Chapter 17

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Lunar chuckled as she cracked her fingers, "You'll see what i can do to him, um..have any suggestions? So I don't waste my powers and this stoopy." Gold twirled her hair, "well, I mean..I'm more of like an angel right? So don't do anything TOO mean OKAY? alirght, Lunar? like I don't know pull his pants down hehe or something.." Lunar smiled, "oh don't worry.." Lunar said knowing she'll do much worse, "I won't do anything bad!" She put her pinky up ad crossed her fingers behind her back, Gold put her pinky up too and intertwined it Lunars'. "Lunar, show me your other hand.." Gold said, not letting go of Lunars' pinky, Lunar smiled and split her fingers before showing Gold, "Whatever Lunar, you liar.." Gold said as Lunar walked out of Golds' room.

Prince was smiling, no regrets of what had just happened. When suddenly a purple light filled the room with a small fade of teal near the end, "So..I heard what's up.." said a voice calm and mysterious there was a girl, leaning against the wall, Prince couldn't tell who it was there was purple fog everywhere, "How are you uh doing? Sad? Any...regrets?" 

The girl stepped over the fog, her left shoe making a small click. Her gray eyes shone, her teal bangs were covered her forehead, and her hair went to her hips, she put her right shoe over the fog and it had also made a small click. She wasn't smiling, hand on hip and other hand covered her mouth. "So, Prince," The girl said in a soft voice, "how are you feeling.." she smirked. Prince was sitting halfway up his bed, scared look in his eyes. "I- I.." Prince was scared, stuttering he said, "just-just-am just f-fine.." The girl giggled, "doesn't seem like it.." she whispered.

Gold was walking to school with Kyran, he was smiling. "So Gold are you erm, feeling better?" Kyran said, Funneh rushed next to them, "so Kyran how is the friendzone-" Funneh sniffed the air then stopped in her tracks, "hey, where's your friendzone scent I-" she gasped and smiled, "what? Oh..nevermind uh Alec is waiting for me uh over there!" Funneh quickly sped away. Kyran frowned, "what does she mean?" He looked at Gold who had suddenly disappeared, then her saw some blonde hair, Prince's shade of blonde hair and Gold standing next to him. Kyran crossed arms, annoyed how could she stand next to him...

Kyran stood next to Gold, "-wondering. Come on!" Gold smiled, and looked at Prince and started laughing, "I'm not sorry I can't- your face is just so- hehe I don't know..wrong?" Kyran looked at it, he knew immediately Lunar had done it, he started laughing.

"SHUT UP!" Prince said, his face wasn't that bad actually just turned um, weird..? His bangs had grown short, one eye was oversized and the other was not big enough, and his nose looked bigger then his ego. a gasp came from a girl, "PRINCE!" It was dumb little Felicia Weiz, "WHAT HAPPENED TO YOU?" Lunar's face was covered, but she was smiling. Evan was right next to her, he elbowed her as he chucked, "this was better, then what I thought!" He said, Lunar looked up, "Well, I don't want to go to jail.." Lunar crossed her arms, as she smirked, "No regrets."

#girlboss Lunar you slay you baddie

-fellow KF member

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