Chapter Two

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"What?" Jungkook asked with bulging eyes. This came out all of a sudden. "I... I mean how long are we gonna keep this act going? You have already launched two phones. You can keep working with my dad even after the divorce so there's really no downfall. Plus, I won't ask for any alimony. Let's just end this act and part our ways amicably. Hmm... what do you say?" Taehyung asked nervously with a soft, unsure voice.

"Are you out of your mind? Why do you suddenly want a divorce?" Jungkook asked with anger yet his voice was calm, making it, even more, scarier for Taehyung.

"What do you mean suddenly? Jungkook aren't you tired of pretending and hiding? Don't you want to spend your time with your girl..friend more and without any restrictions? We'll just explain to grandpa that things just don't work out between us. I'm sure he'll understand and would support our decision." Taehyung tried to convince the other.

"I'm perfectly fine with how things are. I'm spending enough time with Eunhee, you don't have to worry yourself about it. Grandpa was the one to tie us in this marriage in the first place. Do you think he'll agree to us getting a divorce? He made a deal with your father for us to get married. Do you think he'll let us separate easily? Get the idea of divorce out of your mind. That's not happening. You are stuck with me!" Jungkook exclaimed before standing up and walking towards the stairs with angry steps. Don't know why the idea of divorce irked him so much.

Taehyung fisted his hand tight and yelled, "But I'm not fine! I'm tired of this act! I too want to fall in love and have someone to love me and care about me. Each day is getting so hard to live day by day. Can't we just put an end to it? Or if not now then can we decide when we can put an end to it? I'm turning 29 soon. I can't just stay stuck in this loveless marriage for eternity. I want to have a family, a loving husband and little kids! Please Jungkook you can be one with your Eunhee and I can find someone for myself. Please let's just end it and free both ourselves."

Jungkook turned back with an irritated expression but that changed quickly when he took in the state of the other. Angry tears flowed down the soft cheeks and eyes withholding such desperate emotions that it made Jungkook's heart clench. He released a soft sigh and walked closer to the younger. With a soft motion, he clubbed the wet cheeks of the other. Taehyung closed his eyes, feeling the warmth of Jungkook's palm spreading through himself.  

"Why did't you find yourself some one. I never opposed to you having a relationship with someone. Did I?" Jungkook asked softly. He didn't know why the words that left his mouth had such a bitter aftertaste.

Taehyung opened his teary eyes and replied, "It's just not in me. It just feels so wrong to engage in a relationship when I'm already married. I can't even think about it let alone actually do it. That is why I'm insisting that we get a divorce and life our lives the way we want to." The hope held in the brown eyes screamed at the expressionless man in front of them.

However, underneath, Jungkook was dancing. He doesn't know why that answer from the younger was so reliving and made him so happy. Masking his inner thoughts, Jungkook rubbed the soft cheeks of the other with his thumb as he spoke softly, "Sorry Tae~ I can give you anything but a divorce."

Hope shattered painfully in Taehyung's eyes. His eyes stung and his lips wobbled in agony. The expression was hurtful enough to churn Jungkook's heart too. With exasperation, Taehyung crocked out, "But..."

Yet before he could put forward his counterargument, Jungkook interrupted him, "Nah-ah! Just rest the topic. It's 3 AM and we both deserve sleep. We'll discuss this later. Alright.." Ignoring the fallen face of the other, Jungkook went for a forehead kiss before turning around and walking upstairs to the bedroom.

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