{2 weeks later}
I'm in my sixth month, I feel fucking huge. I don't get how Vic, can even pick me up or anything. Last night we went out, I feel asleep in the car, and he carried me into the house, and to our bed. He even managed to get me undressed, cause when I woke up I was just in boxers. Then I remembered those arms, oh my god!
I'm currently cleaning the kitchen. I know Vic doesn't want me doing work, but I have to get this house clean, cause if I won't who will? As I was cleaning the plates, this really bad cramp ran through my stomach. "Shit..." I put the plate down, and rubbed my stomach gently. After it passed I went back to cleaning. Ten minuets then I felt another one, I winced in pain, and rubbed my stomach. "What the hell." I whispered to my self.
"You okay?" Vic walked into the kitchen. "Yes, I'm fine." I said. "Looks like to me you were in pain." he said. "No I wasn't I'm fine." I said, cleaning another plate. "Mhm..." he sat down at the island, and started watching me. The kitchen island has the sink in it so he's right in front of me. "What are you doing?" I asked. "Watching you." he said simply. "Why? that's weird." I said. "I just want to make sure your gonna be okay." he said. I shook my head, and continued to clean.
After about fifteen minuets, I moved to wiping off the counters. I winced in pain, as got another cramp. "Shit." I rubbed my stomach. "Yeah your not in pain my ass, go relax." he said. "Vic I'm f-" another cramp. "No your not, please go sit on the couch or something." he said. I looked at him. "Please for me?" I sighed, and put down the rag I was using. "Fine." I walked over to the couch, and sat on it. "What did I say about over working your self?" he asked. "I was just washing the dishes, then I started having these really bad cramps." I said.
"I'm gonna go call Dr. Sykes." Vic ran upstairs. I sighed. "Oh you two, three more months left." I said rubbing my belly. Vic came back down stairs. "Uh-huh.....okay I'll tell him that.... okay thank you Dr. Sykes... Alright see you in two weeks bye.." he hung up the phone. "He said it might be Braxton hicks." he said. "Those are?" I asked. "They're kinda like contractions, but they aren't." He said. "How do you know all this?" I asked.
"I read up on it." he said. "Oh okay."
"He also told me to tell you drink plenty of fluids, cause it might be coming from dehydration." He sat down. "Um, I'll go get you some water." he kissed my head, and got up. He came back, and handed me the glass. I took the glass, and took a big gulp of it. Then I tried to put it on the table, but I dropped, and spilled it.
I groaned, and put my hands on my face. "I can't do anything!" I said. I felt like I was about to cry. "Hey, don't cry it was a accident." Vic hugged me. "But I feel like I can't do anything, I can't clean without getting a fucking cramp, I can't get out the damn bath by my self, I can barely walk up the stairs by myself, shit, I can't put on my fucking shoes myself, it's hard to even put some pants on, I can't even see my feet, but I know they look like fucking balloons because of how fucking swelled they get." I sobbed. "Everyone needs help with something though Cupcake, and you just need lots of it because your carrying our babies." he said.
"I know," I lifted my head off his shoulder, "Sorry," I snuffled and wiped my eyes, "I over reacted. Damn I'm such a baby." I said. "It's just your emotions they're all over the place." he pulled me into him again, and hugged me. "Ugh I know." I said yawning. "Are you tired?" he asked. I nodded. "Lay down." I laid down my head on a pillow, while my feet were on his lap. "Let me clean this up, then I'll go get the oil." he go towels, cleaned up my mess then got up. I tried to get comfortable, wasnt working with the pillows on the couch. Vic came back. "Here," he handed me a pillow, and a blanket. "It's like you can read my mind."I said, putting the pillow underneath my head, and relaxing.
"Because we are same." he said. I smiled. He lifted my legs, and sat down. My feet were on his lap again. He squirted the oil into his hand, and started massaging my feet. "That feels soooooo nice." I said. I heard him chuckle.after about five minuets I started to feel drowsy. Soon I was fell asleep.
Vic's POV:
I smiled at my sleeping beauty.
Poor baby, maybe I should loosen up on him a little bit more. I just don't want him hurting him self. When I was done with the other foot, I gently picked his legs, and stood up. I Propped his foot up on one of the other couch pillows, and covered him up with the blanket I brought down here. I gently kissed his head, and made my way to the office so I could pay the bills.
After that I walked into the kitchen, and cleaned it. I wonder what Kellin's making tonight, or maybe I should take him, and the kids out to eat, when he wakes up. Maybe go to a fancy place or something. Just something to get his mind off things.
I think he might be a little stressed, and that's not good for the babies so maybe it will be good for him to get out, I could call Mama and ask her if she can take Kellin out on a spa day or something, ooo maybe both of the moms. I'm pretty sure Mom, and Mama wouldn't mind.
Plus Kellin doesn't know what I've been doing in the kids rooms. So far, I have half of it purple half of it blue. The day he went out to the mall is when Me, and some of the guys did it. I made sure I changed out of the clothes I was wearing before he came home.
So when he goes out we can set up the cribs, and everything else I've already bought some really adorable stuff I just hope he likes it. I texted mom, and mama in group text.
Ma- Mama Mo-mom V- Vic
V: Hey could you guys do me a favor?
Ma- Sure
Mo- Kk
V- Could you guys take Kellin out on a spa day tomorrow?
Ma- Sure what are you doing?
Mo- Yeah?
V- What are you guys talking about?
Ma- You ask us to take him out every time your doing something sneaky I know you.
Mo- So what trick do you have up your sleeve this time?
V- Im decorating the kids rooms.
V- Quit your fangirling xD
Ma- ?
Mo- Wha?
V- Nvm
Ma- What?
Mo- I think that means Never mind right?
V- Yes it does haha
Ma- Alright bye Mijo
V- bye
Mo- See ya!
I shook my head at those two. I swear, they need help. I laughed at my self. "Alright lets get the kids ready." I said to my self, and went up to the kids rooms.
Sorry guys! I had such a busy tiring day yesterday, and before I could write anything, I fell asleep. Then I kinda had to baby sit, go get groceries, and walk with them, then played some kind of slapping game, and now my hands hurt.
Again sorry bonus chapter at the end because of all of the day skippings.
Love you my darlings bye!

Gentle Kisses (Kellic) Mpreg
FanfictionKellin and Vic being together for a long time and happily married. They decide to go all the way. All they did is want to be closer in a way they haven't before. Little did they know..... Something other than being closer would come out of it.