{2 months later}
Me and Tony are hanging out. He thought I should get away from the house for a while, and get out so that's why we're walking through the park. We're currently eating ice cream, while just talking, while we walk. "See doesn't it feel nice to finally get out of the house?" he asked. "Yeah, I guess but I miss my babies." I said. "I know, but you need sometime off. All I ever see you do is work." he said. "Well yeah, that's what I do best." I say. "It's nice to see you take a br- oh fuck." he clenched his stomach and dropped his ice cream. "Woe are you okay?" I asked.
"Yeah, I just got a really bad stomach ache." he said. "Did you eat something bad?" I asked. "No I don't think so." He rubbed his stomach. "You probably ate something bad." I said. "Maybe," he got back up, and we started walking again. He was about to fall but I caught him. "Tony are you sure your okay?" I asked him.
"Yeah, I'm fine." he said, squeezing my hand tightly. "Maybe we need to get you to the hospital?" I suggested."No, you've had enough experiences with hospitals in the last months." he said. Standing straight. "See I'm cool now." he started walking again. I shook my head, and walked with him.
After about ten minuets of walking, and talking Tony winced in pain again. I sat him down on a bench. "Yeah your not okay. Get up we're going to the hospital."
"Kellin-" he winced, "I'm fine." he clenched his teeth holding his stomach. I grabbed his arm, and helped him into the car. I texted Mike telling him he needs to be at the hospital. "Oh my shit!" Tony whispered yelled. "Does it really hurt that bad?" I asked. "Hell yeah, now I know how you felt." he joked. How could he be joking at a time like this? he's in pain. I shook my head at him, it can't be that bad.
When we got there I helped Tony out. Where's Mike? I sat him down while I went to the front desk. "How can I help you." a lady asked. "Um my friend Tony is having really bad stomach pains." I said. "Alright the doctor will be with you in a minuet." She said.
Few minuets felt like hours. "Perry?" they called us back there. I helped Tony up, and we walked back there. "Hello, I'm Dr. Hannah, how bad is the stomach pains from 1-10?" she asked. "Defiantly a ten." he said. "Do you know what could have caused these pains?" Tony shook his head. "When did you start having them?"
"Me, and him were walking in the park, then they just started randomly." I said. "Oh okay, well lets see if we can find what the problem is." She took some transducer, and squirted some onto his stomach. I know that must be cold. We all looked at the screen, then mine, and Tonys eyes widened at what we saw.
There it was, the figure of a baby.
"Well your pregnant." she said. "How? when?" Tony was just stunned. So was I. "Looks like I'm not the only one." I mumbled. "And your baby is coming now." She said. "Are you the father?" she asked me, that made me wanna throw up. "No, oh god no. He's my best friend."
"Well is he gonna be here?" she asked. "I told him to be." My phone buzzed, it was a text from Mike telling me he's here. "Matter of fact, he's here now." I said. "Good." she said, "Well looks like your gonna have a baby." she smiled, and left. Tony looked worried. "What's wrong Tone? your gonna have a baby." I said. "What if Mike doesn't want anything to do with me or the baby when he finds out?" he questioned. "Now you know mike wouldn't do that, he loves you, and I know he's gonna love your baby just as much." I told him. He smiled, and nodded. "Now I'm going to get Mike, so he can be there when you have your baby." I went out of the room, and went to go find Mike, he was in the waiting room. "Is Tony okay?" he asked. "Yeah, but your never gonna believe it." I said excitedly. "What is it?" he asked.
"Tony's pregnant." I smiled, he smiled too. "No fucking way." he said. "Yes fucking way, he's being moved to a room right now, so just ask them, and they'll tell you where he is." I said. "Wait so you mean that's what's wrong?" he asked. I nodded. His eyes widened. "Which means he's having the baby right now!" he asked the lady at the desk where tony was, and he ran.
