Chapter 21

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just so everyone knows Yandere goes by Yumi now) Yumi smiled as Lunar had shaken her hand. Yumi sighed a felt a weight lift from her shoulders, as she let go of Lunar's hand. "Well, since we're talking real names, I'm Wenny!" Wenny smiled, "but you can keep calling me Lunar I mean, If you want.." Yumi smiled, and sighed again, she looked out her big square windows.

"I think you right, Wenny," Yumi said, "I need a new crush...but who?" Yumi. thought for a moment before seeing a hand reach out, "I think I might have an idea.." Wenny smiled, Yumi grabbed Wenny's hand a pulled herself up.

He ran through the halls, late he is late he was. POOF purple smoke appeared, "oh Hey, Lunar! can you guide me to my class I don't- oh hey Yandere.." it was Evan, Yumi walked around him, and shook her head, "no, sorry. He's not cute at all.." Evan crossed his arms, "and he's kinda dumb to be asking the new girl for directions." Yumi pointed oat Lunar and they giggled, "no thanks.." Lunar sighed, "sorry bro, your kinda ugly.." the look on his face, was priceless. Lunar snapped a picture, "I'm gonna make people pay me for this!" Evan scoffed.

"excuse me?" Evan said, "If I am so ugly why'd did you take my face.." he said, throwing an arm in the air, "besides, your not so hot yourself.." Evan smiled, Lunar chuckled "of course I am! I'm beautiful! Let's go Yumi, we'll find another cool guy, but most definetly not this crackhead stoopy one." Evan rolled his eyes. Lunar high fived Yumi, "heh, your not that bad.." Yumi said.

Rainbow gasped, slid down the wall she was eavesdropping them on and placed a hand over mouth. Lunar's sided with the enemy. Rainbow got up and ran. "Oh yes! Miss Jared! Yumi- she's the real murderer she almost murdered me in cold blood!" 

Miss Jared's eyes flashed a different color, Rainbow couldn't decide what color it was, it moved much to quickly, "Please Betty! Stop with this NONSENSE! THE POLICE ARE SMARTER THEN YOU ARE! LET THEM HANDLE THEIR JOB! NOW...ahem Betty La, leave me alone!" Miss Jared's short brunette hair swished side to side as she turned on her heel and walked away from Rainbow. Rainbow groaned.

"Rainbow! What's up!" Lunar was standing beside Yumi. Yumi waved, a bit shy. "WENNY! WHY- WHEN- HOW!" Rainbow couldn't find the words Lunar's left foot stepped back, Rainbow frowned, "WENNY LA! I SWEAR- WHY WOULD YOU TEAM UP WITH THE ENEMY?! HOW COULD YOU! I THOUGHT YOU WERE ALL ABOUT 'FAMILY! DON'T MESS WITH MY FAMILY' BUT NOW YOU THE ONE MESSING WITH US! MESSING US UP!" Rainbow's face softened, knowing she'd gone to far, "Wenny- Lunar- I.." Lunar cracked a false smile on her face.

"Oh, I was gonna say..uh Yumi's good now..I feel it," Lunar's smile faded slightly, "but um, Sorry I um needa go! Uh.." Yumi looked at her new best friend, as the teal hair walked away. Yumi got angry but calmed down, "Um, hi Rainbow..if um you wouldn't yell at me for once! That's be nice.." Yumi smiled, nervously. Suddenly like a movie Rainbow felt eyes on her and without turning she know who it was, "Heh, Rainbow..who knew you had a temper." Yumi put her face down. Senpai.

"Oh uh, hi! I don't- I just-  uh got a bit err.. carried away!" Rainbow smiled, Yumi did not. Yumi backed away slowly before running to find Lunar. Senpai stepped closer to Rainbow, "I guess it's fine, I mean uh everyone has one..right?" Senpai smiled. Rainbow sighed in relief and nodded. Senpai heard a sniffle, "oh, who.." Rainbow looked behind her, "that can't be Lunar..she- she's not sensitive like that." Rainbow looked at Senpai. Senpai walked towards it and so did Rainbow, surprised to see...

Lol, I'm gonna leave that cliffhanger just for you! Also next chapter we need more of Draco! So it'll be about him! Anyhoo! Sorry for not doing two chapters today but uh I'm a natural KF! lazy and just want to watch Itsfunneh! Lol see ya!

-Naturally Lazy KF

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