Be Rational

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I walked into the house of the elderly man I took care of and Ace ran ahead of me to find him.

"Ace! Such a good boy." Martin said and I smiled. I walked in and he smiled at me but then saw my face.

"Oh no what's wrong?" Martin asked seeing my face.

"What? Nothing." I said as he handed Ace a treat and he walked away.

"Right and I'm the king of England. Don't lie Shane." Martin said and I laughed.

"England doesn't have a king, only queen because as we all know woman are more superior." I said he laughed as I sat in front of him and started taking his blood pressure.

"What's wrong Shane. You have worry etched on your face." Martin said and I sighed.

"Just something unexpected happened and it came with a lot of shock." I said and he nodded. Martin had been one of the first patients I started taking care of patients as a home health aide. I was his wife's as well but she passed a few years ago. They never had children and she named me in her will and gave me a small inheritance. I had no clue and I couldn't accept it and gave it to Martin. He insisted once he was gone I got everything which I didn't want but they refused to let it be anything else. Once I checked his blood pressure I sighed.

"Ace can you tell me what her problem is?" Martin asked and Ace barked.

"Hey, lips sealed." I said and we started laughing as Ace stopped barking.

"Come on kiddo. What is it?" Martin said and I sighed.

"Just heard from my dad." I said and he half smiled.

"That's good right?" He asked and I nodded. I trust Martin with some truth about my life. He was an old frail man, he wouldn't spill any secrets, I did still keep a lot close to the vest though.

"Yeah I guess. I just found something out and when I did I might have over reacted." I said and Martin shook his head.

"What did Kristen and I always tell you about that?" Martin asked mentioning his late wife. I smiled thinking about it.

"It takes more energy to overreact then it does to act rational." We said together and I smiled. placing my hand on his in his lap.

"How are you feeling?" I asked and he sighed with a shrug.

"Tired." He said and I nodded.

"Why don't I get your pills and make you some breakfast. You need to eat something." I said and he nodded. I went about my morning with Martin doing everything for him. Once I was done and left his house I noticed someone leaning on my car in the street and I got confused.

"Jensen right?" I asked and he nodded and Ace growled.

"Yeah..." Jensen said and I looked down at Ace.

"Stop." I said and he did and sat down.

"Can I ask what you are doing here?" I asked confused.

"Clay asked me to come. He had me and Pooch follow you, then Pooch dropped me off and I waited." Jensen said.

"How did you know I didn't have my gun on me to just shoot you when I saw you standing by my car." I said and he sighed.

"I took my chances." Jensen said and I smiled shaking my head at him.

"Why did Clay ask you to come?" I asked as I got Ace in the backseat of my car.

"He was worried about you." Jensen said and I huffed a laugh.

"Yeah...sure...he is probably screwing what's-her-face right now." I said and Jensen huffed a laugh.

"Trust me, none of us on the team are crazy about it." Jensen said and I smiled.

"Listen, let's just go home. I'm done here for the day." I said and Jensen nodded. We got in the car and headed to my house. Once we arrived and headed inside I heard yelling coming from inside and I got concerned. Jensen stopped me from going in, listening to the argument first.

"Jensen, its my house." I said pushing past him and walked in.

"I SAID FOLLOW HER POOCH! NOT DROP OF JENSEN!" Clay yelled and I just looked at everyone.

"HEY!" I yelled getting everyone attention and they all looked at me.

"You okay?" Clay asked coming over to look at me.

"I fine, what the fuck is going on?" I asked and Clay sighed.

"It's just you left in a huff and I was worried about you." Clay said and I groaned.

"I went to check on a patient that has been like a surrogate grandparent to me. I wanted to make sure he was taking care of himself today." I said and Clay sighed.

"Listen this is new to me...-" Clay started to say.

"What? Being a father?" I asked and then I clasped my lips shut and closed my eyes shaking my head in disbelief. "I'm sorry." I finally said and looked at Clay who was looking at the floor.

"No, you were right to say it but yes that is new to me as well as bringing the team here for you to meet. This isn't how I expected you to ever meet them." Clay said and I sighed.

"Well don't ignore their calls next time and they wont come knocking at 6am." I said and Pooch smiled from behind Clay. I looked at Aisha then back to Clay.

"You really slept with her?" I asked in a whisper and Clay sighed.

"I did..." Clay said and I rolled my eyes.

"Well excuse me but I'm about to be the parent for minute. While you are in my house that....doesn't happen." I said. Clay looked at me and shook his head.

"Shaney..." Clay said and I raised my eyebrows and crossed my arms. "Fine, not here." Clay said. Aisha came walking over.

"If we are staying, I insist on sleeping in his room with him." Aisha said and I gave her the worst glare I ever could.

"Clay....that glare is scaring me...." Cougar spoke up. I hadn't heard him speak much.

"Shane..." Clay said sternly but I didn't stop.

"Damn now I know where the dog gets it from." Aisha said.

"Alright, that's it!" I said pissed off and went to hit her. Jensen instinctively grabbed me around my waist and pulled me away from her while Clay took Aisha into the dining room.

"Outside, let's go outside." Jensen said and carried me outside while Ace followed. He set me down on the porch once he closed the door.

"I want to kill her!" I said as I paced like a caged animal on my porch and Jensen sighed.

"Hey...hey...look at me...Shane, look at me." Jensen said grabbing my shoulders making me stop. I looked into his eyes.

"Follow my breathing." He said and I noticed he was breathing steady and I sighed but followed his breathing.

"Calm now?" Jensen asked after a couple of minutes of breathing calmly.

"For now, until I have to go back inside." I said and Jensen sighed. He opened the door and grabbed Ace's leash.

"What are you doing?" I asked as he hooked up Ace's leash.

"We are going for a walk with the dog. You don't want to go back in and neither do I honestly." Jensen said and I smiled.

"Sounds good, let's go." I said as Jensen stayed holding Ace's leash and we went walking down to the sidewalk.

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