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{.Night before doctors appointment.}

I sit down, with a plate of cookies on my belly watching TV. "Hey Cupcake." Vic sat down, and took a cookie off the plate. "Hey that was my cookie!" I said. "Sharing is caring." he said. I rolled my eyes. "Where did you get the cookies?" he asked. "That one bakery down the street." I said. "I'm gonna have to go back there, and buy some more." he said.

"That would be nice." I said, taking a bite out of another cookie. Vic put his arm around my shoulders. I leaned into him, out of habit. "I love you." he said. "I love you too." I said, it came out muffled, 'cause I still had some cookie In my mouth. He chuckled. "Don't talk with your mouth full." He said. "Oh be quiet." I said. I felt the babies kick roughly. "Hey, hey you two! Calm down." I rubbed my stomach. "Are they kicking hard again?" he asked. "Yeah." I said, still rubbing my stomach.

"Maybe they really want out." he chuckled. "Two weeks, another month, and we'll get to see you." I said, to my stomach. "I defiantly can't wait till they get here." Vic said. "I know, and I'm ready for them to get here. I just want to hold them, hug them, kiss them." I said. "I know, I can't wait to give their first boyfriend, and/or girlfriend the talk. I'll go easy on the girls, but on the boys, I swear if they hurt my daughter, or my son I will hunt them down." He said.

"I know when ever Caroline, and Ryan gets their first girlfriend, and/or boyfriend we are gonna talk to them, and him or her. I know If its a guy, we're going to give him the extra talk." I said, finishing off my last cookie. "So what is this we're watching?" he asked. "I don't know my Aunt Pennie gave me the movie "Fifty Shades Of Grey" I decided to watch it, after we got the kids to bed. It's pretty good." I said. "Didn't you read the book?" he asked. "Yeah, but it's pretty cool to compare, what's different, or the same." I said. "I guess that's true."

"You know after you watch this your should read the book." I said. "Mm maybe."

{Next morning}

I woke up, no clothes on feeling amazing. After watching "Fifty Shades Of Grey" me, and Vic were turned on. I didn't think that we would ever do it, until after I had the babies. Look like I was wrong. When your in your high, you don't think with your brain, you think with your dick.
I laid my head on Vic's chest, sighed in content, and smiled. Oh I hope we don't see the guys today. I suddenly felt Vic hug me, and kiss my head. "Good morning." I smiled. "Good morning to you too." He said. "You were pure amazingness last-night." I looked up at him. "So we're you." I said.

"Waiting really takes a toll on you." he said. "Oh yeah, I know." I said. "Okay so you have an appointment, today... what time is it." he grabbed his phone off the table. "It's twelve, which means its in two hours. Do you say we get out of bed, or lay here for a little longer?" he asked. He's using that sexy, Vic just woke up, after sex voice, and I love it. "Let's lay here for a little longer." I snuggled up closer to him.


Me and Vic are on our way another appointment, which I'm excited for because, this means we're very close to having our twins here. "Kellin?"

"Yes babe?"

"I love it when your happy." he smiled. "You tell me that all the time." I said. "'Cause it's true." We parked, and got out. He laced our fingers together. Making me smile a little wider. We walked inside the office, and Vic signed me in, then we sat in the waiting room. After a few minuets of just talking, we were called into the exam room.

"Kellin, Vic, nice to see you again." Dr. Sykes, came into the room. "So how have you been? he asked. "We've been good. You?" I asked. "Just fine." He sat down on the stool. "Alright let's see how your babies are." he grabbed the transducer, and squirted someone to my stomach. I shivered at the coldness, that's not a feeling you get used to. He started to move the wand around. "They look healthy, they are both growing normally. So I'd say in six weeks you will be giving birth to two healthy babies." He smiled. "That's great!" I said, excitedly.

"Alright." he gave me a tissue to wipe up the transducer. When I got it all off, I pulled my shirt back down, and hopped off the bed. "See you in another month for your last ultrasound." he said. Me, and Vic got copies of the ultrasound, and left. Me, and Vic grabbed something to eat before heading back to the house.

When we got back, we all ate our food, and relaxed in the living room. We all watched "RV" Robbin Williams you will be missed. While everyone was watching the movie, I kinda cleaned up. Even though I caught Vic watching my every move. What does he think I'm gonna do? bust? my water can't be broken yet, I haven't even hit eight months yet.

When the movie was done, we sat back on the couch, and talked while the kids went to go play.

"Hello bitches." Mike, and Tony walked through the door. "Don't you guys ever knock?" I asked. "Nope, so how was your day?" Mike asked. "Pretty good."

"Hey Kells can I talk to you for a sec?" Tony asked. "Um sure." Vic helped me up, and I walked into the kitchen with Tony. "What did he do to make you so happy?" he asks. "What are you talking about?" I asked. "Kellin, your practically glowing." Tony said.

"We just had a nice night." I shrugged my shoulders. "Nice? must've been great." he teased. "Tony it was amazing! And oh my god, when we woke up, he was talking in that sexy, just woke up after sex voice, and it was just, ugh." I said. "I understand, when Mike talks in that voice I swear it does things to me." he said.

"Don't you love those moments when you wake up, and you just feel so amazing?" I asked. "Hell yeah I do." He said.

After Tony, and Mike left I was back on the couch with Vic.

"You know I think you should take off work the rest of the pregnancy." Vic said. "Vic no." I shook my head. "Please??" he pleaded. "Why?" I asked. "Because I don't want your water breaking at work, because your dealing a horrible client, and your overworking your self. And I defiantly don't want your water breaking while I'm not anywhere near you." He looked me in the eyes. "Is it really that important to you?" I asked. "Yes it is." He nodded.

"Fine, but I'm going to work for the next two weeks, and when I hit eight months, I'll see what I can do." I said. "Thank you, thank you, thank you." he kissed
me. "Your welcome." I said. "So about my sexy, just woke up after sex voice?" he questioned. "Oh you heard that?" I asked. "Mhm. he mumbled.


I'm sooooo sorry, I really hope the bonus chapter really makes up for this. I've been planning it since the first chapter.

Alright I love you my darlings bye!

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