I woke up to someone shaking me. "Kellin, baby are you okay?" Vic asked. Well at least my stomach stopped hurting. "Yeah, why?" I decided not to tell him about every thing that happened today. I don't want him to be worried. "Well I picked up the kids, and I came in here and saw you knocked out. You never go to sleep this early, so is everything okay?" He asked. "Yeah, I'm okay just..." I yawned, "tired." I said.
"Well I got you, and the kids some food. You hungry?" he asked. "Oh my god yes." I said. I got out of bed, and went into the kitchen where the kids were already eating their burgers. Oh yes McDonald's. I sit down in my seat, and start eating the burger Vic had gotten me. Along with some fries.
"Damn Kells are you sure your okay?" he asked. "Yeah why?" I asked. "Cause your eating fast." he said. "Well I'm hungry." I said. "I know, but slow down I don't want you to choke." he said. "Alright mom."
"Hey it's daddy to you." he winked.
Dammit Vic. I'm so glad our children don't know what that means. But knowing them... they would figure it out by twelve. Thats the age I learned it at. I finished eating. I'm surprised I didn't get nauseas.
Wow that was good. "Damn Kellin." Vic looked at me with a surprised face. "What?" I asked. "You hastily ate that food." He said. "I did didn't I?" I questioned. "Yeah you did." he said. "Mommy?" Caroline said. "Yeah," I said. "Daddy wasn't hurting you last night was he?" She asked, in a small voice."No what would you think that sweetie?" I asked. "Well I thought I saw you too fighting in your bed last night." Vic choked on the drink he was drinking. I pat his back. "No sweetie we weren't fighting." I said. "Then what was going on?" she asked. "Well... um... we... were.."
"Talking..." Vic finished for me. "Yeah, talking in a weird way. A way that you can't talk till you are seventy-three." I said. "Oh okay." she said."Yeah, now finish eating." I told her. She nodded, and continued to eat. I threw my trash in the trash can, and went into the bathroom so I can pee. What I saw terrified me. I could see a little blood in my boxers. Am I bleeding down there? I started I panic. "Vic!" I screamed. Moments later he appeared that door. My legs were shaky.
"Vic I think I'm bleeding down there!" I said, shakily. "What do you mean?" Vic asked, I could see fear cross Vic's face. "Look!" I showed him. "Okay let's go to the hospital." he said. I slipped on some sweats, and put some shoes on. Then we left.
Vic dropped the kids off at my moms. We are now in the waiting room. "Kellin Fuentes?" A nurse said. We got up, and she took me Into the examining room. I sat on the some what comfortable examining bed. "Okay Kellin tell me what has been going on?" She asked.
"Well... I have been throwing up a lot lately, earlier my stomach was hurting a lot, and there was this spot of blood in my boxers." I said. She wrote it down on her clipboard. "Why didn't you tell me that?" Vic asked. "I didn't want you to worry so much." I said. Vic nodded. "Okay where was your stomach hurting?" she asked. "It was hurting, in the bottom of my stomach." I said. "Okay, any fevers?" she asked. "No I don't think so." I said.
"Have you been tired a lot lately?" She asked. I nodded. "Okay what about... eating have you been eating a lot more?" she asked. "Yeah, I think I'm getting fat. My stomach sligtly got bigger. I ate a lot tonight usually I throw it all back up within the hour but it hasn't happened yet." I said.
"Lift up your shirt." she said. I did just that. She looked at it with a questioning look on her face. She put her hands on my stomach, and gently started to press down on Certain spots.
"Okay I'll be right back." she said. Few minuets later she came back with a cup. "Okay so I'm gonna need you to pee in this." she said. I gave her a questioning look. "Bathrooms down the hallway." she smiled. Me and Vic looked at each other, he looked just as confused as me. I got off of the bed, and went into the restroom. I did my business, and washed my hands. She was waiting out side the room.
I handed it too her, and walked back into the previous room I was in. "Vic I'm scared." I said. "Aw baby come here." he said. I sat on his lap. He pulled my legs up putting them over both his legs, I laid my head on his shoulder, as he held me.