Tony POV:
Oh my fuck! This shit fucking hurts! They moved me to a different room. I'm on a bed, still in my clothes 'cause I refused to let anyone help me. "My god Tony!" Mike ran to me, and hugged me. "Tony this is just amazing! A baby! we get to have our own mini us!" he said happily. "Your happy about this?" I asked. "Yes! why wouldn't I be?" He asked. "I don't know maybe you wouldn't want a baby." I said. "Well I do especially, if its with you. Tony I love you, and I always will." He kissed me. "So did you know about this and not tell me?" he asked. "I love you too, but no, I didn't know. I never had the symptoms, and my stomach didn't grow. I did gain weight, but I thought it was just because I've been eating a lot." I said.
"Wow, I've been wanting to have kids with you, I never thought it would be like this, or this early." he said. "I know-" I winced in pain. He grabbed my hand. "Sorry." he said. He better be, all this damn pain I'm going through. He better be lucky I love him.
"Tony right?" a doctor came in. "Yeah," I said. "I'm Dr. Harris, so your in labor huh?" he asked. I nodded. "Well you have a choice, we can get you set up now for an epidural, naturally, or a C-section." He said. "Which one gets us through this faster?" I asked. "Natural." he says. "Lets do that one then." I said.
"Alright, change into this," he put a hospital gown on the bed. "and let's do this."
"One more big push!" Dr. Harris said. "Oh my g-" I was cut off by my own yell, and I was hit with a wave of relief. I heard the cry of a baby. "It's a girl!" Dr. Harris said. The baby girl was placed in my arms. "She's gorgeous." Mike said. "I know." I wiped her with the blanket, and smiled. I was tearing up, and so was Mike. He kissed my cheek, and her head. I kissed her head too before they took her away to get her cleaned up more.
"Tony you did great baby." Mike kissed my head. It's sweaty as hell so I don't know why he wasn't disgusted by that. "So what do you think we should name her?" he asked. "I don't know."
"Is there a name you've always liked?" He asked. "I've always loved the name Mia."
"I love it." he said, I smiled. "But what about you?" I asked. "Nope, I like the name you just said." He said. "B-"
"No buts. I love it." He said. "Okay." I smiled, then he kissed me. "Here she is." nurses handed Mia to me. I looked up at Mike, he was smiling looking down at our daughter.
"Hey guys. Aww look at the baby." Kellin cooed coming in, Vic following.
"Hey where is everyone else?" I asked. "Coming, I wanted to be the first one to see the baby." Kellin came over to the side of the bed. "So boy or girl?" he asked. "Girl.""Name?"
"Mia." I smiled. "Aw that's adorable." She started crying. Oh shit! oh fuck! I don't know what to do! "Kellin? what do I do?" I asked. "Rock her gently, and don't freak out." he chuckled. I did just that, she started to calm down. "Oh, and here." he handed me some baby clothes.
"Where did you get these?" I asked. "Before Vic came I had him run to the baby store to get some unisex clothes, and this." it was a baby carseat. "Aw Kellin thank you." I said. "Your welcome, I also knew that you can't take the baby home without one so there you go." I said.
"Thank you so much." I hugged him, being carful of Mia. "No problem." He said.
"Hey Tone!" Justin, and Jaime came in. Then Justin saw the baby in my hands. "Aw look at the baby!" he squealed.
{Next Day}
Yay we get to take baby Mia home today. "Are you ready?" Mike asked. "Yeah," she was already in the carseat. "Yeah." I said, making sure the carseat was secure. "let's go home." he picked up the carseat, and I was put in a wheel chair. My ass still hurts, I guess it was worth it 'cause now I have my baby Mia.
So what did you think?
Sequel first chapter is already posted, and another story I'm working on. I love you my Darlings, and thank you for reading my story. See you in the next stories. I know my face looks horrible in that pic but oh well I hugged Damon heheh

Gentle Kisses (Kellic) Mpreg
FanfictionKellin and Vic being together for a long time and happily married. They decide to go all the way. All they did is want to be closer in a way they haven't before. Little did they know..... Something other than being closer would come out of it.