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'why aren't you talking to me???? i miss you. just tell me what i did and i can fix it - brielle bender <3'

i sighed and threw the note into my backpack. did she not know about what her boyfriend told me? did she not know what she did to me? she made me fall in love with her and then got a boyfriend. not really her fault because she didn't know but still.

and she missed me? she had a boyfriend to miss. she needed to stop with the notes. i was trying to move on with alex but she was making it impossible.

i shut my locker and zipped up my backpack. i slung it over my back and started to make my way out of the school. out of the corner of my eye, i saw brielle and alex walking in my direction. i had two options. i could keep walking in my original direction and talk to them both or i could turn back around and walk take the long way.

long way it is. i felt bad because alex was there, but i was in no mood to see brielle. i spun on my heels and started speed walking towards the door farthest away from nick and matt sitting in our car. i prayed silently to myself neither of them would say anything. once again, my prayers were not answered.

"chris!" alex exclaimed. i grimaced. i couldn't ignore alex. i turned back around and plastered a fake smile on my face as alex jogged over to me.

"hey," i said trying to keep my eyes away from brielle. it was hard. 

alex smiled at me and turned back to look at brielle for a second. "you look like you're in a hurry. are you okay?"

"yeah i'm fine," i gave alex a small smile. "i think i just forgot something."

out of the corner of my eye i saw brielle narrow her eyes at me. "what did you forget?" alex asked me as she raised her brows at me. i shrugged.

"i honestly don't remember anymore. it's fine. i have to get to nick and matt before nick gives me a lecture on punctuality," i replied as i brought my hand up to rub my neck. alex laughed her laugh that made me laugh and for the first time all day, a real smile appeared on my face.

alex nodded. "okay i don't want you to get in trouble. can we facetime tonight so you can help with my psych?" for a moment i could've sworn i saw brielle frown but i shook it off. i must've been seeing things.

i nodded and smiled at alex. "definitely."  alex grinned and then walked up to me. she stood up on her tippy toes and gave me a quick kiss on the cheek. "bye al."

"bye chris."

i gave alex one last smile and then started to walk in my original direction. i could feel brielle's eyes burning a hole in the side of my head but i ignored it and kept walking. why did she care so much?


"so what's going on with you and miss eriksen?" nick questioned in a teasing voice. i blushed and shook my head. i hadn't told nick and matt all that much about alex. all they knew is that we hung out. they didn't know how many times thought.

i shrugged. "nothing." i put my phone and the kitchen island and walked over to the refrigerator. i started to open it and matt closed it before i could even see what was in there.

"nope." matt gently pushed me away from the refrigerator and stood in front of it. "we know it's not nothing."

i brought my lips up into a straight line and looked between the two of them. i took a deep breath and realized i wasn't going to get my pepsi unless i told them the truth. "okay! okay! i'll tell you guys everything you want to know just give me my pepsi."

𝐘𝐎𝐔 𝐁𝐄𝐋𝐎𝐍𝐆 𝐖𝐈𝐓𝐇 𝐌𝐄 ( 𝐂𝐇𝐑𝐈𝐒 𝐒𝐓𝐔𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐎𝐋𝐎 )Where stories live. Discover now