the ground what came from the unidentified woman. Screw it. Being a conduit, being powerful, is better than lying in the hands of the weak.

Without her noticing, I sent a different wave of my powers through her system. One that would unlock the gene. She had it, I saw it as I closed my eyes and focused. To prevent her from the pain of the gene being unlocked quicker than usual, I set it to let her learn powers gradually not all at once. Damn, she's gonna be controlling Kinetikinesis. Kinetic energy...That's one hell of a power.

Taking a deep breath, I let go of her hand. Shocked but pleased, she looked herself up and down. She wasn't going to be like this for long. I knew since I activated the gene, that she would end up collapsing. It was all about the stress. Smiling, she looked up at me and shuffled onto her knees. Instead of speaking to her, I stood up and shifted to the edge off the roof.

"What is your name?" The woman questioned, scrambling to her knees. "You seem so young to be saving lives like that...Why did you save mine?"

I tightened the high ponytail I wore, that was being held together by an elastic band, and turned to the woman. "You don't need to know," I muttered in a barely audible tone. "If you ever need help, follow the color red- -that's how to find me." And on that note, I was gone, I disappeared into a streak of red light.

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