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{Week Later (Ryan's Birthday)}

I woke up before everyone else. I went inside the kitchen wondering what I should make, for my little boys birthday. Ugh, they're growing up too fast. I settled on making him pancakes, after I was done I tried my best to shape it Into a car. After I managed to do that, I used fruit to finish it off.

After I was done I went up to Caroline, and Ryan's room. I went to Ryan's bed, and lightly shook him. "Sweetie wake up." I said. "He groaned. "Come on I have some food." His eyes fluttered open. "Happy Birthday!" I whispered yelled. He smiled. "Tank you." He says.

"You get to eat in bed today, so sit up." He did what I asked him to. I placed the plate in his lap, with a baby fork, and he started to eat. "Be right back." I said. "Vic get up." I said. He didn't move. I rolled my eyes, went over to him, and kissed him. After a few seconds he started to kiss back, so I pulled away.

"Get up." I said. "What a beautiful way to wake up." he says. "Yeah, go say happy birthday to Ryan, and then get Caroline up, and go eat." I said. Vic got up, and went into the kids room. After breakfast, we're going to my parents for the party, plus it's been a while since I've seen my mom.

We all get dressed, and Ryan's a little impatient. He's excited for today. "Where are we going." Ryan ask for the eighth time today. "You'll see I promise." I said. We parked at my moms then got out. Ryan, being the little ball of energy he is ran up to the front door, and knocked on it.

My mom opened up the door. The rest of us walked in. "Surprise!" people yelled, and jumped out. I jumped in surprise, and put my hand up to my chest. I knew that was gonna happen, but it still scared the shit out of me.

"Is this for me!" Ryan asked. "Yes it is." my mom said. "Yay!" Ryan jumped. "Go play the other kids in the backyard." She said. Ryan, and Caroline ran to the back. "Hey Kellin!" my cousin Jenna came up to me. "Hey Jen." we hugged. "Well would you look at, that it is true." she looked, at my belly.

"What?" I asked. "That your pregnant. "Oh yeah." I said. "And I see you still with Vic so he's the father huh?" she ask."So how many months are you six, or seven?" she asked. "neither I'm only four."

"Surely there isn't one baby in there."

"Oh no there isn't, its twins, we don't know the genders yet." I said. "Oh really! oh and by the way cute kids. Did you have them too?" she asked. "No, we adopted them, and when we had them for a month, I found out I was pregnant." I said.

"That's adorable." she cooed. "So have anyone yet?" I asked. "Yeah, I met her about a year ago, and we've been together since." She said. "Did you bring her?" I asked. "No, but if you want to meet her then I can ask her to come over here if its okay with you, and your mom." she said. "Go for it." I said.

"Yay," she got out her phone, and dialed her girlfriend. "She said she's gonna be here in ten." I nodded, and we continued to talk till then. Then someone rang the doorbell. Jenna went to answer it, then gave a hug, and kiss to the person that came in. "Guys this is Taylor." she smiled. "Hi Taylor, I'm Kellin, and this is my husband Vic." Vic waved.

"So Taylor, um tell us something about yourself." I said. "I have a band, we're still working our way up to the top, to make money for all of us, we do some shows. On the side I work in an beauty salon on the side. I like to read, and write sometimes." She said. "Oh okay. So you two have been together a year?" I asked. "Yeah, I love her." she warped her arm around Jenna's waist.

"You guys kinda remind me of me, and him. I'm certain you guys will be together for a long time." I smiled. "Hey little bro, and big cus." Mackenzie came over to us. "Did you bring Austin here?" I asked. "Yeah the fam loves him." she said. "So he's being nice to everyone?" I asked. "Who is this Austin dude? I have to give him my big cousin talk." Jenna said.

I looked around, and spotted him talking to another one of our cousins. "He's over there." I pointed. "Come on Tay you Get to watch me give someone the talk." her and Taylor walked away.

"Foods ready!" My mom yelled. everyone started piling up into the kitchen.

After we ate we sang happy birthday to Ryan. He was so happy. Then we got to have some cake. Then Ryan got to open up his presents. "What do you say?" I ask Ryan. "Tank you." he said. Every one cooed, and said your welcome. Then we played some party games, and we also got to hit a piñata.

It was nice to see my family today.


I know! it's late! I'm sorry :(
Theres a ton of things on my mind. I love you my Darlings bye!

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