"I'm sure everything fine." he said. "What if I die?" I ask, as tears cloud my eyes. "Kells baby, don't say that." he kissed my head, "think positive." he said. We waited for about fifteen minuets, until a different doctor came in. "Hey Kellin right?" he ask. I nod my head.
"I'm Dr. Sykes, okay so I need you two to follow me." he said. We got up, and we followed him into another exam room. It was dim in here.
"Okay lay down and lift your shirt please." He said. I did what he said. Vic grabbed my hand and gave me a reassuring squeeze. I slightly smiled at him. "This is gonna be kinda cold." He said. He squeezed some kind of blue gel on my stomach. He took a wand like thing, and went across my stomach with it. "Well looks like my theory was right." He said.
"What theory?" Vic asked for the both of us. "Am I dying?" I asked. "No, shh listen.." He said. We were all quiet I could hear two heart beats. "Your pregnant." he said. "What?" I said, in shock. "Yeah, when was the last time you two has sex?" he asked. "Last night." I said. "You look like your a little over a month." "Our first time was around a month, and two weeks ago." I said. "Condom or no?" He asked. "No.." I said. "Well you must've gotten pregnant then. A month, and two weeks is how far along you are."
"Is two heart beats mine and the baby's?" I asked.
"Actually it means your having twins..." he said. Leaving me and Vic in shock. "I'm guessing you don't know a whole lot about this. It's very common for a man to get pregnant with more than one baby. You have a higher chance at having twins, and above than just one baby." He said. "Wow.." Vic said in amazement. I felt a few tears go down my cheeks.
I looked at him, I saw that a couple of tears had fallen down his cheeks. "I'll leave you two alone for a minuet then when I come back we will discuss your next appointments." Dr. Sykes said. "Oh and here you go." he gave me a rag. I wiped the gel off my stomach.
"Vic..." I trailed off, I sat up, and looked at Vic. I hope he doesn't think we are gonna have too many kids.
Vic looks back at me, stands up, and he kisses me. I was a little surprised at first, but started to kiss him back. He pulled back, resting our foreheads against each other.
"Kellin this is just amazing." he said. "So you don't think this is too many kids? Cause I don't want you to leave me or anything." I said. "Now why would I do that. Kellin I love you so much how could I. You and our children, are my everything.
He got on his knees. "Babies it's daddy I know you can't hear me, but I love you and I will never leave you or your mommy." he said, making me blush and smile. He kissed my stomach, and stood back up holding both of my hands. "I love you baby." he said. "I love you too." I smiled.
Now we are on our way to get the kids. Dr. Sykes had told me everything I needed to know. I realize I have a slight baby bump. Well at least I know I'm not getting fat. I hope Vic doesn't mind it when ever my emotions start to go all over the place, and I start to look gross.
"You are not going to look gross. And no I won't mind it, I love you." he said. "Did I say that out loud?" I asking. "Yeah," he said.
Me and Vic decided to tell
everyone tomorrow since, its gonna be Saturday."I wonder how everyone's gonna react to it..." I said. "Me too." Vic said. "I'm gonna come inside with you. I wanna say "hi" to my mom." I said. "Alright," I was about to get out of the car, but Vic quickly, came over to my side of the car, and opened the door for me.
"Thank you." I said. "No problem babe." he grabbed my hand and "helped" me out the car. "Vic are you okay?" I asked. "Yeah, I just wanted to make sure you and the babies are okay." I rolled my eyes. "Vic I'm not even that big yet. Wait, I'm not even big." I said. "Yet..." he said. I rolled my eyes, and walked inside my mothers house.
Okay I'm sorry for posting so late. I'm packing my for my out of state trip with my choir.
Also I think I'm gonna add mor chapters into this one than I did the last time. I just don't want you guys to think its too many chapters alright.
I love you my darlings! <3

Gentle Kisses (Kellic) Mpreg
FanfictionKellin and Vic being together for a long time and happily married. They decide to go all the way. All they did is want to be closer in a way they haven't before. Little did they know..... Something other than being closer would come out of it.