Chapter 35

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Beep beep beep beep

Rainbow groaned and smacked her alarm clock. She got out of bed, put on some clothes and did her hair, she smiled, "It'll be a good day.." she muttered to herself, "WAKE UP!" she yelled, she heard a thump or two from her sibling who had fallen off the bed. Rainbow smiled turned her head and walked downstairs to get breakfast.

"Hey Rainbow," Gold said, looking glamorous as she walked down the stairs, "did you know that Senpai's real name is Kai? Speaking of Senpai when will you tell him you like him?" Gold said, smiling. Rainbow stopped how did Gold know she liked Senpai. "It's obvious you do. He probably sees it too and I think he likes you back." Gold smirked as Funneh and Draco walked downstairs.

Funneh and Draco were laughing like crazy, "no no she ran!" Funneh cracked up. Draco put an arm over her shoulder, "she went, 'what's up'?" They were hyper and I was really obvious. Purple mist flew over the room Lunar appeared in the middle of it. Lunar smiled, "No guys," she said to Funneh and Draco, "she did a.." Lunar waved her arms in a weird way, "..move." Funneh and Draco didn't laugh, "wait she did?" Lunar nodded and Funneh started cracking up seconds before Draco did.

"Today." Rainbow said, "I'll tell him today.." Everyone looked at her. Funneh turned to Gold, "what." She said sternly, "what's you say?" Gold smiled and did a zip it, lock it, put it in your pocket, kind of move, it was a secret.


They made it to school, they walked through the halls getting books they needed or extra hair bands. Rainbow rummaged through her locker, "Where is it!" She grunted, she groaned. Rainbow bent over to touch the bottom of her locker when she reached up she honker her head on the shelf they put in the locker. "Woah, watch out there.." said a voice, Rainbow turned and almost tripped. It was Senpai, "oh! Hi SenKai- Senpai..I mean." Rainbow said, "um, yeah so...bye." She waved goodbye and ran away only realizing her first class was with Senpai.

Rainbow was at the back to keep a close eye on Senpai's soft, black hair. Rainbow turned, Senpai again, "hey." he whispered, "you free tonight?" Rainbow but her bottom lip and shrieked on the inside, she nodded, "okay, I'll pick you up for dinner at 7 o'clock." He whispered, Rainbow smiled and nodded, eek he asked me!

Rainbow got ready for the date wearing a pastel, blue dress that fell just below her knees and the  dress had a really pretty spin too. Rainbow felt like a Princess, "I'm so excited." She said as she waited until 7 o'clock. "But Rainbow it's only 3:40, your date is in three hours and twenty minutes." Gold said, Rainbow smiled, "eh that like two minutes in my book." 

~{really pretty and fancy restaurant}~

Rainbow stepped inside as Senpai hooked his arm into her's, "wow, fancy." Rainbow said, Senpai smiled. They walked to their table, "It's Italian, I figured you might like the noodles if not anything else." He smiled and grabbed a menu, so did Rainbow. She ordered the things she want to eat and once she got the, she ate away. They talked and talked and had interesting topics. Senpai walked her home, "You free tomorrow night?" Rainbow nodded, "okay, I'll see you then." Senpai smiled and walked away. Rainbow smiled, she took off her heels and walked inside her dorm. Best day ever she thought.


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