| Chapter IX. |

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We walked through the whole park and observed the view and at the end we went into an alley full of trees that led into a forest.

Kazuha picked up his pace and me and Heizou walked next to each other, wondering why Kazuha suddenly walked ahead of us.

He disappeared behind a corner made out of stones and we picked up our paces as well so we wouldn't lose our friend.

When me and Heizou finally caught up to Kazuha, we saw him putting down a blanket that he brought. We came closer and sat down on his blanket and I looked around for, since the place where Kazuha sprinted was new to me and it was very pretty and calm.

The only noise that was heard in the background were the birds chirping and the sounds of smaller waves splashing against the rocks.

Even how chill and calm it was, I was still hoping that none of those birds flying around would shit on my head. I don't think that would be a nice experience, especially if one of those idiots would tell someone like Hu Tao. She would spread even more and I wouldn't hear the end of it.

I got back to my senses after zoning out and took off my backpack to take out the food and put it on the blanket and also opened it.

When Heizou saw and smelled the food he almost started drooling, which I was kind of surprised. I never thought that my cooking would be good enough to make someone actually drool over it.

Kazuha also saw Heizou's face and let out a small giggle. "Looks like we can also eat now." He said while still looking at Heizou. Heizou heard what Kazuha said and his eyes lit up and so a small smile formed on his face.

When I was watching the two about to eat, I felt a light weight on my lap but nothing was there. Right, I forgot Ming is here. She must be sleepy,I didn't  move a lot so I wouldn't wake her.

I closed my eyes and decided to relax for a bit. The two kept talking but I didn't pay much attention to it. The comfort and the fresh air, unlike in the city, made me so relaxed that it felt like I fell asleep, which ended when I felt some shifting and a tap in my shoulder right after.

I opened my eyes to see Kazuha's face right in front of me. "Here, have something too, we don't want you to starve to death." He said as he handed me a box with a little bit of fish and fries and continued talking, "both of us ate enough, but you're the only one who didn't have a single bite." And he smiled as he finished his sentence.

"Thanks, Kazu." I said as I took the box and ate the rest. In response he patted my head and got back where he sat before.

I finished the food and put the box aside.
Heizou took cards out of his backpack and gave us each some and we played some games.
We finished playing and cleaned the cards back into Heizou's backpack.
We've been sitting almost the whole time ever since we got here. I got an idea that it would be good just to walk around and explore the forest.

We packed our things and started to explore the forest and from here and there we played games too, like hide and seek or some guessing games.

None of us even realized how fast the time passed, it already got pretty dark and for us it felt like 10 minutes only. All three of us agreed that the best thing to do would be to go back home and not be outside any longer so we won't get in any danger.

We walked all the way back where we had our meeting spot in the park and we got on our separate ways hoping that all three of us got back home safe.
I took out my keys and unlocked the door and immediately went into my room to get my pajamas without a second thought.

I almost fell from how worn out I was when I was on my way to the bathroom to take a nice bath to relax my body. I started to fill the bath with hot water and in the meantime I brushed my teeth.

The bath was full and I took my clothes off and got in and let all my muscles release all the tightness. I laid there for about 10 whole minutes just relaxing before taking my shampoo and started shampooing my hair and rinsing it with water. Right after I got my conditioner.

When my hair was done I washed my whole body with soap and rinsed with water as well.

I was too lazy to get out so I laid there for possibly even an hour until I gained strength to get out. I made sure I got out safely without slipping and got a towel to wrap myself in.

When my body dried up I dressed up my pajamas and went into my room. Before bed I slightly opened my window to let in some fresh air and finally got to lay down on my bed.

I curled up into a comfortable position ready to go to sleep but a weight on the edge of the bed interrupted me and my sleep. I tilted my head up to see what or who it was.

The person spoke before I even got to realize who sat there. "Hello." Was a that I needed to hear to know exactly who it was.

"Hey." I said almost falling asleep. "I'd like to thank you for being with Ming." Xiao said. Slight confusion hit me since I did almost nothing and even forgot she was with me. "I didn't really do much tho." I awkwardly said to him.

"Ming said she enjoyed the day just by being with you." He replied and paused for a second before continuing, "and it was also pretty nice for me too since I got some time for myself without babysitting her every 10 minutes."

I just hummed at him to let him know I listened to his speech and curled back into the comfortable position.

"Oh, right. I'll let you rest."  Xiao got up from my bed and got closer to me and crouched. "Goodnight and sweet dreams." Were his last words before disappearing into the air and not giving me a chance to say a goodnight back.

Since I was still awake I turned on my alarm so I wouldn't sleep in before going into a deep slumber.

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