Chapter 24

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Lunar ran because she didn't know what to say, what to do..she ran outside. It was dripping, hardly any rain. Suddenly she was cuffed, "heh, your coming with me.." Lunar squeezed her hands, trying to teleport out of this situation, "nice try..witch."

Yumi ran after Lunar, grabbing Evan along the way. Yumi and Evan made it to the front door, "nice try..witch." Yumi called out just to late, there was orange smoke when they had teleported away.


Lunar woke up, she was at a circular table. There were stairs leading somewhere, and other people at the table, "Good morning, Princess.." said some dude. Lunar scoffed, "People call me Wrath! You can call me 'handsome'." Lunar almost barfed, this 'Wrath' guy was not handsome he had atleast three scars on his face, a black eye and a bunch of dirt on his chin. "Well, Eclipse! Tell us? Are you the witch? I mean please we all already know but might as well say..the boss will be very happy with us, right boys?" Guys around started cheering and drinking beer.

"Oh, it's Eclispe but yeah, whatever.." Lunar said, Wrath threw her an apple, "um.." Lunar did not like apples, and she was tied to a chair so she couldn't even pick it up if she did, there were footsteps walking down the stairs, "it's the boss, now Eclipse be good to the boss, the boss is um a bit strict.." The boss got down the stairs.

Long blonde hair, shiny orange eyes, fancy glasses, red lipstick, white suit with an orange tie and finally black heels, "So..this is the girl?" This boss was clearly a baddie, "huh, doesn't look the part..I can fix do you do with...maroon?" She paused and scanned Lunar, "very nicely, come.."

Wrath smiled, "Boys!" he spoke after the girls had left, "Are you ready? To get a promotion? The boss will BURN the witch-" fire blasted from upstairs, many WHOOS and LET'S GO's we're passed around. The girl came down, now with teal hair, gray eyes, and a maroon outfit, "huh, guess I do look good in maroon.." The boys gasped, "your boss? Oh um you know she's oofed...upstairs.." Lunar sat on the table, "so, what is this place anyway?" 

"Oh- I- you- I mean- okay..we're the mafia, and um your our new boss..because our other one is know.." Wrath moved his index finger across his neck. Lunar smirked, "nice.." red and black smoke came from the left side of the room.

A boy hugged Lunar, "um.." Wrath said, "who is this?" Lunar hugged him back, "oh? My friends! Yumi and Evan.." Lunar said, Evan put an arm around her shoulder, "let's burn this place to the ground, Lunar.." Evan said, Lunar smiled and inhaled, "no...because I rule this place! I'm the new Mafia fear me! Heheh.." she giggled, and slipped under Evan's arm. 

Just wait, there's juicy, drama coming up just wait! Also most AUs will be in this story. I's gonna get CHAOTIC! I'mma head out. (Also I had a subtle redesign for my chapter Thumbnail pics so once I edit those...It'll  look a bit different) did ya'll watch the livestream today? I did, it was epic! Good job ya'll for raising SO MUCH money!

-a naturally lazy KF

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