Wife & In-Law

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Having accepted the challenge and set out for Kampilya, Yudhishthira believed that he was ready to face his destiny, whatever it might be. But the abrupt turn of events that they had to face, like an unexpected cliff on a narrow mountain path, completely unsettled him. Was it really to this that they went all the way from Anga, or even from Varnavrata? Really?

Yudhishthira believed and disbelieved and felt half asleep, even when he managed to catch his heart in a storm of conflicting feelings, even when he made a decision and stepped onto the road to King Drupada's palace, even when he decorated his new wife's hair with a traditional diadem.

Their new wife. Their common new wife.

“You must go first to Draupadi’s chambers,” said Arjun in the evening, when all the rites were completed and the celebration of the royal wedding ended. For the first time, Yudhishthira could not catch his brother's gaze: Arjuna was looking somewhere past, behind him.

“No,” Yudhishthira carefully took his face in his hands, forcing him to look at himself. “You must go to Draupadi first. You won swayamvara, and she wanted to see you as a husband from the very beginning - some time ago, Yudhishthira discovered that this knowledge caused him a dull aching pain, which he had already come to terms with, and decided that he was quite capable of living with her for the rest of his life.

- But...

"Go," repeated Yudhishthira, turning Arjuna around and pushing him lightly towards the door, “ I have other concerns.

Of course, this was the pure truth, and after escorting Arjuna, Yudhishthira went to Drupada. They were never able to clearly explain themselves and talk while the wedding was being prepared: everyone was too shocked by the marriage itself to think about anything else. However, during the celebratory meal, Drupada made it clear that he wanted to discuss the situation, and Yudhishthira realized that he was ready to talk. And for now Draupadi could be taken care of by Arjun, in any case, he should have done it best.

“I didn’t expect you today, son-in-law. Is my daughter left alone? - with these words the gloomy Drupada greeted him.

Yudhishthira greeted him respectfully and sat down in the seat offered.

- Your daughter is now with Arjuna, whom she wanted to marry.

For a while they gazed at each other intently, then Drupada stooped at once and stared into his bowl, in which the diluted wine splashed. At that moment, he sharply reminded Yudhishthira of the great Bhishma after another royal council - tired and exhausted by what he could not cope with with all his strength, but not broken, like an old oak that turns green even after a lightning strike, although its trunk is split and charred. .

“Once again I promise you, king, that my brothers and I will do everything so that Panchali does not have to suffer in Hastinapur.”

As Yudhishthira expected, Drupada jumped up at the last words like a warhorse that heard the sound of a trumpet.

"So you've decided to take back the throne?"

Wasn't that what fate was driving him to, Yudhishthira thought, nodding in response. Born into a royal family, he received responsibility for the people and the country, and it was not his lot to rise above the earthly burden, exchanging swarms near the throne and the law for the austerities of a hermit. At least not until Duryodhana claimed Hastinapur.

- Good. I am glad that my son-in-law is ready to show valor, and not sit behind my back. I will give you an army,” Drupada gave a short, harsh laugh, “even if you and your brothers don't need armies to win. And you will have... well, come on in.” He waved his hand at someone behind Yudhishthira, which made the hair on the back of his neck stir and make him want to turn around.

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