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{Next Day}

Today me, Sky, and Aden get to go home. I can't wait to go home, and sleep in my bed. It felt nice to sleep, after everyone was gone. Vic let me sleep till two even though I told him to wake me up. He never listens. The kids did not want to leave our side last night, so Mackenzie, and Austin just stayed over night too, so they could take them home. This officially means me, and Vic have four children.

I'm in a wheel chair, and we're going out to the car. When we got out there Vic strapped the carseats in, and helped me up. I winced when I sat down because I'm still pretty sore. I buckled up, Vic got into the car, and started to drive. Vic grabbed my hand, and laced our fingers together. "I love you." he told me. "I love you too." I leaned over, and kissed his cheek, making him smile.

I leaned up against the window, soon falling asleep.


I woke up, inside my bed, and to the sound of one of the babies crying. When did I get up here? Vic must've carried me up here. I got up, and walked into the babies room to see it was Aden crying. "Aw baby." I picked him up. "What's wrong?" I cradled him, and bounced him gently. I took my index finger knuckle, and put it up to his lips. He started sucking on it.

"You might be hungry." I walked over to the rocking chair, and lifted my shirt. I felt him latch on. "There ya go." I rocked back, and forth soothingly. "Oh your up." Vic came in. "Yeah still kinda tired, but I'll live." I said. "Well someone was hungry." he said. "Mhm, so did you carry me in there instead of waking me up?" I asked. "Yeah." he said. "Why?' I asked. "Cause you look so peaceful, and relaxed, then I knew you were really tired, I mean you were sweating up a storm last night." He said. "Well it is a lot of work giving birth." I said.

I bet, he chuckled. Sky started to cry, Vic went over to her crib, and picked her up. "What's wrong with my princess?" Vic cooed. "I think I smell the problem." he said. "You take that one I'm busy with this one." I said. "Dammit." he took her over to the changing table, and changed her, throwing away the diaper in the trash. "There you go your clean now." he said.

She was looking up at Vic. "I just want you to remember that if any boy is giving you problems I will always be there." He said. "Vic." I said. "Yes my sweet."

"Your something else you know that?" I said. "Yeah." he smiled. He started humming. I recognize that song, it's his. "Sing it out loud." I said. He started over, and sang it. Oh how I love that song. "Ooh someone's getting sleepy." I said. Aden was done, so I burped him, and put him to sleep, while listening to Vic sing that amazing song.

{3 weeks}

My babies are three weeks, almost a month. Time flies, and I don't like it. I'm almost healed, which means Vic is totally gonna be on my ass soon, or should I say in my ass. Just as I was about to sit down, I heard one of the babies, through my baby monitor. We get up, and sigh. There's a 50% chance that one baby will wake up the other baby.

"Oh geez Aden I smell you." I say walking into the room. I pick him up, and put him on the changing table. I opened up his diaper, damn fucking full load. Then he started peeing, it shot up, so I shut the diaper as fast as I could. "Oh come on Aden you did this last night." I said. I waited till he was done before I changed him all the way. I saw Sky was starting to get fussy. "Vic! help me out here." I said. He came in, and grabbed her.

"There clean baby happy baby." I said, putting him in his crib. "Are you doing okay over there?" I asked. "She's still really fussy." I grabbed, the pacifier she got from the hospital. I put it up to her lips, and she opened her mouth, and I put the pacifier in her mouth. Then she calmed down. "She loves that thing." I said. "Look at you super mom." He said. He put Sky in her crib. We both gave them Gentle Kisses before leaving the room.

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