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Vasudeva Krishna turned out to be different from what Yudhishthira remembered from his brief acquaintance in Panchala. At that time circumstances were not conducive to fun, but now Krishna frolicked heartily, drawing Arjuna, Uruvi, Drupadi and in general everyone who came across him along the way, including servants, into his games. One day, Yudhishthira found himself chasing a ball in the garden with the firm intention of not letting Draupadi win, because he had to win back for all those games of dice that he lost to her.

In addition to the fun, Krishna brought some delightful toys, some amusing remarks about what a father can do for his child, and, most importantly, a lot of gifts that immediately went into action and helped to somewhat patch holes in Indraprastha's treasury. Yudhishthira was grateful to him, but at the same time he was worried about what would happen later.

It cannot be said that Krishna aroused in him any special fears or suspicions of dishonesty, Yudhishthira did not expect that he would be unexpectedly demanded payment for the help rendered at once. However, after putting together everything he knew about Vasudeva Krishna, Yudhishthira came to the conclusion that this person never does anything for nothing. All of his actions were somehow repercussions in the future, and this made Krishna vaguely like Uncle Shakuni. Or, as Yudhishthira thought at one point, perhaps it was Shakuni who should have been considered a reflection of Krishna, crooked and corrupted, coming out of a badly molded mirror.

In any case, as far as Yudhishthira managed to find out, the results of Krishna's pastimes did not cause rejection and, as a rule, benefited many people, which means that they were truly obeying the dharma. But even if it was for the benefit of many and righteous decisions, Yudhishthira could not help but wonder what Vasudeva Krishna wanted from him and from Indraprastha, and what outcome he intended to bring Princess Uruvi and Pukhiya's alliance offers too. He didn't like being used as a tool, and would rather have a clear idea of ​​where he was going and why.

-"What do you think Krishna might want?" Yudhishthira asked Draupadi, as he spent another evening with her, this time with scrolls of praise. She felt poetry well, and Yudhishthira liked to see new meanings in the familiar lines that opened up to him after her precise and clear comments, like a symbol drawn by a skilled scribe.

Draupadi put aside the scroll she was holding and looked very understandingly at Yudhishthira.

-"My lord, are you afraid of the unexpected attack?"

Yudhishthira admitted that this was a comprehensive description of his wariness towards Krishna, which, spoken aloud, clarified his own feelings to him. He smiled involuntarily.

-"You know I'm not very good at dice."

-"Well, Govinda loves this game, and I've only managed to beat him once out of five times. At one time I was even offended and tried to catch him cheating. But in fact, he just knows how to change the strategy in time and turn any changes to his advantage."

Only! Yudhishthira shook his head, silently marveling at how things that are mundane for some are overwhelmingly difficult for others.

"I really fear the unexpected," he told Draupadi. "Krishna gave us only boon, and if not for him, we would never have been able to enter into a marriage that is truly blessed. But every time his actions turn the familiar world upside down."

-"Just as we air clothes and fabrics, it is sometimes useful to shake up the world, my lord. Otherwise, mold may start, and people will forget that the accepted way of things is not the only possible one."

Draupadi paused and thought, her eyes wandering absently around, not stopping at anything.  Yudhishthira waited patiently, not wanting to interrupt other people's thoughts and simply admiring her face, like the radiant sun in all its glory.  Draupadi frowned slightly, apparently remembering something not very pleasant, then the crease on her forehead smoothed out, and she smiled slightly, shook her head, as if surprised at something.

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