◈ SEVENTEEN- Codes and Cyphers ◈

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We picked up our bags, which lay in the corner of the classroom. Mine was already there seeing as though I had Latin before I was mercilessly stuffed into the dark hell which was under the old, damaged floorboards.

Christianna must have placed hers by mine when she arrived to rescue me. I felt so stupid and pathetic for relying on her and not being able to defend myself when problems such as what happened arose. Independence- that's what I need and I great deal of it.

The corridors of the outside of the school were almost deserted. Only a handful of students wandered about in the partly cloudy and sunny weather. Christianna Morcom walked by my side, gripping my arm as I still shook. There was still quite a large amount of dust patches on my blazer and I didn't want to know what the back of it looked like. Although, I wasn't really interested or bothered. I just wanted the day to be over due to the fact that I preferred sleep or solitude over the school day. Because, if I was alone or in dream state, then I wouldn't have to put up with any nonsense. Dreams aren't real, yet they are better than reality; in most cases.

"It's not my fault," I argued, hobbling along while Christianna listened. "The carrots got in with the peas. They aren't supposed to do that because-" looking up to Christianna, I saw that her facial expression continued to show concern and then a 'you don't have to explain' sort of glance. So, I finished with- "I'm sorry. I won't let it happen again."

She sighed. "They're getting worse. I've noticed over the last few weeks. Nearly everyday you get a rude comment or are the victim of a almost torturous event."

"It's a habit of the other girls," I say looking down as we walked, refusing to make eye contact. "Not a very nice one, but I'm gradually getting used to it... They only beat me up because I'm smarter than they are."

"No," Christianna disagreed. "They beat you because you're different. Now, there's nothing wrong with different, but you just have to try harder to blend in a bit more. That's all."

"Well, that's going to be difficult," I pause for a moment, feeling rather isolated. I was certainly in an awkward situation. "Mother says I'm just an odd duck."

Christianna gave a little chuckle and a brief smile that made me feel a little unsteady. "She's right. But you know, sometimes it is the people who no one imagines anything of, who do the things that no one can imagine."

We both pause, not walking any further. I glanced up at Christianna, her cool-blue eyes filled with reassurance. I was unsure though; mixed emotions. I didn't know what to think. Her words were extraordinary and I knew that I would remember them for a very long time. Yet, I found the feeling of actually having a friend quite unpleasant. Not in that sense, but because I wasn't used to it all. I've been alone for my whole life and now things seemed to be going to right way.

"Come with me," Christianna instructs after no reply. "We can sit down and you can forget about this morning."

"I'd like that," I answer quietly, trying to sound as grateful as possible for her random act of kindness and worry. But why was she like this towards a nobody like me?

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

The two of us strolled onto the grass and perched ourselves under to same tree in where I sat the previous school week. It was lunchtime, so that meant the sports teams would be out on the field. This time, it was the girls who played rounders- a sport in which I found gratifying because I running was something I truly loved. I would take part in local charity races during the summer and run for my own pleasure as I felt focused and calm when doing so.

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