Chapter 47

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Lunar was sleeping on the couch, ready for the "meeting". There was a knock, Lunar didn't even flinch she stayed sleeping on the couch. The doors lock opened and the person came inside and walked up to Lunar and poked her in the face. "WHAT!" Lunar jumped up so fast she grabbed the person's arm and flung him onto the coffee table and he rolled on the floor. "Oh, Alec? Sorry." Alec sat up and rubbed his head, "ow, you have strong grip." Lunar smiled stood and bowed, "Thank you." They both walked out the door.

"Lunar?" They both walked to the school, near 11:53. Lunar "hum?" They walked slowly watching their steps on the one inch high snow. "I- Rainbow- no. We have a plan to take out Yandere, and it takes you, me, Senpai, and Rainbow..and Gold." Lunar smiled and her eyes glowed red, Alec smiled knowing she was in. 

"The first step pretty obvious. We're going to call the Police Department. Step two, their going come and catch her in the act AKA our little meeting here. Step three, their going to ask her questions and interrogate her. Step four, the proof. She's going to cleverly lie, Yandere will. So we'll get proof using Rainbow. Step five she'll tell the story and Gold will be there to prove it correct. Step six, Senpai's the one she's killing for, so he's gotta be there." Lunar nodded as if it wasn't a lot for her to take in. "When do we call the police?" She asked, Alec got out his phone and dialed 9-1-1. 

"9-1-1 what's your emergency?" "Yeah, we've got a lead on the YH Murder Mystery near the back of the school." "We'll get right on that thank you." Alec clicked his phone off, he and Lunar ran to the school. They both saw Yandere.

"Twelve O' one. Late. Again, geez Alec please." Yandere looke at Lunar, Lunar tried to look bored or tired. "I see you've just woken up." Yandere let there be a pause, "I know your little plan the three 'easy' steps to put me in jail. It won't work." Lunar wanted to smile but she hid it. Yandere only knew three sevenths (3/7) of their plan. She won't stand a chance. "I know exactly how to get out of it." She smiled, "Anyway, Lunar I need more paint except give it to Alec not me."

 Police sirens rang out the area Yandere pulled down a clever paper revealing a sentence in bright black that read, "Nice Try Losers!" Yandere was going to blame Alec for it, Lunar made a paint can appear in her hand and as the police drove around the corner Lunar was slowly giving the can to Alec, then threw it to Yandere just as the police arrived. "PUT YOUR HANDS WHERE I CAN SEE THEM." At least seven police officers flooded in toward Yandere. "This the girl? Young man?" Alec nodded. They placed hand cuffs on her and lead her to a vehicle. Yandere smiled knowing that her plan wouldn't work. It was easy to tell she was thinking of new ones to go along with. 

Alec and Lunar watched as Yandere was taken away and driven toward the police station. Lunar smiled and so did Alec. It was a bad idea for Yandere to add Lunar to her team.

DUN DUN DUN!!!!!!!!!!!! Yandere's being put to jail but that's not all little dumplings.


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