4 days later ^_^
I woke up to the sound of my alarm going off. First day back at work. I groaned, and turned it off. I got up out of bed, and shivered because of the coldness. I went to my closet picked out some clothes, and changed.
I brushed, my teeth and brushed my hair. Then I went back into the room to find my husband sleeping. He doesn't have to go into the office until nine today. Which means he's gonna have to get the kids dressed him self. I slipped on my black VANS, kissed his head, and grabbed my stuff for work.
"Aw hun that looks so good on you." I said. "Are you sure?" she asked. "Yeah, is this the one you want?" I asked. She nodded, wiping her teary eyes. "Alright then." I said.
After the girl, and her family left I sat down, and rested. I have one more week until I'm two months. I saw a dress, I sighed and got up. I picked it up, and hung it back up. "Hey Kellin nice to see your back." Courtney said. "Nice to be back." I said. "So did you have a stomach bug or anything?" she asked.
"Nope I found out I was pregnant." I said. "Really?" she asked. "Yeah," I said. "Well don't work your self too hard okay." she said. "I won't." I said. "Alright," someone walked through the door. "Want me to take this one?" she asked. "Nah it's okay I got it." I said. "Remember I said no working your self too hard." She said.
"I know Court." I groaned. "Okay," she glared, and pointed at me then walked away.
"Hey!" I said walking over to the group of people. "Hey so I need a dress that fits me." she said. "Okay," I grabbed my note pad, "what are somethings you like?" I asked. "Flowers, the color pink, sparkles, and I want it flowy." I nodded. "Okay you guys can sit right over there, and I will see what we have okay?" I went in the back, and found the only pink flowy dress we had. I brought it out. "Holy mother of god what is that! Do you have another one ugh." she said.
"No we don't I'm sorry this was the only one." I said. "Go find me another." she commanded. I went back there, and sighed. I found another dress that she might like, I brought it out and showed it to her. She didn't like that one.
Another hour past going back and forth with her until she found the one she wanted. She payed for it, and left. I sat down and sighed. I'm glad I'm not big yet. My feet would be hurting like there's no tomorrow.
I stand up, and sigh as more people come in.
The day is finally finished. I grabbed my stuff, and went to my moms to pick up the kids. After I got them, I went home. When I got there I took off my shoes and plopped down onto the couch.
I sighed, my eyes started feel heavy, until one of the kids told me they were hungry. I made them some Mac, and Cheese with spam. They ate, and I did too. We left some for Vic. I miss him. I heard Vic come in. "Speaking of the devil." I said to my self.
"Hey!" The kids got up and hugged Vic. Vic came to me, and kissed me. "Oo you taste like Macaroni and cheese." Vic said. "Well I am eating it so." I said. "Did you guys leave some for me?" he asked. "Yes, we did we didn't forget about you." I said. He stole a quick kiss from me, and then he went to get his plate.
After he got his I grabbed another one cause I'm basically eating for three. The kids finished eating, and left they're plates on the table. I finished mine, and I started to get the rest of the plates so I can wash them, but I was stopped.
"Nu-uh you can go take your shower and go to bed. I got this, and you look tired." Vic said. "It's fine Vic I'll clean the dishes." I said. "Nope you look like you've had a hard day at work. Probably one of those women who went through five or ten dresses." he said. "It felt like more than that I kept having to run back and forth and she was a snobby bitch." I said.
"See now go take your shower, and get relaxed, would you like a massage tonight?" he asked. I nodded. "Okay I'll be back there as soon as I'm done putting the kids to bed." He said. "Okay tell them I love them." I said. "I will." he started to wash the dishes.
I did what he said. I stepped into the shower, feeling the warmth of the water on my skin, as it poured. It felt so nice, I could feel my muscles relax. After I was done with my shower, I got dressed, and crawled into bed.
Vic came in a little bit after. He put on his pajamas, and went into his night stand. "Alright, sit up." I did what he told me to.
I heard him squirt what I'm thinking is Oil. He started to rub my back with it. As he rubbed the oil warmed up on my skin. "Your hands can really work some magic Vic." I said. "Thank you baby." he said.
"Your amazing you know that right?" I asked him. "Your more amazing then me." I said. "Not possible." he said moving to my shoulders. "Shh baby relax." he said. I relaxed. "So possible." I heard him whisper. I just shrugged it off.
After ten minuets he was done. He wiped the oil off my back, and he washed his hands. The he crawled back Into bed with me. My back to his front. I soon fell asleep in the arms of my amazing husband.
I woke up to nothin. I have no idea why I'm awake. I scanned the room, I saw Vic covered in blood. "Vic!" I shook him he wouldn't wake up. "No no no!" I Yelled. "Vic please!" I said. He coughed up some blood. "K-Kellin." He said. "Your alive!" I said in shock. "I'll call the police." He grabbed my wrist.
Cliff hangers are bitches. That's why I did it. You only have to wait till tomorrow hehe. I hope you liked that I double updated.
I love you my darlings. Hehe maybe I'll update a third time who knows????? 0-o

Gentle Kisses (Kellic) Mpreg
FanfictionKellin and Vic being together for a long time and happily married. They decide to go all the way. All they did is want to be closer in a way they haven't before. Little did they know..... Something other than being closer would come out of it.