(1 week later)
Our Anniversary is here! Vic just doesn't know what I have for him. I hope he likes it. Tony, and Mike agreed to watch the kids today, and tonight. They were excited to, hear that they were staying with, uncle Mike, and Tony. We are on our way to the beach, first thing we are gonna do is swim, and have some fun.
When we had made it we set up the blanket, and some food we brought. We had extra clothes in the car. "Kellin come in the water it feels nice." Vic said. I took off my flip flops, and walked to the water. I got in, and dipped my self into the water. When I came back up, my hair was sticking to my face.
Vic, moved some hair out my face, then he kissed me. Our lips firmly against each other, moving in sync. I can't get enough if this man.
Vic POV:
I can't wait for my Cupcake to see, and hear what I have made for him. Hope he likes it. It took me a long time to perfect it, but I did it. Making sure it was absolutely perfect enough, for him. Kellin deserves the best, cause he's the best to me.
A week ago, he gave me a massage, and sang me a song I've never heard before. Maybe he made it up him self. Something else I love about him, he comes up with his own tune, and lyrics, its always something I've never heard before.
I think I can remember some of something I heard him sing. The lyrics went something like: "After our time has passed will I glide through stain glass we go on, and on, and on, and the end will never come." It sounded absolutely gorgeous.
Sometimes it is a song I recognize like Over, and over by Three Days Grace, or 21 Guns by Greenday. I just love the sound of his voice it's so high, yet it can go low. I could also fall asleep to his voice. This boy I have in my arms currently right now, is my one, and only. Oh, when he has those babies, he's just going to amaze me more than he already has.
Kellin POV:
After about two hours in the water we got out, and ate then went to our next destination, a park. Acting like children, we swung, and played hide, and go seek, we also played tag. Right now I'm trying to find him.
"Vic?" I question, walking cautiously around the park. "Oh baby?" then I see one if his shoes, peaking out from around the corner. I run up to it softly. I jump out, and say "Hey!"
"What the fuck. Shit Kellin." He started to laugh. "Did I scare you?" I asked. "Yes, my heart his pounding." he grabbed my hand, and put it up to his heart, "can you feel it?" He asked. "Yeah, calm down boo." I touched his arm lightly. "Okay our next destination?"
We go back to the car, then he blindfolds me where are we going?
After about ten minuets of the drive I was getting even more curious. "Where are we going?" I asked. "You'll see when we get there." I sighed. "But Viccy!" I whined. "No babe, I'll tell you when we get get there." he continued to drive.
We stopped, and I'm guessing we parked. I heard Vic get out of the car, then I heard my door open. "Come on Cupcake." Vic grabbed my arm. I stood up, and he guided me somewhere. We walked around, until we stopped. "Okay are you ready?" he asked. "Yes,"
"Are you sure your sure?" He's only doing this to tease me. "Yes!" I said. "Okay," he took off my blindfold. As my eyes adjusted to the light, I saw a painting right in front of me.I looked around, were in an art museum. I haven't been here since our field trip here when we were in seventh grade. This is basically where we had our first date. And the first time we ever held hands. We had to hide it though, because of PDA I hate school.
"Aw Vic this is amazing I haven't been here since we were kids." I said. "I know, and you love art so figured why not take my amazing husband to the art museum."

Gentle Kisses (Kellic) Mpreg
FanfictionKellin and Vic being together for a long time and happily married. They decide to go all the way. All they did is want to be closer in a way they haven't before. Little did they know..... Something other than being closer would come out of it.