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{2 weeks later}

"Oh my god Kellin that is the cutest thing ever!" Courtney squealed. "You said that all the other times you felt them kick." I laughed. "It's still the cutest thing ever. So I assume you have an appointment today, and the doctor couldn't tell the genders last time so is that what your gonna find out today?" she asked. "Yeah, let's hope they aren't in each-others way." I said.

"You know you should ask you doctor if you could do a 4D ultrasound." she said. "What does that do?" I asked, hanging up a dress. "That shows you your babies. How they look and stuff, you could also see if they have yours or Vic's noses, or something like that. Sometimes it can be hard to tell." she said.

"I might just do that." I said. "What time is your appointment?" she asked. "2:30."

"Well you better get going its 1:13." she said. "Alright, see you tomorrow." I said. "Okay, and you better bring me back some pictures." She smiled.

"Okay, I will." I grabbed my stuff, and left. Fuck I'm hungry, then again when am I not. I parked in the parking lot of Vic's job. He doesn't know I'm coming. "Hey Kellin, long time no see." Scarlet said, she's the girl at the front desk. She's in her early 30's. "I assume your coming in to see Vic?" She questions. "Yeah, don't tell him I'm coming though." I said.

"Alright I won't, and congrats Vic has told me lots about you, and the babies." she said. "Really?" I asked. "Yeah, he never stops talking about you, or worrying." She said. "What does he say?" I asked. "He talks about how he doesn't want you to over work your self, or how excited he is." she said.

"So he's so excited he tells the whole building?" I asked. "No not everyone just specific people he trust here." she said. "Oh okay, We'll i'll talk to you later." I said. "Okay," she smiled. I walked through the building until I stopped in front of Vic's office. I turned the door knob slowly, and I walked in. He still hasn't turned around from his desk, so he hasn't heard me. I crept over to the chair he was sitting in. Then I wrapped my arms around his neck. He tensed up.

"Hey baby." I said. "Dammit Kellin." Vic laughed, and relaxed. "When did you get here?" he asked. "Moments ago, I missed you though." I said, let go, and turned him around in his chair. "I missed you too." He held open his arms. "Sit." he said. "But I don't wasn't to crush you." I said.

"Kellin your as light as a feather, just sit." he chuckled. I sat down on his lap. "I'm f-"

"No you aren't, like I said you are as light as a feather." he said. I sat down, laid back, and rested my head against his. "So me and Courtney were talking, and I think we should get a 4D ultrasound of the babies." I said. "What's that?" he asked. I grabbed my phone, and searched it up. "I guess we could see our babies like this." I showed him a picture.

"That's so cool, I guess we can ask him when ever we get there." Vic said. "Okay, its," I checked the time on my phone, "1:50 do you wanna stay here for a few more minuets or go now?" I asked. "Lets stay here for a few more minuets." Vic said, planting his lips on mine.

Our lips moved in sync, he licked my bottom lip, asking for an entrance. I denied to tease him for a bit. Then he took his hand that was closes to my ass, a squeezed it making me gasp. He took that as an opportunity to stick his tongue in my mouth.

We fought for dominance, but he won. Then he explored every inch of my mouth. We pulled away, because of the annoying sound of one of our alarms. We were breathing heavily. Vic turned it off. "I guess that means we have to go." He said. "Ugh, I don't want to get up, your comfortable." I said.

"Fine then, I guess I'll just have to carry you." Vic picked me up bridal style. "Vic what the fuck. I'm too heavy for this shit." I said. "Your as light as a feather." he said. "You must find some time to work out or something." I said. "Every once in a while with mike." he said.

"Really? humph."

"See you guys later." Scarlet chuckled.

Vic took me too his car. I don't know how he managed to open the door, and put me in the car, but he did. I buckled my self in, as he shut the door, and went around to the driver side to get in. "Your crazy." I said. "But you love it so its okay." he smiled.

He buckled up, then started to drive.


We got out the car. After we checked in, we sat down in the waiting room waiting to be called. "Kellin Fuentes." A nurse said. We got up, and walked into the back.

She did the normal check up, then left. Now we're waiting for Dr. Sykes. "Hello, hello." Dr. Sykes came in. "Hey." I smiled. "So I think we'll be able to find out the genders today." He said. "Yay, I'll be able to shop for them properly." I said. "Alright well let's get started." he started to get the transducer. "Um do you think that we could get a 4D ultrasound today?" I asked.

"Sure not a problem." he smiled. I laid down, and lifted my shirt. He squirted, the transducer on my stomach. I shivered at the coldness. The screen wasn't B&W this time it was more of an brownish color.

"You guys can have this on a CD if you want." Dr. Sykes said. "That would be nice." I said. "How many?" he asked. "Seven." I said. "Alright after this we'll get then for you."

"Alright." I said.
As I was watching the screen, I saw the face of one of the babies. "Well here's baby A. Lets find baby B." he said. He slightly went to the other side of my belly. "Here he or she is." He moved down, I saw him squint his eyes. "Well baby B is a boy." he said. I smiled.

"What about baby A?" I asked. He moved the wand to the other side, and went down. "Looks baby A is a... Girl." he said. I smiled wider. I looked at Vic, he was smiling too. "Can we see the faces again?" I asked. "Sure."

The babies faces looked like they were touching. I stared at the screen in awe. Then our baby girl yawned, and moved a little bit. "Oh my god that is amazing." Vic whispered.

We looked at the other baby to see him sucking his thumb. That is too cute. After a few more minuets of looking at them, move in such. We were done. I wiped the transducer off of my belly. "Wait here, and I'll go get the CDs it'll take a few minuets." Dr. Sykes said.

"That was too amazing." I said. "I know right. It was amazing to see our babies moving, and just my god." I said. "I can't wait to see them, and hold them." He said. "I know, I can't wait to feel the feeling of holding them for the first time." I smiled.
"So I get to name our boy huh?" he asked.

"That's what we agreed on, but I get to name our girl." I said. "I promise I won't name him something horrible."

"Better not." I said, jokingly.

After a few more minuets of us just talking about the babies, Dr. Sykes came in with the CDs, and we left. We told our family, and friends to meet us at our house. Lets hope Mack gets there first so she can let every one in.


Early chapter!! I hope you guys like it.

Mkay I love yas mah Darlings bye!

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