Chapter 43

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Funneh, her siblings and her friends were all bored. They were doing absolutely nothing that day nor night when Funneh said, "Ooh~" Everyone looked at her as she had broke the silence, "How about a sleepover." She smiled, Gold gasped and nodded a bunch of times. "Sure, how about at you dorm?" Alec said, Funneh heard a sound come from sky, all of them were so bored they didn't noticed clouds hovering over them then sprinkles of white came from the clouds, "It's snowing!" Aly stood, "Wow, pretty!" Alec smiled at his little sister, "Also, Funneh?" Aly looked at her, "I think we should have a sleepover!" Aly stepped closer to Funneh and they both high fived each other, "Let's get it ready, come on Rainbow! Gold!" The girls ran off leaving Alec, Kai, Kyran and Draco. 

Lunar and Evan were laughing and telling jokes to each other by a pond when it had started snowing, "Woah, pretty. But it's like forty degrees out." Lunar said. She placed her feet in the pond water, ignoring the snow, "Kind of weird." Evan said holding out his hand and also placing his feet in the water. Lunar smiled, "Oh, they're gonna have a sleepover..." Lunar said, Evan laughed at her, "We're like a two miles away from their picnic how did you hear that?" Lunar's shrugged. "Funneh has a loud voice." Evan chuckled and Lunar smiled. Evan placed his hand on Lunar's, leaned in and gave her a kiss, "I hate you." Lunar smiled, "I hate you, too." 

"Okay, Kai in my room, Kyran in Gold's, Alec in Funneh's, is Lunar coming?" Rainbow asked, Funneh made a face, "She lives here, I forgot. Evan in Lunar's room and Aly in Draco's except you 'couples' can' be sleeping right next to each other, I don't trust any of you you will be in sleeping bags two feet! Two feet away from each other." Funneh, Gold and Aly stared at Rainbow as she  controlled the entire party. "I think Funneh should-" Aly started, Rainbow stared at her, "nevermind." Rainbow continued talking. Knock knock. Funneh immediately got up and ran for the door.

Funneh opened it, "Prince?" Gold jumped out her seat and hid behind the kitchen island, "I broke up with Felicia and I wanted to tell Gold that I changed. I want to be with her now, not lead her on, is she home?" Funneh hated Prince, so she shook her head, "oh, well tell her.." he placed a hand behind his neck, "I want to date her again." Funneh nodded, Prince walked away and Funneh slammed the door and stared at the window and saw Prince talk to Felicia than they started kissing, "I will not tell her that, Prince." Funneh closed the blinds. Gold came out from the hind the kitchen island. 

"You guys are no help, I just did the entire party!" Rainbow said, Aly rolled her eyes and giggled. Funneh stared at Rainhow, "Sorry..? You didn't let us help but whatever." Funneh smiled. 

~{That Night}~

Funneh couldn't sleep, something was nagging her in the back of her head but she couldn't:t figure out what it was. Funneh got up from her sleeping bag and walked toward the door, she turned the handle when Alec moved in his sleeping bag, Funneh paused and looked at him, he wasn't awake. Funneh sighed in relief as she left the room, she closed the door and walked downstairs. Funneh heard Lunar and Evan laughing in Lunar's room. Them both were weird like that. Her room's door opened but she ignored it.

Funneh went to the fridge and grabbed a coke when it hit her, "oh my gosh.." she muttered, "I'm dating an accomplice." Funneh didn't notice the person on the couch, "Funneh?" the person said sounding like a boy, "Kat, are you okay?" The person stood from the couch, "Dra- Allen?" The boy laughed and turned on the light, it was Alec, Funneh started breathing heavily, "I never told you my real name, I least I think. Were you stalking me?" Alec shook his head and made a face, "Of course not. Funneh you've known me forever! When did we first meet."

Funneh thought a moment, "I've known you three years and the first time I met you, you just got done talking to the police." Funneh took a step back. Funneh suddenly had trouble breathing. "No, Funneh. We met in Kindergarten. You said you're name was Kat. We were inseparable in Kindergarten but then during the summer you forgot about me and at the end of first grade I moved near here. Then, I met Yandere in grade three she was best friends with Senpai than he broke her heart and that's when I started helping her." Funneh grasped her chest, she actually couldn't breath.

"Funneh? Are you okay? What-" Funneh fell to her knees, Alec rushed to her side, "What happened I-" Alec stood and ran upstairs to Gold's room, "Kyran! Since your like a weird nerdy guy. Do you have an inhaler?" Kyran grunted but nodded, "Why?" He said grabbing it from the side of his bed, "It's not for me it's for Funneh," than he ran away Gold sat up, "WHAT!?" that woke up everyone across the world, Gold ran downstairs to see Funneh breathing from the inhaler and Alec helping her. Gold smiled and walked back upstairs. 

Alec stood next to her and held out his hand and she took it, "Funneh, are you-" Funneh took a step forward, gave him a hug and cried on his shoulder. Alec smiled and hugged her back. After a minute she stepped back, "Thanks, Alec." Funneh said and wiped her eyes. Alec smiled, "Anytime." Funneh smiled back and kissed him than walked back upstairs.


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