◈ TWELVE- Funding ◈

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The next day brought sunshine and warm breezes. The trees were rustling quietly and the birds were singing their morning songs as I awoke from my rather uncomfortable night's sleep. My arms were stiff and my back ached. Plus, I was extremely tired, especially after an 'eventful' evening. I can't complain, however, because there will be more inevitable code breaking to do on this fine day.

I looked over to the boringly white clock that was hung on the wall near the door- it read twelve minutes past eight. My gaze then shifted over to John and Carlton, who were continuing to sleep peacefully. They stirred, but didn't wake. Hugh was conscious, though; sitting at his desk, sipping tea with a pen in hand. He also appeared as well-rested and eager to resume work.

"Good morning," Hugh says with an almost inconspicuous chuckle.

I rub my eyes. "Good morning. How come you haven't woken Carlton or John?"

Hugh shrugged and placed his mug of tea down by a small pile of books.

"How wonderfully considerate of you, Mr Alexander. The first Enigma message came through almost over two hours ago and it still hasn't been decrypted."

We turn our heads to see Allany Turing, who was sending stern glances in our direction. "And I'm highly positive that you haven't cracked it."

There was a large possibility that Allany hadn't slept and had worked through the night. Although, her appearance showed no signs of deprivation, her eyes certainly did. Despite the fact she was doing her best to hide it, I could clearly see she was exhausted.

"I'm also highly positive that you haven't cracked it either," Hugh argued back. "You're obviously not as good as you make yourself seem."

Allany's eyes went from tired to furious in mere seconds. "I'll have you know that I'm creating a machine that will assist us in the process of deciphering German messages."

"Ah, yes. I vaguely heard the conversation you two had last night," he smirked, making me wonder what Hugh found so amusing. "What's so good about this machine of yours?"

"It will solve the encrypted messages faster than us," she explained. "Meaning that all we have to do is translate the codes, which I hope, you're all good at doing. It will also work out the day's Enigma settings, which is what we need."

"It's all very well," Hugh remarked. "But where are you going to get the money to buy the parts for building this machine? You don't exactly look like you have bags of it."

"I shall agree with your kind conclusion- no, I don't have much money," Allany snapped. I could tell that the prejudiced comments she was getting had taken their effect and now she mainly appeared as angry or frustrated. "But, if you are still pondering on the question, I'm going to write a letter and ask for funding. It's simple."

"Who are you going to ask for funds?"

"I suppose it would have to go to the leader of this team you have set up in here," Allany glanced over to John and Carlton on the other side of the room. John seemed to be starting to wake up, at last.

"And do you know who that leader is, Miss Turing?" Hugh asked folding his arms.

"No, I haven't been informed about that."

"Well, that leader would be me," he replied smoothly. "It was Denniston's choice, so if you have a problem you can take it up with him."

Allany looked quite surprised. "Oh. I was expecting somebody... Different."

Hugh raised his eyebrow in amusement and smiled vaguely. "Was that supposed to be an insult?"

"Not really," she answered nonchalantly. "Just my thoughts. And I know my value, so everybody else's opinion doesn't really matter... Then, does that mean I still have to write a formal letter?"

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