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i see reece kissing jessica porte at the hot dog stand. his tongue was in her mouth and he was smiling at her. how long had this been going on? how long had he been lying to me? i sweep everything reece does under the rug because we are in love. were in love. honestly, were we ever?

i felt so many emotions while looking at the scene. anger. sadness. disgust. mostly anger. i was tired of reece and his bullshit. my friends were right all along.

"are you serious?" i shouted from behind reece. the two of them turned to face me and i watched reece's smile drop. a look of confusion appeared on jess' face as reece removed his hand from his waist.

"what are you doing here?" reece said in a nervous tone. i scoffed.

"i could ask you the same thing," i replied as i crossed my arms. reece tried to grab my arm but i jerked away from him.

"can we talk in private?" reece said in a whisper as he turned to look at jess for a second. she still had the most shocked look on her face.

"what is there to talk about? you lied and cheated on me. what else is there to say?" i rhetorically asked as i rolled my eyes. people we starting to look at us now and reece's face was turning red.

"hold on. cheated on you? reece told me you guys broke up," jessica said as she stepped forward to talk to me. i gave her a sad smile and shook my head.

"of course he did," i replied as i facepalmed. "he's a liar. we were together this whole time and told me he was using you for this stupid little project."

jessica's jaw dropped and she looked at reece. he began to stutter to explain himself but jessica just shook her head and walked away from him. she's better than me. i had a few things i needed to say.

reece looked back at me and i saw him bit the inside of his cheek. "you're causing a scene. let's go talk somewhere else," reece said as he looked around at the people watching.

"no reece we can talk right here. why hide now? are you scared of now being known as a liar, manipulator, cheater, asshole, controlling, and might i add a terrible boyfriend? if you were, you wouldn't have been those things in the first place," i answered as i used my fingers to list the things that reece was. in that moment i had the confidence to say everything i wanted to.

"brielle," reece grunted as he reached out to grab me again. i dodged him again and just kept going.

"i let you treat me badly for two years because i loved you and i thought you loved me. i thought you had a different way of loving so i just let it slide. but now i realize that you never loved me. you loved that i loved you. you loved having someone to be your puppet. but i'm done and i have been for a long time. you knew that too so you went off to find another girl to be your puppet." i was fuming now and i knew i didn't have that much time left to keep going. tears were starting to rise up my throat.

"don't give me that shit about finding another girl. you went to another guy. fucking chris sturniolo. the baylen levine wannabe. you started spending time with him and i just can't believe you're that stupid. everyone knows that bitch boy has been obsessed with you since we were kids. you don't even care. you're so much of a slut that you just go to the first guy to give you a little attention," reece said shouting back at me. classic reece. always looking to blame someone else for his own doing. chris was never obsessed with me. we were friends. right?

i laughed sarcastically and shook my head. "oh my god reece. even after you cheat on me you still want to blame everyone but yourself. what the fuck did chris do to you? you've had it out for him all over a suspicion that's not even true! grow the fuck up!"

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