Marriage Proposal

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–Does the king agree?

Rajan, son of Rajesh, chief minister, looked at Karna. Karna looked at Rajan.

The issue of distribution of the treasury was not difficult and this time almost did not cause controversy. For the first time in a long time, the demands and proposals of the ministers did not arouse in Karna the feeling that they were being expressed simply to spite him. This came as a surprise to him: he feared that after the concession with the punishment of Devdan, the council would rather increase the pressure, sensing his weakness. However, it turned out the opposite, and now it seemed to Karna that he and his advisers, like a driver and an unfamiliar horse, carefully try on each other. Who was the driver and who was the horse, he could not yet determine.

- King? Rajan repeated with a noticeable tension in his voice.

- Yes. I agree.

Rajan seemed to exhale, a quiet whisper passed through the hall, and Karna glanced at Jaswinder. He carefully smoothed his mustache, not very successfully hiding a satisfied smirk under his hand. Karna glanced at the councilors again.

One must know what they really want and reconcile their desires with the requirements of law and justice, so said Prince Yudhishthira. Previously, Karna was sure that he knew what these people wanted - more wealth, more honor - but now, peering into each of them, he realized that he often could not really answer this question.

Here is Ashoka. Ashoka clearly wanted war and glory. He has more than once frankly said that it is time to remind the neighbors of the power of Anga. Magadha still remembers last year, Videha's turn. Ashoka also wanted to inter marry with the king through his daughter and get from it ... What did he want to get from this, Karna asked himself, if he would have a war sooner or later anyway. Gold? Authorities? But Ashoka never demanded gold or power beyond what he already possessed.

Or Rajan. What does he need? He never missed an opportunity to hurt Karna with a word, but at the same time he impeccably followed the law and did not give himself any reason to accuse himself of something. Rajan could claim the throne himself if Hastinapur did not control the crown of Anga, and did all this mean that he personally despises Karna, but is ready to serve Anga and for his sake put up with the fact that the son of a charioteer sits on the throne?

Or the same Jaswinder...

Karna's thoughts were interrupted by the appearance of a herald.

“The ambassador of Panchala, the king, has arrived.”

Panchal? An old enemy of Hastinapur?

Karna's first thought was "War!" but he quickly realized that it was too ridiculous. The Panchalas were conquered by the Pandava princes and gave half of the kingdom to Ashwatthama, and if King Drupada had gathered an army to recapture the possessions back, he would have attacked Ashwatthama or Hastinapur, and not Anga, which is reached through several other kingdoms.

Karna's thoughts were interrupted by the appearance of a herald.

“The ambassador of Panchala, the king, has arrived.

- Let him come in.

The ambassador brought an invitation to swayamvara(Groom choosing Ceremony), and it was so unexpected that Karna was completely at a loss. The king of Panchala decided that he was ready to accept him as a possible son-in-law? Or was it an insult? Or…

“If there is a crown prince in Anga, Panchal and Princess Draupadi will be happy to receive him."

Still, this is a mockery, Karna decided, clenching his fists. Even he, who ruled for barely a year, knew who and where reigned, and who had how many heirs. Neither Anga nor Hastinapur now had crown princes.

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