Chapter 2

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"It was a warm sunny day, sitting in a cafe, thinking 'bout my boo she thinking 'bout me too?" Evan strummed his acoustic guitar, Alec fixed his red hair and binked his shiny red eyes as he cringed and Kyran was busy taking his gray eyes and glareing at Gold's posts, the boys were chilling in Alec's dorm (which they all lived in), "That's disgusting, Evan 'boo'? Seriously, man?" Alec said leaning back in a bean bag chair. Kyran scrolled and his warm smile dissolved in the next post, "'My boyfriend texted goodnight for the first time, how sweet!?' DISGUSTING PRINCE GET OFF MY GIRL!" Kyran stared at Evan and Alec staring back at him, "ahem, I mean...oh Gold's boyfriend is so sweet and kind and annoying..." he said putting an innocently fake smile on his face.

Alec smiled, "You dude's got your complications, I don't got mine." Alec said thinking about Funneh's long dark blue hair, and sparkling blue eyes. Evan and Alec never liked each other very much, they both liked Funneh and would kill the other just for her. Evan confessed, "I love Funneh too, but teal hair girls got a vibe going." 

Alec frowned, "what the- hey YOUR JUST SAYING THAT BECAUSE YOU HAVE TEAL HAIR!" Alec pointed at Evan's hair it was all black except for his teal bangs, "NO.." Evan paused about to argue, "no nevermind, your right.." he smiled. Kyran's face turned to Evan, "you mean like this girl?" Kyran showed Evan his phone.

"See? Lunar3clispe, long teal hair, super weird name she spelt eclipse wrong..." Kyran said taking back his phone, revealing Evan's red face, "She's not like Funneh.." Kyran put his finger up, "Actually Evan, this Lunar3clispe girl is Funneh's younger sister." Evan's eyes widened and his face turned as red as Alec's hair "WHAT! I mean uh.." he crossed his arms, "No difference!" Then picked up his guitar and strummed a chord, "It was a sunny day-"

"PLEASE NO!" Alec put his hand up and shook them already cringing at the first five words. Evan smiled and continued. Alec crossed his arms and stared at Kyran's phone, he scrolled and scrolled until he found a new Gold's video he pressed on it. 

Gold was holding the phone to a door "So guys, I found a secret" she whispered and opened the door quietly, to find a black haired boy twerking with music Gold started laughing at him and the boy stared at her, Kyran laughed at this weird video and Alec cringed. "Ugh Funneh said her brother was weird, guess he's weirder then I thought.." Alec said looking away from Kyran's phone and looking at his own. The door knocked in a special pattern.

Alec ran to the door, "Everyone meet.." he opened the door, "ALY!" A young girl with long black hair and ruby red eyes came into the dorm, "Hi!" Aly—though she didn't seem like one when you first meet her—was a baddie. She smiled, and fixed the pink bow in her hair, "who wants to play a game!" Evan and Kyran did not want to play a game but they said yes anyway. Aly turned on their Nintendo, "come on!" She was already playing the first game she saw, Mario Kart 8 (Deluxe). The boys quickly started playing with her. She won all four rounds.

Alec laughed at them, and Aly went to grab a snack, "YOU GUYS ONLY HAVE POTATO CHIPS AND ICE CREAM!" she yelled, Evan and Kyran gulped, "This will be the BEST first year EVER!!" she said grabbing a whole ice cream bin and bunch of potato chip bags.

Okay in their dorms they can fit 5 (or less) just because I want all of Krew to be in the same dorm. Also, isn't Aly just super underrated?  //Edit: I changed their Gacha looks :) hope you like them better

-fellow plebian

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