I went downstairs so I could see what was going on. I couldn't even understand, what they were saying. "Hey!!" I yelled, it went silent. "What is going on?" I asked. "I don't like the way he was looking at you, and it pissed me off." Vic said. "Say what you have too without yelling. I don't want you scaring the kids." I told him. "And sit down, there will be no physical fighting in this household." I said. They both backed up, and sat down. "Good. Now Vic, what's your side of the story?"
"I don't like the way he was looking at you. All you were doing was taking care of our babies, and he looked at you like he was disgusted, and you know I hate it whenever people look at you that way, and I just couldn't take it anymore from him. I can deal with strangers, but when it's someone that is suppose to love you, and be there for you It just pisses me off, because dammit Kellin you know I love you, and it tore me apart to see you in pain. I hate that the person that caused it is your fucking father." he said, breathing heavily. I can tell all he wants do is lash out on my dad.
"D- Harold?" I turned to Harold.
"I don't know what he's talking about I wasn't looking at you in any type of way." he said. And that's where I don't believe him. "Yeah, I don't think I can believe you. I see the looks you give me, but I still smile, and go on with my life, because I'm done with trying to impress you." I could hear one of the babies crying through the baby monitor. "Now if you will excuse me, one of my babies need me." I got up. "And babe come with me I'm pretty sure Sky made something for you." I said cooly. Vic got up, and we both went into the nursery."Calm your self, I know you don't like it whenever people look at me that way, but I'm okay it doesn't bother me as much as I used to." I said. "I know it's just ugh. You know how I can get." he said. "Yeah I do, thank you for caring." I hugged him. "Of course I love you." he said. "I love you too." He quickly kissed me then he went to our crying daughter. "Don't cry baby girl." he picked her up, and put her on the changing table, and changed her.
I left the room to go pee, but when I was heading back, I stopped cause I heard Vic talking. "You know if your gay or something I won't ever act coldly towards you, I will support, and love you through everything, because your my kids, and I love you." He said. I walked into the room. "That was sweet." he turned around. "Oh you heard that?" he asked. "Yeah, and Im glad your not gonna be like Harold. He's not a person anyone wants to be, so are you hungry? I was thinking about ordering pizza." I said. "Ooh that sound good." he said. "Pizza it is." I called the pizza place, and went back downstairs.
"I never get a break." I chuckled. "You can almost never get a break with babies." Mama said. "I know. Oh, and I ordered pizza!" I said. I heard a chorus of 'yes' and 'fuck yeah'. I just want food. "I have a question." I said. "Sure go for it." she said. "Okay that thing covering the babies bellybuttons what is that?" I asked. "That's the babies umbilical stumps, they should fall off sometime, it's just too early for them right now." she said.
"What do I do when they fall off?" I asked. "I'd say keep them for memories." she said. "I might just do that. Where?" I asked. "Put them in two separate bags, and label them, I still have Vic, and Mikes." She said. "Really?" I asks. "Yeah."
"How interesting." I said. "Kellin." I turned around. "Hm?"
"Your baby monitor." Tony said. I heard a voice that sounded like my dads. I gasped, and ran as fast as I could up the stairs. "What are you doing in here?" I asked. "Just wanted to say hi to the babies." He said, holding Sky. "Vic!" I yelled, as loud as I can. "Whoops." He dropped Sky, I acted fast as I dived to catch her. I did, I held her as she cried. I was on the brink of tears. "Vic! Help!" moments later Vic came in. "What happened?" he saw me on the floor, I was starting to cry. "He tried to drop her, but I caught her." I said. Harold just stood there smiling.
Vic looked like he was about to kill someone. "Jaime! Mike! c'mere!" he yelled. I got up, and got Aden. The boys came in, and I walked out. I went down the stairs, and told everyone what was going on. As I calmed Sky down. I put her, and Aden in the swings, and went back upstairs. I heard yelling but I pushed past the guys. "How in the fuck could you do that. That's my fucking daughter, you fucking dick, I want you out of my fucking house and don't you ever come back, because you tried to take away someone that means everything to me." something crossed my mind, "Wait, no you stay right here, I'm gonna go call the police. Boys he's all yours." I walked out. I grabbed my phone, and called 911.
I walked back into the nursery to find them standing with, their arms crossed, and Harold in pain on the floor. "I called the police, and they're on their way."
"Well at least we got a few punches in." I walked into the room. "Dick." I kicked him, then walked. Soon I heard the sirens outside. "Mommy what's wrong?" Ryan asked. "Nothin sweetie, he's just been a very bad man." I picked Ryan up, and took him out of the room. "He's in there." I said to the police officers. They went upstairs, and grabbed him out. "I never want to see him again in my life." I said. Another cop came up to me. "Um Mr..?"
"Fuentes, your gonna have to come with us to the hospital, even though you caught her we want to make sure she's okay. After all she is pretty small." he said. "Alright, I want to make sure she's okay." I said. I went to go grab her, and I put her into her carseat. "Vic, stay here with the rest of the kids, i'll be back." I said. "Alright, be safe." he kissed me quickly. "I will." I grabbed, her carseat and headed out the door.
When we got there I told them what was wrong, and they took her away from me I had to wait in the waiting room. Ugh, I just wanna see my baby.
{Millions of text, and few chapters later}
"Mr. Fuentes." the doctor came. I stood up. "Is she okay?" I asked. "Yeah, she's fine, be lucky you caught her, because if she would have hit the floor it would have been bad." he said. "So everything's fine?" I asked. "Yes, you can even take her home tonight." he smiled. I felt relived. "Take me to her please?" I asked. "Sure." I followed him into a curtain room. "Aw my Sky." she wasn't hooked up to anything so, I picked her up. "Oh my sweet baby." I kissed her head, and held her close. Thank god your okay.
I'm sorry guys, I won't be able I update at all tomorrow, I'll be so busy, and tired. I love you guys though, thank you so much for reading this far. The Story So Far xD
This is NOT the last chapter. You still have the bonus. Mkay love you my Darlings goodnight!

Gentle Kisses (Kellic) Mpreg
FanfictionKellin and Vic being together for a long time and happily married. They decide to go all the way. All they did is want to be closer in a way they haven't before. Little did they know..... Something other than being closer would come out of it.