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"So how do you like your new house?" Courtney asked. "I love it. I can't wait to find out what the genders of these two are so we can start decorating they're room." I said. "Aw," she cooed. "What?" smiled. "It's adorable how whenever you talk about your babies, you get so excited." She said. "Yeah, I can't wait to have them." I said. He face, went from a happy one to a sad one. "Hey are you okay?" I asked.

"Yeah, just my thoughts." she said. "Wanna tell me what your thinking about then?" I asked. "It's just," she sighed, "I have no one that can give that to me yet. I really want someone that will hold me, and love me for who I am, not care about how I look when I take my make up off. Then I want to get married, and have kids." She said, tears were running down her face, but she whipped her tears.

"Hey you'll find someone." I said. "I don't think I will.... I've been lonely for so long... it just feels like it will never happen." She says. "But it will there's someone for everyone." I said. "Are you sure?" she asked. "I'm positive."

"Literally." We laughed slightly. "Alright I'm gonna get back to work." she said. "Alright." She got up, and went into the back. This group of people came in looking for a dress. I walked over to them, and helped them.

{Skipping rest of the work day}

Damn I'm so tired, Mackenzie told me she had to do something, so the kids were at Vic's parents house, so I gotta pick them up. I get to see my second mom! yay!

I drove into the drive way, and got out the car. I knocked, on the door. Mama answered it. "Kellin!" she opened the door, and hugged me. "It's been so long." She said. "Yeah, I know." she pulled away. "So how are you and the babies?" she asked, whenever we got inside. "We're good." I said.

"Is Vic treating you guys well?" she asked. "Yes of course." I said. "I remember the day you guys got together." she said. "Yeah, we were scared to tell you gu-"

"No, no I mean actually got together." she said. "What?" I question. "Yeah, Vic told me that he liked you, and I kinda helped him get the courage to ask you out." she said. "Was he really that scared?" I asked. "Yeah, he was scared you were gonna hate him and say no." she said. "Aw no wonder he was a nervous wreck. That night he wasn't even focused on the game much, which did cause us to lose, a lot." I said.

"I'm glad you said yes, you should have saw how happy he was. After you left he was just smiling, and being so nice. When ever you left after dinner, he offered to clean the whole kitchen." She said.

"Wow really?" I ask. "Yeah, I love that you made him happy, and still do." she smiled. "Well I do love him. I don't know what I'd do with out him." I said. "You two are too cute." she said. "Thank you, so where are the kids?" I asked. "They're in the back playing, and you guys better get home I heard there's a real bad storm coming." she said.

"Alright I'll go get them." I walked to the back door and opened it. "Kids!" they looked up, when they saw me they came running towards me. They stopped before they bumped into me, and hugged me. "How was your day?" I asked. "Good, grandma let us play outside." Caroline said.

"Yeah I know, we have to get home though so we aren't drenched in rain by the time we get home." I said. They walked inside to say bye to mama. I hugged too her before leaving.


When we got home I was happy cause it didn't start raining until after an hour till we got home. The kids kinda got scared of the thunder, but I helped them calm down.

Vic walked through the door. He was soaked. "Hey babe."
"It's pouring out there." he said.
"I know right me, and the kids got back before it started to rain." I said. "Good, I don't want you guys catching colds."

"Well go get dried off, and warm before you catch one." I said. "Okay," he went to go change clothes.

I sat down on the couch, and turned on the TV. I don't know why, but I saw Spongebob on, and I wanted to watch it so I did.

I want pizza... "Hey Vic?!"
"Yes!" he calls back. "Want Pizza for dinner tonight?" I yell. "Sure." he says sitting next to me.

"Alright," I said. Picked up my phone, and dialed the number. "I feel sorry for the pizza guy." Vic said, after I hung up the phone.

"I know right." I said. "Cupcake really?" Vic said pointing to the TV. "What I like this show."
"You are too cute." he said.

"Thank you baby."

We watched the show until the pizza guy came. I opened the door. "Sorry." I said, and handed him the money. "No worries. Here's your food." he handed me the pizza. "Thanks," I closed the door. "Pizzas here!" I shouted. Everyone came down stairs, Vic helped Caroline, and we all ate.

We started to watch TV, but the power went out.

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