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it's been three days since the whole brielle debacle. i guess we had an unspoken agreement not to talk about it with anyone because alex hasn't asked me about it. brielle and i haven't spoken at all lately and i was kinda glad.

brielle and i do look at each other and then look away like nothing happened but it didn't give me the same feeling as before. i was just mad at her but i couldn't care about it anymore. i got my closure and now it was time for me to have a fresh start with alex.

what was a better time to have a fresh start than senior ditch day?


chris [ chris 🤍 ]
alex [ alex 🤍 ]

chris 🤍

What are your plans for tomorrow?

alex 🤍

nothing. i was thinking of going shopping for my dorm

chris 🤍

Boringggg. You have all summer to do that
Hang out with me

alex 🤍

you could come shopping with me?????

chris 🤍

I'll come if you buy me Pepsi 

alex 🤍

i have an entire case just for you in my garage

chris 🤍

You're the bestttt

alex 🤍

i know



" Senior Ditch Day"


6 participants !

chris ─── christopher 🥤
matt ─── matthew 🛞
nick ─── nicolas 📸
alex ─── alexandria 👾
bri ─── brielle 🍨
delilah ─── delilah 💋 

nicolas 📸

We're filming a video like rn because we don't have school tomorrow
Do you guys want to be in it?

matthew 🛞

What video are we doing?

nicolas 📸

Would you rather + Childhood Throwbacks

delilah 💋

i'm in but i've never been in a youtube video before

matthew 🛞

You'll be fine it's basically a conversation but we record

delilah 💋

alright i'm taking your word for it

alexandria 👾

i'm in too

nicolas 📸

Brielle please come I don't want to be stuck with two sets of love birds

brielle 🍨

i'm only coming for you

nicolas 📸

You're my guardian angel 

brielle 🍨


nicolas 📸

Glad we all can make it
McDonalds is on Chris

christopher 🥤


matthew 🛞

Don't even say wow you always "forget" your wallet

alexandria 👾


christopher 🥤

Okay well my wallet is in my hoodie pocket right now I guess it is on me.

delilah 💋

chris you're such a good sport

christopher 🥤

I know.

matthew 🛞

We're gonna leave in a bit. Delilah we're getting you first because you love the closest

alexandria 👾

all three of us are at her house right

nicolas 📸

Great. Saving gas & time

brielle 🍨

nick i love you i'm laughing so hard rn idek why

nicolas 📸

I try


maybe my fresh start would have to be after senior ditch day.


this update is short but it's leading up to the next one......

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