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3 weeks Later

When we got the kids out of the hospital it was kinda hard at first, but it's okay now. "Cupcake?!" Vic yelled. "Yeah?!" I replied.
"Where are the kids towels?" I asked. "I'll bring them." I grabbed the towels out of the cabinets, and went into the bathroom where Vic was giving the kids a bath.

"Thanks Cupcake." he said. "You just love that nickname don't you?" I asked. "Yes I do."

I'm two months, and I have an appointment tomorrow. I laid, a hand on my stomach. I'm soooo excited. "What are you smiling about over there?" Vic asked. "I'm excited for the appointment tomorrow." I said. "I know me too." He smiled.

"Hey I'm gonna go take a shower in our bathroom." I said. "Okay, I'll get them dressed, and stuff." He said. "Do you want me to help cause I have no problem in helping." I said. "No your okay, go take your shower."

"Okay," I went into the bathroom, stripped down into nothing, and took a look at my self in the mirror. I have gotten bigger. That's the price of having two babies growing inside of you. I rubbed around the area, and then got into the shower. I let the nice hot water relax my muscles.


After I got clean I went inside the kids rooms to find them sleep. Vic isn't in here though. He must be in the living room. I kissed the kids, then I went into the living room.

I saw Vic on the couch. "Hey babe." I sat down next to him. "Hey there gorgeous." I blushed. "Whatcha doin?" I asked. "Texting Jaime, but...." Vic trailed off. "But what?" I asked. "He's pissing me off." he said. "Why?" I asked. "Cause whenever we were at your parents house I saw him staring at you in a place I didn't like." He said.

"What the fuck?" I asked. "I know right, wanna read the text?" he asked. "Sure." I said. He scrolled up, until he stopped at the beginning of they're conversation, then he handed me the phone.

V- Vic J- Jaime.

V- Hey could you fucking stop staring at my fucking husbands ass?

J- Not my fault he has a nice ass.

V- I don't care that's my fucking job.

J- Just because I'm gay doesn't mean I'm not a guy. Guys stare at asses.

V- I don't give a fuck.

J- Victurd calm your Fuentits.

V- No! When I say stop I mean stop. How many times will I have to tell you this. He's mine! And mine only. That Cute, adorable, sexy, and hot, as fuck boy is mine.

J- Okay, okay! Geez.

"Well damn Vic." I said. "Well it pisses me off when someone other than me, even thinks of you that way." He said. "Awe I think it's cute when you get jealous like this." I said. "I think it's hot when you do the same thing." He said.


"Cause it's hot when you threaten to do something to someone, and if they don't leave me alone you actually do, do something."

"Well it makes me mad for the same reasons it makes you mad." I said. "I know, and that's why we're goals." he said.

"We're goals?" I questioned. "Yeah even though I question almost all the time how you picked someone like me, we are relationship goals." He said. I rolled my eyes. "Hey," he said. "What's up?" I asked, turning my head towards him. "I love you." he said. "I love you too." he closed his eyes, and kissed me. I closed my eyes as, our lips moved in sync, also giving me butterflies in my stomach. No one knows how much I love it when he's all cute, and shit like this.

We pulled away, and opened our eyes. We were having one of those cute cliché moments. I was looking into his eyes, like he was mine. Those gorgeous chocolate brown eyes of his. Okay I need to stop before I start drooling. "Damn your eyes are just so gorgeous. They go from a gorgeous grey, to a gorgeous Blue, to a gorgeous green, then back to that gorgeous grey." I looked away blushing.

I don't get why he thinks I'm gorgeous.

"Let's go to bed." Vic said. "Mkay," I got up, and we went to bed.

We were in bed it was silent until Vic broke it. "Hey Cupcake?"


"So I found this house, and I was wondering if you wanted to go see it tomorrow after the ultrasound." he said. "Have you told your job your taking the day off work tomorrow?" I asked. "Yeah, have you told yours?" he asked. "Yeah, I told Court she said it was cool." I said. "You and your boss are just cool like that huh?" he asked.

"Well yeah, she nice, and understanding. She's just like that best friend coworker you have." I said.

"Mine is my brother." Vic laughed. "Your brother was already your best friend." I said. "Exactly." He said. "Sometimes I don't get you." I said. "Cause I'm just mysterious like that." he said.

"Go to sleep idiot." I said, playfully. "I'm your idiot."

"Seriously?" I asked. "What?" he asked, playing dumb, or maybe just being dumb. "Go to sleep Vic." I said. "Okay good night Love you." he kissed my head.

"Love you too."


Yayayay Update!
I didn't think I'd have time to do one, but I did. And I don't know if I will have time to do it this weekend, but i'll be able to make sometime for at least two.

And also durning the summer, you guys should probably be expecting updates at random times every day. Cause then I usually have lots of time because I stay up so late, and yeah. If I don't, my friends have dragged me off somewhere.

Okay sorry for rambling.

See ya tomorrow, Love you my Darlings!

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