Chapter 49

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Everyone was in the KREW's dorm waiting for their local news cast to start. "EVERYONE GET OVER HERE!" yelled Draco as the the news turned on. "Yandere High student Yumi murders anyone who talked to her 'Senpai' was now put in jail for thirty years-" Everyone cheered, finally the most of their worries was gone. 

"Now we can have a peaceful rest of our High School." Alec said put his arm around Funneh's shoulders. "Cheers to that!" Draco put up a glass of chocolate milk, the other's with no drink in hand, put their arm up and they all shouted, "CHEERS!" Evan continued, "But not that peaceful midterms are coming up." They laughed and some groaned, Lunar smiled. 

"So, as we 'raise a glass to freedom' (Hamilton Reference). Me and Rainbow are graduating this year!" Senpai said, Everyone cheered and Draco booed. "Ha, ahem. Seriously, me and Rainbow decided to..." Senpai paused and looked at Rainbow, she nodded. "We're getting married." Alec laughed but everyone else smiled and cheered. Funneh elbowed Alec, "When?" Aly leaned against the couch. "Well, we were thinking after Gold and Funneh graduates. So, we know we didn't make the wrong decision." Rainbow smiled and nodded.

"CONGRATULATIONS!" Gold jumped up and down then ran to hug Rainbow. Rainbow screamed and almost got knocked over by Gold. Funneh slid under Alec's arm, "Well, after you two idiots get married..." she paused for dramatic effect, "SAY IT KAT!" Draco yelled, Funneh laughed, "Okay, okay, We we're going to buy two tickets to DisneyLand. They were going to be for me and someone else I know," she looked at Alec, "but we decided to give it to you two." 

"FUNNEH!" Rainbow smiled and hugged her, "That's so sweet." Funneh smiled. "We didn't decide that, you did, Kat La." Alec said. Funneh stared at him, "I'm joking, sheesh." He smiled. Rainbow stepped back, "Well, thank you anyway, Alec." Rainbow walked back to Senpai. Funneh stepped back to Alec. Aly slid down the couch and placed her barefeet on Draco's lap and her head on the headrest. "EEWWWW!" Draco squealed and jumped up to behind the couch and behind Funneh. Everyone laughed, Aly started crying from the laughter. 

"It's like you've seen a spider, Allen." Funneh smiled, Draco stared at her, "Shut up." He said. She chuckled. "Sorry, Draco." Aly said, wiping tears. Draco sat on the other side of the couch, "Away from you. Feetmonster, disgusting." Aly smiled. His back faced the headrest. 

As the sun set everyone fell asleep. Draco fell asleep on the couch and Aly crawled to his side and placed her head on his chest and covered herself with a blanket. Alec stared at this and was immediately disgusted, "Ew." He whispered to Aly, "I don't care." She whispered back. Alec chuckled and walked upstairs, "'night Aly." "'night Alec." He turned out the lights and walked upstairs.

Yeah pretty random but the next one's the last chapter (fast forward to Senpai and Rainbow's wedding)


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