| Chapter XIII |

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I sighed, tapping the eraser of my pencil against the desk. "How can one person have so much homework? It's mind-boggling."

Xiao yawned and stretched his arms, his tail swaying lazily. "You humans and your overwhelming workload. It's a wonder you all don't spontaneously combust from stress."

I shot him a glare. "Says the demon who probably hasn't done a single productive thing in his immortal existence."

He chuckled, his voice a low purr. "Oh, Aether, you underestimate the power of mischief and mayhem. It takes a lot of effort to keep your life interesting, you know."

I rolled my eyes, not bothering to hide my smile. "Funny, that seems to be the only thing you're good at."

Xiao smirked and leaned against the wall, crossing his arms. "Well, that and being absolutely irresistible."

I scoffed, trying to hide the blush creeping up my cheeks. "Please, spare me the ego trip."

He chuckled again, a mischievous glint in his eyes. "Oh, but Aether, I do enjoy seeing you flustered."

My heart skipped a beat, but I quickly composed myself. "You wish. Now leave me alone so I can finish my homework."

His tail flicked playfully. "Or...I could help you with it."

I raised an eyebrow. "And by help, you mean?"

He leaned closer, his smoky voice sending shivers down my spine. "Let's just say I have a way with words. And erm...distractions."

I swallowed hard, my mind suddenly filled with all sorts of inappropriate scenarios. "You're insufferable, you know that?"

Xiao grinned, his eyes sparkling with mischief. "But you like it, don't you?"

My cheeks burned, and before I could come up with a retort, he disappeared in a puff of smoke, leaving me to wrestle with my homework and even more distracting thoughts.

"Oh, you infuriating demon," I muttered, shaking my head.

Aethis sighed, the remnants of Xiao's presence still lingering in the air. He turned his attention back to his homework, the weight of the assignments pressing on him. The room was silent except for the scratching of his pencil against the paper and the occasional creaking of the old floorboards.

As he delved into the intricacies of his studies, Aethis couldn't shake off the distracting encounter with Xiao. His offer to help echoed in his mind, and he couldn't deny the allure of having a mischievous demon assist him. Despite his infuriating charm, this was an undeniable spark that made his heart race.

Minutes turned into hours, and the moon cast a soft glow through his window as Aether finally neared the end of his workload.

The room was steeped in the quiet of the night, the only sound being the occasional rustle of papers. He stretched his arms above his head, feeling the strain of the hours of concentration.

Just as he was about to pack up his things, a whisper of smoke curled in the corner of the room. Xiao materialized, a playful smirk on his face. "Finished, have we?"

Aethis narrowed his eyes at him. "I managed just fine without your 'help,' thank you very much."

He chuckled, his tail swaying gently. "Ah, but imagine how much more enjoyable it could have been with a dash of demonic assistance."

Aether rolled his eyes. "I don't need distractions, Xiao. I need to focus and get through my work."

Xiao's expression softened, and he stepped closer. "You know, there's more to life than endless studying. Sometimes, a bit of mischief can make the mundane more... exciting."

Aethis couldn't help but smile at his persistence. "I'll pass, thanks. I prefer my life without chaos."

He winked. "Your loss. But if you ever change your mind, you know where to find me."

With a flick of his tail, Xiao disappeared once again, leaving Aethis alone in the quiet room. He sighed, shaking his head at the lingering traces of his presence. As he gathered his things, a small smile played on his lips.


In the following days, Aether found himself drawn into an unexpected routine of balancing his mortal responsibilities and the occasional visits from Xiao. The mischievous demon seemed to have developed a peculiar fascination with his world, often appearing at the most inconvenient times.

One evening, as Aether was engrossed in a particularly challenging assignment, Xiao materialized on his desk, his tail knocking over a stack of papers. Aether shot him a stern look. "Must you always show up unannounced?"

Xiao grinned, unfazed by his irritation. "It's part of my charm, Aether. Keeps life interesting, doesn't it?"

He sighed, pushing his chair back and rubbing his temples. "Life is interesting enough without your constant interruptions. I have deadlines to meet, Xiao."

He pouted playfully. "But what's the fun in deadlines? Let's spice things up a bit. How about a little break?"

Aether hesitated, glancing at his unfinished work. The allure of a break was tempting, and he reluctantly agreed. "Fine, but make it quick."

In an instant, Xiao conjured a small portal that transported them to a vibrant, other worldly meadow. Aether couldn't help but marvel at the beauty around his. The air was filled with the sweet scent of flowers, and colorful butterflies danced in the warm sunlight.

Xiao gestured towards a blanket laid out under a large tree. "Care for a picnic?"

Despite his initial resistance, Aether found himself smiling. "This is unexpected."

He winked. "Life's full of surprises. Now, tell me, what's been bothering you lately?"

Aether hesitated, then opened up about the challenges he faced, the pressure to excel in his studies, and the constant juggling of responsibilities. Xiao listened attentively, his eyes reflecting genuine concern.

When he finished, he sighed. "You humans and your self-imposed burdens. Sometimes, you need to step back and appreciate the things around you. Let me help you see that life isn't just about deadlines and obligations."

As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting hues of orange and pink across the sky, Aether felt a sense of tranquility he hadn't experienced in a long time. Maybe Xiao had a point – perhaps a touch of mischief and a break from the ordinary could be exactly what he needed.

As they returned to his room, Aether glanced at his unfinished homework. Surprisingly, Xiao waved his hand, and the papers were neatly organized, as if the mischievous demon had a knack for more than just chaos.

"Consider it a token of my appreciation for your company," Xiao said with a sly grin.

Aether couldn't help but laugh. "You're impossible, Xiao."

He winked. "But you wouldn't have it any other way, would you?"

And with that, he vanished in a swirl of smoke, leaving Aether with a sense of gratitude and a newfound perspective on the balance between the mundane and the magical in his everyday life.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 19, 2023 ⏰

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