Chapter Forty Six

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After that god awful evening, fortunately or unfortunately Jungkook didn't had much time to pounder or savour the pain in his heart. Grandpa's surgery was a fitting distraction from the heartbreak for him. However, it was just that, a mere distraction, and not a permanent solution to his miseries.

And Taehyung's sweet and caring personality was just adding fuel to the fire burning inside him. During and after Grandpa's very successful surgery, the other was so remarkably supportive, considerate and all those pretty words in the English dictionary, that Jungkook felt himself falling deeper for him. Those kind gestures, and comforting deep and warm voice served as a double-edged sword for him. As much as they worked like a potent remedy for his ailment, they were poisonous too.

The only thing that worked in his favour was the unexplained disappearance of that annoying little prick. Sehun only talked to him and Taehyung when it was of the absolute essence, other than that not only he but even his shadow didn't lurk around them. He didn't think much about it though, purely because he didn't want to jinx the happy occurrence.

After the successful surgery, Grandpa Jeon was hospitalised for three days. After that, a full body check was performed on him. Seeing the positive results, the doctors gave him a travel clearance after a week. During this one week, Jungkook didn't leave his Grandpa's side once. Mainly for two reasons. One, he really wanted to be there for his grandpa who had undergone such a major surgery. And two, it also served as a justified excuse to evade Taehyung's glimmering presence.

Taehyung on the other hand didn't think much of the other's sudden disengagement. He thought that the other was likely worried about grandpa. Also, after that eventful confrontation with Sehun, he figured he could use some distance from a certain bunny man. The words he spilt that day in furry, didn't settle well with his heart nor his tongue. And, he was too scared and stubborn to reflect and find the reason behind it.

The week went by painfully slowly. Finally, it was time for Grandpa's final check-up. Knocking at Dr Steel's office for the last time was a bitter-sweet moment for the family. Although they were happy because they wouldn't be coming here anymore, they were sad too. In the short time they have come to know Dr Steel and his staff, they have grown a liking towards them and surely they are going to miss them.

Seeing the familiar smile with which Dr Steel always greets them, the family smiled widely at him. "Good morning Mr Jeon! How are we doing?" Dr Steel addressed his patient cheerfully. It is always rewarding for doctors to see their patients recovering well.

"Good, Dr Steel. Absolutely great! Thank you so much for everything!" Grandpa Jeon expressed his gratitude.

"Ah, Mr Jeon it was nothing. I did nothing... So... without much ado, let's get you checked up and all set to fly," Dr Steel answered showing Grandpa to the observation bed present in the room.

"Congratulations Mr Jeon! Everything looks good. You have made a good recovery, Mr Jeon. You are now fit to fly back home. However, please make sure that you keep following the diet plan and medicine routine," Dr Steel remarked happily after completing his examination.

The jovial family after showing their gratitude towards the doctor and bidding him farewell walked out of the room. Jungkook was finally smiling genuinely after a long time, after all, he escaped a big storm. But his smile left as soon as it came when he saw the prick standing in front of him, more precisely in front of Grandpa.

"Congratulations Mr Jeon on your quick recovery!" Sehun ignoring the two young Jeons addresses the man sandwiched between them.

"Thank you, Sehun-ah! It's all thanks to you..." Grandpa Jeon replied with a smile, trying his best to ignore the awkwardness surrounding him.

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