◈ THIRTY-SIX- Changing History ◈

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After what seemed like a millennia, Christianna was finally complete. Hugh, John, Carlton, Anthony, Allany and I huddled in a semi-circle in front of the machine. It's drums, circuits, plugboards, and casing were immaculate and ready to be put to action.

There was an electrical engineer feeding fresh Enigma messages into one end of the machine. I glanced to my colleagues, feeling the importance of the moment; Hugh was creating a large cloud of cigarette smoke around the Hut and Carlton was trying not to cough. I couldn't help but smile in amusement.

John turned to Allany, an apprehensive expression plastered on his pale face. "You nervous?"

"Not as nervous as you are by the looks of things," she smiled excitedly and then moved closer to Christianna, connecting a stand of electrical wiring to the circuit.

In an instant, the machine sprang to life. Currents of electricity raced throughout it, gears spinning, and it made an unbelievably loud clanking sound as the drums spun.

"Maybe a few more tweaks?!" I shouted to Allany.

"It's perfect!" She cried in contradictory reply, her dark-brown eyes alight blissfully, savouring the moment that could change history forever.

"What happens now?!" Carlton yelled.

"It's should tell us today's Enigma settings!" Answered Allany.

A few minutes passed, the drums still spinning and spinning with no signs of stopping.

"How long?!" Hugh questioned. Allany didn't say anything, but the expression on her face said it all- she wasn't sure. The rest of the Team had a similar look and I figured that all we had to do was wait. Again.


I passed the time with a crossword puzzle. In half an hour, I had completed three quarters of it and within the next twenty minutes, I was expecting to move on to another one. I was also competing with Hugh to see who could do the most crossword puzzles in a month; he was currently winning by four and I was determined to beat that.

I was stunned when there was a knock on the Hut door. I didn't say anything, and slowly but surely, a young boy entered, he was probably about nineteen at the latest.

"Are you Kester Hughes?" He asked, out of breath.

"Yes," I answered.

"Thank goodness," he entered the Hut and name his way over. Extending his arm, he said, "I have a letter for you. I think it's important; it's from the military command."

"Oh," now I was ever more stunned. What would the military want with me. "Well, thank you," I said.

"Your every welcome, sir," the boy replied, then exiting in a rush.

I'd never been called 'sir' before, which made me laugh. But as I snapped back into reality, I became frightened about what was hidden inside this envelope. It read :

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