| Chapter VI. |

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The sun was rising and birds started chirping in the background. Aether's alarm went off waking him up to school.

He was shifting in his bed a few times not wanting to wake up until the alarm noises got on his nerves.

He reached out his hand to turn off the alarm and he stood up stretching and yawning. He went to his closet to grab some clothes to change and headed into his bathroom to brush his teeth, wash his face and style his hair into a braid.

After he took care of all of that he walked back into his room to pack his student books into a backpack with a sketchbook to draw in in case he gets bored.

Then he went into the kitchen to make some breakfast and get on his way to school as soon as possible.

The walk took a few minutes and he was in front of the school gate and walking inside. The school was already pretty crowded. Other students were talking in groups or walking to their classrooms.

Aether walked in his classroom and sat down on his seat. Besides him there were some students already there too. Unfortunately for him, he didn't have his first class with any of his friends so he had to entertain himself.

He prepared his student books and took out his sketchbook and started drawing anything that came up in his mind.

The other students got in the classroom soon and the bell rang in roughly 10 minutes. The teacher walked in and started teaching.

Aether and his classmate Kazuha and also his best friend for some time weren’t paying much attention to the class. They were talking while Aether was drawing into his sketchbook. Sometimes he would ask Kazuha to give him some suggestions on what to draw or he would just draw his friend in different poses, clothes or with different hair styles.

Lucky for them the teacher didn’t notice them talking and giggling and when the teacher did caught someone making noise it never was them in trouble.

The bell rang and the class ended. Everyone packed their stuff and went into their next class.

"Meet me after school." Kazuha said to Aether with a wink. Aether nodded but rolled his eyes right after. The two separated and headed to their next class.

Aether walked up to his locker before he would go to his next class to put some stuff in. He was minding his own business until he heard a bang like sound next to him. Aether turned his head to see who it was and it was his friend, Hu Tao. She looked like she wanted to completely murder the lock next to him. “Hi!” She greeted him loudly while waving her other hand. “Shit, you gave me a fright.” Aether responded and also greeted her back. Hu Tao slightly laughed at her friend and apologized. “I wanted to ask you if you would like to sit with me in our class.” She said. “Sure, why not.” The blond smiled as he closed his locker. “And next time try not to break the locker completely.” He continued. “Pinky promise!”

The two walked together to their class and sat next to each other. The teacher was 10 minutes late, unlike in Aether’s first class. Which meant that the students were making a mess. Anything anyone could find was thrown across the class. a few times a paper plane or just smashed paper his Aether or Hu Tao. Hu Tao sometimes being a short-tempered person she threw whatever was thrown at her or her blond friend back and hitting other people who were suspicious.

Over all the loud noises no one heard the teacher coming in and just in that time Aether throwed one of the papers too since it got on his nerves too and unfortunately he hit the teacher.

The teacher looked pretty mad and gave Aether a death stare before saying:”Detention.” at him. Aether made a ‘tsk’ sound as he stood up and took his things. He slammed the door behind him as he walked away. Once again i am the one who gets in trouble and not those other fucks he angrily though.

He really didn’t want to go there so he decided to go somewhere else where no one would find him. He was on his way to the old part of his school where there are ‘abandoned’ classrooms he heard footsteps, actually more like someone was running up to him.

Aether looked behind him and saw a browned haired girl with red on her ends in two ponytails with some darker clothes, obviously Hu Tao. She ran up to him and bent down resting her hands on her knees breathing heavily. “What are you doing here?” He asked.
“I did everything to get detention too so i could go with you, can’t leave out a friend just for a stupid detention. I also saw you walking in the distance so I decided to run or I would lose you and that’s how I got here.” Hu tao replied.

Aether laughed at her silly friend and her sacrifice. They walked inside of the old classrooms and sat down somewhere in the back in case someone would walk in. Aether rested his head against the wall as he put his sketchbook on his knees that he took out after he sat down and started to draw Hu Tao. On the other hand Hu Tao rested her head on Aether’s shoulder and watched him draw her.

A few minutes passed and Aether was done with his drawing. He ripped the page out so he could give it to Hu Tao. She happily took it from him and admired it for a while before she put it somewhere in her backpack where it would be safe and not get ruined. She changed her sitting position and sat cross legged. Hu Tao also started thinking about anything they could do to enjoy their time and not be bored.

The first thought that came to her is to take a few pictures for memories that she could treasure. She took out her phone from her pocket and took any kind of pictures with Aether.

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