Chapter 37

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Aly peaked out the custodian door, waiting for him to walk by. Aly watched as he brother walked by looking sad and depressed she frowned, she'll talk to him later. Aly finally spotted him, she opened the door and in a swift motion she grabbed him and pulled him inside. The boy hit the broom, "OWW! FUNNEH-" the boy looked up, "oh Aly..heh sorry Funneh used to do this is when we were in elementary. What's up?" He stood and brushed his black hair out of his face, "Wait- no no no I can't talk to you, Funneh said so-" he was about to walk out when Aly grabbed his arm.

"Same but Draco, please. Just don't tell her-" Aly stopped herself, wow she thought, I thought I'd never be the one to break the rules. Aly let go of him, "No, just go. That- this was a bad idea." Draco smiled, "If she'll never know." He said, Aly smiled.

"So uh, how's Lunar? I haven't seen her since the hospital." Aly said, "I haven:t seen her in halls or bathroom." Draco had to think about it, "She's fine- no amazing actually she has a boyfriend now and it seems she has another secret sometimes I see her go into the sewers for some unnatural reaso-" Aly stepped on her tippy toes and kiss Draco, she realized what she did and stepped back.

"Oh no, I'm sorry. I just- you- I have to go." Aly pushed past Draco and stepped out the door, she paused. Draco poked his head out, Funneh. Funneh was going to step inside the custodian closet and scare anyone who walked by. Draco knew because, well, he lives with her.

"Hi there. Well I think this is an event that I shouldn't tell him, goodbye." Funneh said and walked away. Aly looked at Draco, "Dang it, I'm sorry she's going to tell Alec. I have to go defend myself." Draco said and pushed Aly out of the way, "FUNNEH!" he yelled. Aly was going to cry, she might have ruined everything. She walked into the custodian closet and sat on the floor, dang-it-dang-it-dang-it-dang-it. She stared at the ceiling of the closet then looked between her knees.

"Funneh." Draco caught up to her, "I'm sorry, okay I- where are you going?" Funneh turned into the cafeteria where Alec sat on a table of the cafeteria chairs for some weird reason. "Funneh? What are you doing here? Is something wrong?" Alec hopped off the table and walked to her. Draco shook his head at Funneh, "Draco, you're not why I'm here." She told Draco, he sighed in relief. Draco smiled and ran away. 

Alec stood in front of Funneh, "I told you to come here if you needed me," Alec said, "So what is it and if it's about the..the break up I-" 

"Alec I love you." 


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